Holy fucking shit

Holy fucking shit.
This thing is ridiculous.

>dat play rough
It's too strong, and people have the nerve to say this game is somehow easier than XY.

Easiest totem beast imo

>this fucking Haunter and it's hypnosis

Who the fuck is saying it's easier than XY? Sun/Moon is the only Pokemon game that's been even remotely challenging, which is definitely a fresh change of pace from the piss easy campaign it usually has.

Su/Mo are what I would consider "easier" than perhaps 1st/2nd gen games due to those games having less potential options available to you, but I have to give credit that Su/Mo actually had some difficulty to it. Lurantis fucked my shit up and I had to use Revives so I did not white out.

While I can't say the rest of the game is insanely hard, especially with EXP Share, the Totems are definitely very well-designed and carry some difficulty I did not expect. Wishiwashi, Lurantis and Mimikyu are definitely Nuzlocke killers.

You're in the Pokecenter when this guy comes up and play roughs your waifumon's ass. What do you do?

I've seen some of the early players said it was easy

>Wishiwashi, Lurantis and Mimikyu are definitely Nuzlocke killers.

Definitely true. Wishiwashi took me for a ride and Lurantis surprised me with the Cast form popping Sunny Day. Mimikyubgave me trouble by virtue of me not having a super-effective attack to use against it.

The game it's harder than XY but it's still easy.

Also, anyone knows if someone is working on a SM romhack?

>tfw my waifumon is a dragon
Call the funeral home, I guess.

The difficulty in SM was really odd.

For the most part, it was very easy, but when it got difficult, it got real difficult.

I'd say that on average it is one of the easiest pokemon games, but it's hard parts are harder than most of the others by a significant margin.

A shame that it only gets difficult against a few of the totems and trainers that actually have 5 or 6 Pokemon though.

Best Totem
Best Trial
Best Captain

Ghost Trail was a lot of fun.

>use Z move first
>no damage

Tell her to Trop Kick the shit out of it until its too weak to do anything.

Emergency exit out

That shit was the worst. I have to imagine that a lot of people, maybe even most, fell for that trap and lost on their first run of the trial.

After you know Mimikyu's ability, you can just Z move it like any other totem, and it's gg ez.

>the room you fought in isn't there when you return

I was lucky for having an alolan muk with me.

>Kill the Haunter
>Summons Gengar

what would that matter, mimikyu isn't weak to poison


[laughs in steel type]

It's weak to Dark dude

>mfw finally got the idol style
And only because two of the contestants did literally nothing except spamming protect the whole match. I really hope the battle tree isn't filled with as much bullshit as the battle royals.

>Mimikyuu spamming Play Rough
>Gengar spamming shadow ball

>play on switch
>turn on Exp. Share
>use Refresh
>proceed to claim it's an easy game

>Drilbur used Metal Claw!

>Don't be silly, there isn't any back room there!
>She's right

Oh wait its not I'm a faggot

Nintoddlers everyone.

Not even the hardest Totem.
Only thing hard was how hard I facepalmed after I z-moved his disguise

>There are people who actually fainted in SuMu

But it's not, fairy type means it takes neutral damage.

How long does it take to get it? Is it cute?

>90% accuracy
Hope you don't mind it missing when you really need it. Such was the fate of my 45 win BT singles


that was me

>be team of all ghosts
>outsped and hit with sucker punch + shadow claw every turn
>only win with amie bullshit letting me tank 3 hits with 1 hp and dodge a final sucker punch

what a fucking nightmare

Does Celesteela have more smut drawn of her than Pheromosa does? I think the answer might be yes.

what game


They're doing it to trigger you. And they succeeded.

Exact same thing happened to me, and that was the first time I used the Incineroar specific z-crystal.

>Expect to blow the little fucker out
>Nothing happens
>Haunter sleeps my shit

Is this thing actually any good? I was training Stenee for a while but I dropped it because it's moveset seemed shitty

The nigga tanked his play rough and any ghost moves like a champ and i also badly poisoned him so i just had to wait until the poison got so bad it died from it.


I find it's a fucking breeze outside totems.

The only thing hard about the games are the totems and the totems are only hard if you're a dumb fuck who just started playing JRPGs yesterday and doesn't keep a healthy stack of status effect items.

Haha the battle tree is worse because of how long it is. I had to ditch my moody smeargle soley because even a single accuracy down gives the game an excuse to make everything miss.

Very good. Trop kick lowers enemy's attack while hitting them hard, she has an excellent attack stat to back it up, and has some solid defense too.

Same, I OHKO'd the kahunas with like one or two mons, the totems were the ones that pushed my shit in

>Use Mimikyu on dragon totem
>It dies turn 2 with a single swords danced play rough

It's great ingame at least.

My Torracat was the same level as the Lurantis and my Z-Fire Fang only did about half it's health, which it immediately healed off.

What the fuck is Mallow feeding that thing?

Man this one game so many problems he just kept one hit killing my Fletchinder like it was nothing.

>trop kick
>High jump miss

>Beat E4
>Switch my party with some low leveled shitmons and one or two high leveled ones to train
>Go to Poni island to explore the previously gated off area
>Gen 6 cocksuckers out of nowhere
>Dexio takes a shit on me with his level 60+ team and mega Alakazam

Granted I beat his face in afterwards but I was mad as fuck over it

>wild pokemon called for help
whoa, too hard

Bones and Mushrooms.

>120 base attack
>72/98/98 bulk
>Play Rough, Aromatherapy, Synthesis by egg
>High Jump Kick, Trop Kick, Acrobatics, Rapid Spin, U-Turn
>immune to all priority
>immune to powder moves
>likes to stomp on your dick
>but becomes sub if you play with her crown
She's great mate.

Sinister Arrow Raid

Yeah, the dragon trial was probably the easiest of them all. Which is a shame really, considering how late it is in the game and how the rest of the island has a good level spike. At least the champ is tough.

Kommo-o was the easiest totem. At that point you have so many TMs and Pokemon options that you definitely have something to beat it with. Not to mention it spams an attack that lowers it's own defense.

>using cheap item tactics on bosses instead of getting gud with your team

Seriously? She was piss easy user.

for your dragon?

tfw the ost is available right now for free

Yeah, it's pretty good actually.
Tsareena has access to tools like U-turn, screens, and attacks like Trop Kick and Low Sweep which can stop physical pokemon in their tracks. It is also surprisingly bulky, and has a terrifying boosting move in Z-Splash.

Yeah he was pretty tough.
I feel like it was easier because I didn't use my starter. The Toxapex toxic spikes setup followed by mimikyu sweep was too much for him.

>>immune to all priority
Only with queen something ability but yeah this one is quite the monster.

I've found the best way to absolutely fuck yourself is to kill the 1st ally in a Totem fight.

>Alomomola starts healing Wishiwashi
>Castform lets Lurantis Solar Blade every turn

I haven't played since the original, which one should I go with?

>Get to Battle Tree for the first time
>Half my team is fainted or injured from the trek
>Choose to battle Red
>Manage kick his ass

>struggling in a modern pokemon game.

I beat it without so much of a struggle. Pokemon games LITERALLY hold your hands. Training, buying items, etc. No wonder Sup Forums hates the orginals, you faggots probably thought they were too tough.


Could you imagine if Tsareena was the grass totem instead of Lurantis?

Black/White or TCG.

Sun is better in every way

Obligatory Acerole is CUTE

Would you let her Protect you Sup Forums?

>pokemon diamond
>not the actual diamond version

>Totem Lurantis
>Summons Castform
>Castform uses Sunny Day
>mfw Solar Blade

Heart Gold/Soul Silver
Black and White 1&2

It's more silly than cute. I'd say it's worth it though. It took me somewhere between 20-30 tries but you do get BP for playing so it's not that bad. Prepare yourself for some extreme bullshit and NPCs doing everything in their power to make sure you lose though. Them having access to all Pokemon, even legendaries and megas, plus items even though you don't is annoying as well.

Trust me, going up against a mega Garchomp, an Articuno and an explosion happy Minior at the same time isn't fun.

Out of those? Crystal.

I cannot figure out how to get there. I really wanna start breeding.. is it through that cave on Poni island?

No. You're a bad mom

Why was there no proper victory road in this game? Easily the biggest disappointment

He beat my ass three times because I had no answer to his Charizard.
>Bewear gets fucking roasted
>Golisopod is slower and Emergency Exit means I can't win
>43 speed
>Pikachu somehow is slower and gets one shot by Fire Blast
>Mimikyu has to pray for paralysis or else get 1 (2) shot by Fire Blast

skip gen 3, they all suck
jump to gen 4 and play Platinum and either HG or SS
play black or white
don't bother XY nor ORAS and go for either Sun or Moon

Kommo-o is literally OHKOd by any fairy move

No, go east instead of north

Alolan budget cuts

Nigga you have a map, use it. Instead of heading through the meadow that leads to the cave, stick to the northern right edge of the Poni Plains.

Literally fucked me up more than the totems did.

>play black or white
and black 2 or white 2 also

Gen V delivered the best games from its gen

I have not lost a single battle and only had one pokemon knocked out so far. This game is not hard and Totems are pushovers.

>have an all Ghost/X team
>wipe it out in 2 hits

Though it's been a great addition to my ghost team. One of my new favorite pokemon.

>Lycanroc used Accelerock

t. just beat totem raticate

Thx guys. I'm headed out there now. Hopefully I'll find it.

Congratulations man you are so good at pokemon.

why wouldn't you use Exp. Share though like give me ONE good reason
all it does it increase grind by turning it off