Senran Kagura

Beep beep! Here comes best chest!

Bigger than all the rest!

Neet-bully not allowed edition.

Is Senran Kagura Sup Forums's favorite series?

When it comes to jacking off, that or DOA

thick clean neet

So is she officially the fattest?

105 cm bust.

She is the bustiest but the least fun to play.

Official art varies wildly and is sure looks like it in the OP image, but her belly is never referenced ingame or the ova despite the weight gain scenarios like Yomi's and Ryoubi's

at least I think

If the term THICC doesn't exist in your vocabulary then perhaps.

>least fun to play
>not activating frantic from the very start and going on a slaughter

die you degenerate barneyfag

Ryoubi's worse.

Charged hard attacks with her are fun, though.

Generic ice-lady and Ryoubi are my least favorite out of the entire roster... either way, have you worshipped best chest yet?

someone post that image where Homura is about to impregnate Yumi

I enjoy playing with her in EV.

I want to steal all her pizza

I want to share all our pizzas

Murakaki is a fat slut. Instead post Ryoubi's fat butt.

I want to feed her pizza and massage her boobs and butt hourly to help them grow bigger.

i want to hug, fug, and marry the snek

She'd love that.

I'm going to make Murasaki work! WORK!!

She isn't made for working.