Tfw it truly, finally, literally got here

>tfw it truly, finally, literally got here
>forgot to buy games


Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw it hasn't even shipped yet

Arr. Yoho yoho.

I got pokemon moon cause sun was sold out, as a genwunner that hasn't played anything since then except emulating black, it's pretty ok so far.
The new 3d movement is cool though it makes the game feel slower.
Also the game is slower.
Difficulty is non-existent though.
On top of new handholding features like effectiveness next to each move, there's random shit like mystery trade...
I had no clue what it was and figured it'd be like a marketplace for trading pokemon and you could sort by type and level and make offers etc, but nope.
You just pick a pokemon and poof it's gone and you get someone else's random pokemon in exchange.
I tried it out at the beginning of the game when my party was all level 6-8, offered up a lvl 6 bird looking thing (don't know the newer gens yet)
what I got back was a lvl 35 psyduck
like wat
there goes the whole game right there

Jesus who cats

btw it's not called mystery trade it's like magical trade or miracle trade or something
I got confused with mystery gift

Shut update

are you one of those neural network bots


silly wagecuck, who wastes their money on video games

I'm depressed and have been for the past few months, I hate everything and you can't take my only hobby (shitposting) away that easily. Also I'm actually the only one on this websote besides you.


I don't think you understand

those 3DS's ship with 11.0 so OP would have to have an already hax'd o3DS

If I have a friend with a hacked 3ds and I get a xl is it hard to hack it with that method?

What is the point of buying this shit if you're over the age of 12?

fucking best buy finally shipped mine yesterday, and meanwhile amazon sent mine the day after they came out

to play good video games?

doggo wouldn't like you to be depressed tho

Video games

>3ds games

It's not hard but it takes a little while and his NNID would move to your 3DS so you'd have to wait a week to transfer it back or call Nintendo to unlink it.

That's wonder trade. The GTS is where you actually make specific requests for pokemon

Also should note if you're transferring to a N3DS and he has an O3DS you can't transfer back so your only option would be calling Nintendo to unlink

I was just joking im a happy litte guy thanks manno

ok bruv keep it up

What if I transfer that but never ever get the xl online? Will that shit work as an offline 3ds?

I mean if you hack it you can go online with no worries. His NNID would still transfer to your 3DS though and if he wants to use it again then he'd have to transfer back or call Nintendo

you need to have a 3ds hacked with arm9loaderhax + luma
have bought legends of exidia from the eshop
a way to launch homebrew without browser (on the unhacked 3ds)

so simple. so easy. so quick.

Thanks I'll read about it.

Stop being fucking manchildren faggots that play baby games.