Weapon Wheel vs Weapon Swap

What do you guys think?

Personally I prefer limited weapons every time unless the game is is like Doom or Quake. Otherwise I feel like it is an immersion breaker and takes a heavy degree of strategy from the gameplay.

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The only thing two weapon limit does is ensures you will only carry the boring assault rifle with you no matter what.


I'm the same as far as doom/quake goes but I'm more a fan of realism, stalker does this fine in weight limit and only two weapon slots. Sure you can become a god with artifacts and keep 50 RGD-5 or vog's on you but I prefer a strong pistol and a scoped semi-auto.

Makes you play smarter when you can't just swap to a shotgun a second after using a fucking .50 cal to snipe someone

weapon wheels can be good but usually aren't very well done
honestly I prefer to use the wheel in dishonoured over binding things to number keys

two weapon limit pretty much greatly reduce the variety of enemies type you can put in a zone. Unless you want to dump the weapons nearby then you are just temporarily swapping the weapon to use it once and then switch it right to your boring set which obviously consists of the boring basic automatic weapon.

And there is hardly any actual strategy involved when you don't even know what enemy type will come up unless you metagame. which again pigeon holes you into the boring safe weapons.

Weapon wheels suck unless it's a fantasy game like Ratchet and Clank. Realistic games benefit from forcing you to chose a load out and stick with it.

I seriously want a real survival game where your weapons can degrade and you get put in the shit for a really long time, having to survive off shit like scavanging and such.

and of course you pretty much never have actual ammo problems because the developers would just 'conveniently' have the proper weapon with plenty of ammo in place.

Something more like RE4's system based on weight.

>gta 5 weapon system
>have like 20 weapons that all do the same shit
>every time you start have to drop those 20 weapons so it's not a pain in the ass when you have to switch in a car

You're both idiots if you think the only alternative is a two weapon limit.

In GTAV you literally have every single weapon in the game. It's not just one gun of each type. It's every fucking gun in every category.

You have to cycle through every single fucking handgun and SMG you have when you want to choose what gun you use for drivebys. Fuck you.

Its called hotkeys, which can be also sorted in groups like in half life.

>I'm too good to carry multiple weapons in a video game

3 or 4 weapon limits are preferable.

>1 handgun
>2 regulars
>1 special

This. If you expect close quarters, open your menu and double click the shotgun.
With mods, you start favoring the cut down shotguns due to the lighter weight.

Weapon wheels are only good if you are limited to the spaces shown. The alternative where each space on the wheel also contains every weapon of that type is too much.

In TLOU (which is one of the only true 10/10 games, lol) you do carry every weapon, but you only have quick access to 4 at a time (initially it's just 2). To swap the weapons in your holsters, you have to go into your backpack in real time. I think this is a system that rewards planning. Like, when you go into the sewers, you're going to make sure you have all your short range guns out. On the streets, you should be armed with the hunting rifle and revolver.

The Last of US did have a pretty neat inventory system, but that wouldn't work so well in something faster paced.

the system already exists in Fallout 3, New Vegas, 4. Where you have to go into your inventory to assign the weapon hotkey. But you are still restricted by weight.

Weapon wheel. Always. Unless we're talking about super serious sim game.

Otherwise it turns into retardation
>drop one of the guns you like to shoot
>pick up level specific gun
>use it once
>stuck with a useless gun until you find a good gun again

Don't worry, you can pay $1,000,000 for an office to become a CEO, then another $500,000 for a gun locker to hide weapons from the wheel!


Choose one

never said anything about Bethesda being good.

Would you rather prefer that I said Deus Ex?

Weapon wheel on consoles + quick switch to last weapon used.
Normal weapon swap on PC

3 weapon slots should be a MINIMUM, why the hell a pistol takes the same slot as a rocket launcher? it should be two primaries and a handgun for semi-realistic games, everything else should have more

Kind of true, but it's not real time switching. So when you turn a corner and run into a deathclaw, you can still pause the game to bring out your shotgun with the "And stay back" perk and obliterate that fucker.

It really only bothered me in RDR because when I started I was like "I'm just going to use a revolver the whole game it'll be great I won't even carry anything else".

Then I got a rifle, ok guess I'll have a pistol and rifle...and a shotgun....and dynamite...and another gun, and another.

Felt like it took something from my character, lessened the personality. I know that sounds silly for a game like that though.

Weapon wheel helps counter the effect of inventory aids but does not directly counter it. Using GTAV as an example there are completely useless weapons that are completely outclassed by others, because of a terribly designed and implemented leveling system that was irrelevant within a week of release, but you are stuck with no way to remove them and so you are stuck cycling through useless shit in your car while looking for the SMG or proxies. You are also subject to the system forgetting which weapon you used last being shown in that weapons section of the wheel for no particular reason.

tl;dr the weapon wheel, as shown, is a symptom of logistics errors in quantity over quality design that fails to adhere to the central design theme. Limited weapons is not a direct counter to this and comparing the two is apples to oranges.

The point of the quick access swap out system (I just made up that name on the spot) is that you need to take advantage of the momentary points of calmness to plan for when things get real. Also, you know Vanquish? It's got a 4 weapon system and it's the fastest shooter that I know. You only have time to swap out weapons after a fight is finished.

IMO 4 weapon limits are preferable to 2 weapon limits. You can have more, but it should take a few seconds to get to them if you don't have them in holsters.

Max Payne 3 did this right, your character has two holsters so you can keep any combination of two one handed guns at all times, then if you pick up a two handed gun like a rifle or a shotgun, you keep it until you decide to akimbo again, since max does not have a magical spine magnet to keep his rifle stuck to his back, you gotta opt out of akimbo if you wanna keep your gun for longer, it looks quite cool when max holds shotty in one hand and beretta in the other.

Yeah, there's so many shooters where it makes no sense that you don't always have a pistol. Especially when your character HAS a pistol holster and you can fucking a see a pistol in it, but can't use it.

Weapon Wheels are the only acceptable system for a console FPS. It can exist for PC games so long as they still have the traditional setup, like D44M for example.

The Wheel is actually useful as it allows you to hold a very large amount of weapons and you're able to quickly select what you want. Take Turok 2 for example, the game that invented this system if I recall, it allows you to hold over 20 different guns; keep in mind there's a second page of weapons as well as multiple weapons sharing the same slot.

I like new vegas but as it stands you can literally pause the game, switch weapon type use multiple drugs, stimpak and even chuck mines with the help of turbo it's entirely nonsensical and makes the combat boring to tell the truth

NV combat is rather drawn out and dull which compared to SoC which literally throws you a mission of taking down a bandit camp with only a pistol is funny

but of course you can gimp yourself. I personally refuse to ever access my pip while in combat in any fallout game and fo4 though shit can be quite fun if you choose to play it using only combat armor


i dont mind limited carry capacity, games can encourage you to drop weapons and pick up something else and try it

problem is some games that limit carry capacity tend to foreshadow way too much. you find a rifle and it means a sniper section is coming up and if you don't pick it up then, when you get to that section there's a rifle there anyway instead of a way to take on the situation with something else.

>find a rocket launcher
>suddenly vehicles
>not enough ammo, if any at all, outside of those set pieces to use the RL for the rest of the game
I hate it.

>mounted gun
>section where you mow down dozens upon dozens of enemies coming out several chokepoints

Numerous weapons are fine but

>open wheel
>enter bullet-time until you select your weapon

This shit is not OK

I agree. It's stupid that your pistol falls out of its leg holster when you sling another rifle on your back. It should still stay, even if it only has one or two back up magazines.

This is the only correct answer. I know "ITS A VIDEOGAME" but there's nothing more immersive breaking (and just overpowered) than being able to carry every gun in the game.

If RDR2 doesn't follow MP3 in that regard then I know it will be a bad game right out of the bat.

lets not forget, OG Call of Duty got it right where you had two primaries, handgun and a grenade slot.

If I'm a fucking space marine in hell killing demons out of revenge for a pet bunny, I couldn't give a shit less about immersion; so strap 20 guns to my back for all I care.

>(and just overpowered)
It's only overpowered if they don't make the game balanced around the fact that you're a walking arsenal. This includes enemy health and placement as well as gun/ammo placement. all of which leads into level design.

>grenade launcher is a primary weapon
in a 2 slot load out
>only comes with 2 rounds
>only explosive rounds

for fucks sake when is someone going to make a game where you can carry multiple types of grenade launcher ammo like smoke or buckshot along with explosive

It's kind of funny how MGSV limits you to one hip gun, one back gun and one leg gun, but you can also carry 96 thrown weapons in your support slots and 60 cardboard boxes in your items slots.

GTA isn't really supposed to be realistic, so I don't mind it there, but I prefer 2 primary, 1 secondary, and 1~2 equipment

Like The Last of Us?

I think TLOU had a really good weapon storage mechanic, only flaw I can find is that the character isn't encumbered by the sheer weight of all the weapons they are carrying.
I think the ideal system would be something between stalker and TLOU

It's an enjoyable game, but weapons do not degrade in TLOU. You should actually play games before you talk about them.

What I want is something closer to Far Cry 2. You can go to an armory and choose your weapons, but then you're in the shit while out doing missions.You can be forced to swap it up from the style you were comfortable with because your main weapon ran out of the special ammo it uses, or because it broke.

>I'm a two-weapon console babby

Got to go with grenades or DYNAMITE

the boxes fall from the sky though

Unreal 2. It's one of the only good things about that game, though.

It has six ammo types.

>Toxic Gas

you realize being able to carry even 2 non-hand gun weapons is unrealistic right

not if you are a power armor user with built in weapon systems.

when will someone make a smart kit/encumbrance system where you can range from just concealed handgun

to hiding a sawed shotgun under a trenchcoat

or overt and slow moving with a rifle and a rocket launcher on your back

the dumbest part of GTA is how you can be standing on the street like a civilian one moment and pull out a 50 call sniper the next

should at LEAST need to pull that out of the trunk or something

I agree.

I personally don't mind weapon wheels, but it makes me MAD to see that goddamn GTA V weapon wheel of accumulating useless guns. There's literally no reason to include so many guns if there are no real differences between weapons of one category, and choosing the right weapon when driving is possibly the worst control thing in years.

Fuck Rockstar for messing such a simple thing up.

Rockstar should have just implemented an inventory screen/UI

they should just use a tetris inventory like RE4

Or 200,000 for a clubhouse and then 320,000 for a weapon locker.

What benefits are there to using a weapon wheel over 1234QERF and ZXC if you need them

using a controller

nothing, games are just made with consoles in mind first

Totally depends on the game

For something like Mass Effect where enemies might have shield, armor, and barrier, and are running in to gut you, the wheel is much better

Otherwise just memorize a few hotkeys, better yet have a gaming mouse for switching

I like the way STALKER did it. You could do dumb shit like this, but it's infeasible in any situation to use more than like two guns.

I prefer an unlimited amount of weapons that can be held with no weapon wheel, only cycling. In a game like Timesplitters, most levels only have 5 or so weapons per level anyway, so a wheel is pointless, but every level has a different selection of weapons available.

Having all the weapons available gives you so many fucking options for dealing with enemies and rewards you for using the right tool for the right job. A two weapon system rewards you for picking the weapon that gives you the most ammo, or taking advantage of a convenient drop that the devs planned for you to use in certain encounters.

For example, in Halo 2 during the first Earth level there's a sniper rifle in one of the buildings before you get to a section with a ton of sniper jackals. It has enough ammo to get you through that section, as the next section involves tighter spacing. The section after that is a warthog area. Another example is Duke Nukem Forever, where basically every boss will have an infinite crate of explosives around it since you can only hold 2 weapons with barely any ammo for them.

Entirely up to game type.

Give me a backpack for holding a limited amount of objects and holsters for quick access. You have to manage quick inventory and storage inventory, even for things like grenades, spare clips, magazines, shells, etc.

Arcadey? Give me weapon wheel/hotkeys with every weapon.

Sim/Realistic? Max Payne 3 had the best system for weapon inventory but two weapon limit is also fine.

RPG? Limited weapons based on character type, but no hard limit on total weapons carried so long as you have enough carrying capacity.

depends on the game

and two-weapon limit is god tier

weapon limits are trash