How come only normies play games that have actual graphics?

How come only normies play games that have actual graphics?

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Why do you keep posting this shit

>wearing skintight leather pvc in hot weather
>realistic graphics

i bet she could fill up a mug with all the sweat under there haha

Really curious but why do you guys hate this?

The graphics look great and you can see scratches on it. Usually Sup Forums eats this shit up because muh graphics, but why do you guys shit on this picture lately?

Why do you never have a compelling response to it? No one is giving me satisfaction.


"actual graphics", PS4 and PC, Epic Games 2016.


It's good, but takes a while to get into. Games are also pretty long.

I honestly don't think it's hit its stride yet

it's an endlessly reposted bait/shill thread. It used to be
>why aren't you playing Paladins, Sup Forums? it has actual graphics

or maybe it wasn't paladins. Smite? Paragon? The game itself was so non-memorable I might be confusing my pastas.

That's a real nice shader.

i just want to fap to pvc leather asses user, i dont care about console wars

In six days the new map and complete system overhaul / rebalance will drastically speed things up. It'll basically be a whole new game.

It's never been anything but Paragon. Those trash games you mentioned do not have actual graphics. Kill yourself.

Hey OP I forgot your reddit account, mind posting it?

which hero is that?

Jesus fuck how much do you honestly get paid for this? What kind of gig do I need to do to get paid to shill on v?

I thought the bottom pic was a close-up of a car door at first


they are not neets and can afford to splash the cash on anything new that looks good, without a second thought. whilst we must enviously clear the flesh gunk from our keyboards and endlessly shitpost about how our FTP games have superior design and artistic value.

Stop. Fucking. Shilling.

and I would drink it

>actual gameplay

>not liking underboob sweat

Haha yeah gross

>OP gets paid to promote this garbage on here and reddit

>endlessly shitpost about how our FTP games have superior design and artistic value.

ironically, OP's pic is from a F2P game