What the fuck is up with that art style?
it's evolving into fucking mickey mouse ears.
>hair under the eyebrows
Piglike is right. Cinematic universes need to die.
I've never really been a fan of their humor, but that art style is just fucking disgusting.
every damn thread without fail
is this a new meme I'm unaware of?
The comic or the art style question?
Wasn't Fantastic Beasts a prequel? What can it set up for? Everything has already happened. :/
I enjoyed it if only because it had the charm of Rowling's world without the need to put up with the shitty child actors.
Dry Bones is a qt
rowling cant into pacing, so that's not really a surprise
Why did penny arcade decide to ruin its legacy with these ghost writer/artists?
It was a tiny book written for charity that was literally just descriptions of monsters in the harry potter world, 140 pages at most. There was no plot until they decided they needed more money from the franchise.
This is just a poor man's version of Angel Summoner and BMX Bandit.
Because some people care more about money than some intangible 'legacy.' Shocker.
>What the fuck is up with that art style?
people asking this question everytime
they need to pay other people to make the comics and the adrev is shit specially after a while of atrocious quality comics driving the fanbase off
If only he made that final jump.
epona can't be lonely because the links in those games are basically just reincarnations. epona isn't even around to be lonely in those games.
That was a cute comic.
Seems to be the trend with these types of comics.
>that fucking ending
holy shit
it was so worth it
i click the images but nothing happens wtf
>they need to pay other people to make the comics
Yeah, and my boss needs to pay me to do my job so I will make him more money than what he pays me. Have you never heard of a business before? And even then it's more about brand recognition for PAX.
>1st panel: recent pop culture
>2nd: pop culture mixed with weird non-sequitur shit
>3rd: more non sequitur
Every single Penny Arcade ever?
>Not just using your own name or nickname
>Not just using one of the default characters
stop trying to get immersed
I've only seen that question in reference to Penny Arcade
Pig like doesn't actually draw anymore, they have interns to draw and ghost write for them
> brand recognition for PAX.
shit comics leads to people recognizing PAX as related to something shitty
People always question the art degradation and lack of arms with red.
what did he mean by this?
I'm... honestly not sure?
Yeah, and the attendance numbers really reflect that. That was sarcasm, by the way. The target audience for PAX is the casual tier that considers these comics average at worst.
>I got a boner 4U
epona fuckin drowned senpai
this is a test
please do not reply to my post
stet desu
If only his art was a bit better he could've been the next shadman.
That was a lame comic and the joke went on for too long. What a fucking hipster.
The best part of that picture is that it's plagiarized.
Best ending.
This comic and the one with the grandfather clock never cease to amuse me.
There's literally nothing wrong with Shadman.
how did he build that house?
He was the original Shadman before Shadman was Shadman.
>no airman
step up
also does anyone have the that beta and that chick arguing and then airman?
And somehow Fuckly made it worse.
Based fuckin' Bob.
Post the original of this
Every fucking time
Dragged and dropped from his inventory.
holy fuck what's up with pictures taking forever to load/not loading at all? this is ridiculous
That fucking chin
Why does Pretty Boy look like he is stoned 24/7? Also is it possible to *sparkle sparkle* irl?