
Empoleon is finally revealed albeit early (so no video) , which means all the Wii U update characters are known. Which also means the arcade version might be done and these characters (Darkrai, Scizor, Croagunk, Empoleon) might come to Wii U at some point (or in the inevitable Switch version)

Empoleon is fucking badass, but i heard mixed opinions about the game.

>tfw you beta tested this game for switch owners
Thanks a lot Nintendo.

The game isn't bad, but it got a lot of flak at Evo (despite it actually running on time for the most part) and it's just veyr non traditional. The hard set up for local play doesn't help it, but the eventual Switch version will improve that aspect by a lot.

I mean, the new characters were first leaked in a Wii U patch.

I always thought Empoleon's body was made of steel.

Nah, just the blue bits since they're shiny.

penguins don't have feathers like that


No lusamine? Fuck this.

Tentacle Rape Lusamine would actually be a sick character.

dont forget Smash, Mario Kart, Splatoon and Xenoblade X

It was fucking dull.

So WiiU update when?

why am i attracted to a penguin? this doesn't make me a furfag i hope

what feathers?

water dedede

Empoleon confirmed best Sinnoh starter! Torterrafags and Infernapeshitters BTFO!

Empoleon is fucking cool, so I'm glad he's in. Not sure if I'll main him, but he's a good addition. Crazy how many Gen 4 reps there are now though.

I don't really care who gets into this game, I just really enjoy seeing Pokemon models with this detail level

yeah, methinks someone in the dev team loves gen 4

>Double KO achievement
>requires not one, but TWO double KOs

Fucking why? Why two? I've only ever seen one to begin with.

Sinnoh remakes confirmed?

I forgot this game existed.

why does empoleon always looked pissed