What is Sup Forums's stance on Dumpster Diving?

What is Sup Forums's stance on Dumpster Diving?

I do it. Scored a bunch of candy, odd toys, laptop with a bad hard drive. TV with a broken coax port, cookies still sealed in box.

GameStop usually works a deal with Jimmy John's and has them dump their nasty ass food trash on top of theirs to prevent diving. Bunch of cocks if ya ask me.

Something poor people do

>Something poor people do

>Not flipping the shit you find
>Being this dumb

We all don't want to live at home being a NEET homie.

It's a buggy mess

I dunno about dumpster diving myself, but I go around garage sales and buy up old vidya. Usually looking for those older big box PC games.

Always pathetic
Sometimes profitable

this shit pisses me off so much

I go dumpsterdiving with my friend and he always takes a cut of my loot even tho he dont do shit he took a ps3 and an xbox a dj hero turntable and a good faceplate

In Tyrannical Ontario, Canada

If its a residential dumpster, its legal so long as you don't get reported for trespassing.

If its a businesses dumpster, its illegal due to all electronics being subject to a recycling fee when purchased even by the retailer (cost usually passes to the consumer if purchased). In short taking electronics out of a dumpster outside businesses is considered theft

>Scored a bunch of candy
what the fuck is wrong with you?

Yahoo Auctions Japan is my dumpster
¿10 dollars for 20 brand new PS1 games? ¿30 dollars for 370 wiiu/wii/SFC/DS/PS/GB/PSP games? I love that place.

>not getting a well paying job and earning a real salary instead of wading through garbage to flip $5 worth of junk nobody wants

if you are flipping shit you find in a dumpster to make money, you are poor.

rich people wouldnt need to do this

Probably crouching

I used to do it until I got caught and talked to by the popo. Now I still do it.

Absolutely hallal

Not sure what country you live in, but most candy comes hermetically sealed in civilized areas.

Get deported already you little fuck


it's jewish


and most civilized people can comfortably say they don't eat stuff from the trash can.
Again, what the fuck is wrong with you.

i do, not in dumpsters though

go to dumps, i find SHIT TONS of retro stuff
i pulled at least dozens of NES, SNES, Dreamcast, GC, etc etc

tons of games, found fucking mega man 1. who the fuck tosses that out?


You're doing it wrong, efendim.

Enjoy your "fence"

If I knew where some good, clean dumpsters were, maybe. I'd do the one in that pic.

If the dumpster is filled exclusively with video game consoles and electronics, yeah - I'd dive in.

I don't know how I'd notice - its not like any normal person is checking to see whats inside the dumpsters they walk by.

bien hecho carlitos

ten feet higher

As long as you wash your hands, brush your teeth and die early from septic shock or moldlung from being a filthy fuck I'm fine with it.

I've made thousands of dollars scrapping and selling shit but it really is only a side thing to supplement income. I could regale you with tales of how a guy threw out 200 CD's and I made $300 in less than a half hour but the reality is hours of nothing, spending gas and chainsmoking cigarettes while looking for car batteries and old lawnmowers.

and we once got a whole computer thrown out all peripherals because it had a virus, and it took me literally 10 minutes and a simple kaspersky wipe to get it back into working condition

it's fun, can be exciting but its really not "safe"

you think some of these posters take any initiative in their lives at all?

i mean i dont dumpster dive, plenty of ways to make money other than doing that. but hey to each his own, we have mad people on this planet so everyones gotta do something

>not just gaming the system at your workplace so you earn 30% more than your coworkers and don't have to go through other people's refuse

Come on man get it together

one of my server coworkers said he found a wedding ring out by our dumpster one night, showed it to all of us and one of our illegal cooks swore on his life that it was his. Kid was like 20 and could barely speak a word of spanish, yet somehow thought we'd believe he could ever afford such a ring.

Quality post!

I picked up a decent Trinitron off the curb the other day. it even has component inputs.

it needs recalibration though the bottom left corner has some stretching and bleeding. but nothing too bad. I might look up how to recalibrate it and hope I don't die fiddling around in there.

is this where all those fucking "pregnant with mexican half-breed" images stem from?

what is initiative

unless you make more than 50k+ a year you really can't comment, even then that's no marker of initiative

He could have gotten it as a gift, maybe it was his dead mothers or something. Point being is if no one else is making a true claim then he might have been telling the truth.

That was a bretty gud carlospost.

I wonder how many vidya collections one man scored came from some kid's mom taking away all his stuff without telling him

>its not like any normal person is checking to see whats inside the dumpsters they walk by.

If videogames have taught me anything it's to steer clear of dumpsters because each one is hiding at least 7 ninjas who are waiting to assassinate the next guy that passes.

>people throw out computers when they get a virus

thats bullshit but i believe it

I think it's gross but if you guys find neat stuff then good on you!

tell me more stories user

this is the most interesting shit I've read in this shithole since the last deep sea thread

where do you usually find the good stuff?


I work in a tech support field and the number of calls we get in a day about someone buying a new computer because their old one "crashed" is crazy. Normies don't know how to take care of their things and can't troubleshoot for shit. Computers are a disposable commodity and if it looks like it won't work, they'd rather just buy a new one.

have you ever taken someones jizzed up porn magazine they threw out and then licked the jizz

Used to work for Goodwill for about 3 years. Yo uwouldnt believe some of the shit people donated.
Unfortunately, you werent allowed to shop at the one you worked at because of some stupid "fair game" for the customer rule gimmick.
Whenever someone donated something of value, it would go in a separate gay-lord (huge 4x4x4 cardboard box) and we would sell it later.
Id always take the good, small shit outside to the dumpster and get it at the end of the night. I have like, 300+ photos of all the cool shit we got.
It was a dope job other than the average wage pay and shitty management.

Post pics

post pictures of the loot

Wow, I didnt think anyone would actually reply to me.
Hold on, Ill see if I can find any on my PC. They're all saved on my iPhone before I upgraded to Android.

Heres one. It was filled all the way with Xbox games. The back 4 pages were all Halo 2 for some reason lmao.


shieet you lucky motherfucker

>were all Halo 2 for some reason lmao.

Lan parties my dude. Keep posting more, I knew people at goodwill have been taking shit for years now to sell. Thank god I bought most of my favorite shit 10 years ago.

This also came with a factory sealed PS2 slim, I took a separate picture of.

Heres the PS2 from my previous post. It had 4 controllers underneath it, but I didnt take a pic of em.

Nothing wrong with it if the seal isn't broken.

I get shit from a dumpster behind a local bakery, there's always sealed doughnut and muffin boxes in there.

Keep going. I'm like a kid in a candystore here.

Shit, thought it was a PS2, my B. Its been a few years since I worked there.
Heres more.

>Used to work as a street sweeper.
>Work in the SUPER nice parts of town.
>Go check out their donation bins or the Goodwill Stores.
>Tons of brand name clothes with tags still attached, some electronics, few vidya.

Fortune favors the bold, senpai.

Do it faggot.

I've picked up dozens of these.

If it's in nice shape you can get at least $100 for a multiscan on craigslist with BNC inputs.

jesus I fucking love free shit

This was probably one of the most expensive things we got donated. It was actually still sealed, I cut it open to look at it.
It was my first day there too, actually. Ill post the receipt for it next.

>mfw in middle school when my first best friend who's family was working class while I was upper middle class talks about eating donuts from the dumpster behind the local grocery store bakery.

DAMN nigga, nice

Heres what this hunk of plastic cost.
Also, these are just the vidya related stuff. I got a FUCK ton of other cool shit.

So how much of your vidya collection comes from goodwill now?

Also, sorry for them not being rotated, my iPhone was fucked up at the time and it only worked when it was held a specific orientation.

A decent chuck of it. Someone actually donated a C O M P L E T E D Alienware tower. Stole that shit later that night and sold it for 800$.
I tried to take as much as I could, but it was super risky. I havent worked there in about 4-5 years.

found a 90s VHS anime collection in a cardboard on the street once

got bed bugs my parents hated me ever since they thought it was the grill i used to bring over

holy fucking shit

who the fuck donates a 4000$ PC for fucks sake, did the guy murder someone? I mean where the fuck does all that stuff go to? It's not like some somalian kid is going to enjoy the wonders of pc gaming

>got bed bugs my parents hated me ever since they thought it was the grill i used to bring over

>having a goodwill store with an accessible dumpster
Lucky shit, that shit's locked off and watched here.

>who the fuck donates a 4000$ PC
people with money who don't know how computers work
there are literally people who buy new PCs when their current one gets slow

One of the last things I took from them.
We have a flat .99c for any video game that isnt a disk/CD. So that means ALL of these would be priced at a dollar each.
The N64 would have probably sold for about 5$, controllers about 2$.

>This fucking shit is that expensive

God damn I hate apple.

Where else am I going to find indie games

FFS, forgot the pic.

I once found a beat up Jak 2 case with the game still inside at a park. I wish I could have raided the dumpsters when Gamestops here dumped PS2 shit, but I wasn't brave enough.

>who the fuck donates a 4000$ PC for fucks sake
Maybe they wanted to get some tax benefit, and decided to donate some of the shit they never used for it.

Wow, they're in pretty good condition.

Same guy donated both of these at the same time saying "my son is fucking brat", and just drove off.
k lol

>Implying I don't work
>Implying I don't make a 'real' salary
>Implying I make poverty dollars from flipping

Only time I dove in a dumpster was set up... A friend used to work at a hardware/tool shop and they were throwing out all their "returned/broken" tools. Pretty much everything was brand new and completely unbroken, 100's of different shit. It was Christmas in July for all my friends and family that year.

Find any hot shit on the laptop?

I dumpster dive occasionally, a lot of the local dumps are closing down around my place.

Got lucky over the years and found some gas can, tools for the shed, amiibo`s with a small amount of dirt on them, and a matress with the box spring set which I would guess was around $600 bucks which was factory sealed.

Right? They all worked too. Only had to clean the yellow controller, also. Still got these too, as a memento.

Also, we plugged this tower up and it booted just fine. Had Win7 on it. Cant remember the specs on it, but it ran games pretty well.

>had a friend who would dumpster dive
>tells us the local GameStop would slice across Dreamcast/GameCube/PS2/Xbox discs they couldn't sell when they were removing stock before chucking them in the trash
>don't believe him
>he shows us a bunch of cut discs, torn manuals, and broken cases

No, we only start them up to see if they're in sellable condition.
I did however find an iPhone with about 4 gigs of nudes on it.
Here's more shit.

We just throw it out.
I recently got some steam keys for Deponia and State of Decay this way.

those animals.

Can you please not ask for it

Had a friend come and pick this up before we closed. Didnt even know N64 had this color.
It had a shit ton of rare games with it.

>Here's more shit.
>not posting the .rar with the nudes


Lost em awhile ago. Sorry user.
I got a bunch more coming, if you're all still interested.

Were the nudies at least good looking?
I remember my sister bringing back a phone she found in the street, owner probably lost it.
We decided to take a look in it, just for the hell of it, and we discovered a shitload of nudes, problem is, it was the nudies of some 300kg landwhale.

My eyes were never the same since then.

any tips on going to goodwill for old shit?


I don't know why but this shit is exciting, like I can play all those games and own all that shit by just looking at the pictures