Marvel Vs. Capcom 4 thread
Last thread 404
Current rumors:
Getting announced at the end of Capcom cup
2V2 (I hope not)
UMvC3 port by Iron Galaxy coming
No X-men or Fantastic 4 allowed
Marvel Vs. Capcom 4 thread
Last thread 404
Current rumors:
Getting announced at the end of Capcom cup
2V2 (I hope not)
UMvC3 port by Iron Galaxy coming
No X-men or Fantastic 4 allowed
i hope the 2v2 rumor isnt true....also the rumor roster for marvel is pure cancer only character im looking forward too is punisher
I'd be alright with a UMvC3 PS4/PC port to hold over, never going to happen though
I need gwenpool or spidergwen though
TvC was better than MvC3 but it wasn't because it was 2v2.
>pure cancer
Could've been worse
A lot worse
>no x-men
for what purpose? might as well not do it at all.
>Capcom have stated they will support SFV until 2020
>no new Capcom fighters are slated to be released during this time
a port would be pretty cool
also forgot to add Combofiend might be battle director
If they have to cut Wolverine, Capcom should have to cut Ryu, Chun-Li, and Morrigan.
Are you autists still writing a fanfic video game?
did shinkiro make this?
Nigga do you want everyone to be miserable?
Besides, it's just the X-Men and Fantastic Four characters
>it's just Wolverine
might as well be
>it's just Ryu
fuck, not even Cyclops to take his place. this fucking blows.
>wolverine the face of Marvel
>not Cap or Spiderman
You may just actually start riots user.
looks good to me, the only thing is obviously the absence of xmen characters
Fighting game autists love talking about games they never actually play.
>TvC was better than MvC3 but it wasn't because it was 2v2.
I really disagree, but TVC was super fun on it's own.
t. Captain Obvious
It's been a good run
I normally hate/never link Maxamillian but...
No Taskmaster No buy
I hope the X-Men and no Doom thing isn't true. But if it is, this is how I hope/want the roster to look like:
Cap Murrica
Iron Man
Black Panther
Doc Strange
Shuma Gorath
Ghost Rider
War Machine
Captain Marvel
Rocket Racoon
Iron Fist
Luke Cage
Baron Zemo
Captain Commando
Chun Li
Mega Man
Yellow Iris
Frank West
Fou Lu
30 characters from both sides. It's about time MvC roster reaches 60.
>B-but the balance
Fuck balance, I just want to have fun.
I want Nova to make it back in, but after the treatment Marvel's given him the past few years, I don't see it happening.
Sucks since they actually have his film rights.
I still want to see Steel Samurai vs Silver Samurai.
if a UMvC3 port is made, is there a chance to acquire the DLC again for older versions?
>tfw no Jill and Shuma
I'd imagine they'd include the DLC with the port this time around.
I just want a the the crash from TvC back
That or the TAC counter from early builds of MvC3
>Zangief (with a secret HC with Hulk/Haggar)
>Nina or Ryu
>Monster Hunter
Well he's coming back from the dead
You DO know you can use hexedit to unlock literally EVERYTHING
does Disney-Marvel fully own Spider-Man now? If not, how come Spider-Man characters aren't under the same rumor with the X-men or F4?
Until they say that it's undeniably really him, I don't believe he's back.
Brevoort will think people aren't pissed off enough one day, and suddenly, he's an evil clone.
Sony and Marvel are playing nice now.
not even Crapcom would make people pay again for them
I play on Vita, bruv
They can use him in movies. That's all Marvel cares about.
Marvel Studios doesn't 100% of the rights
They made a compromise with Sony Pictures to allow Spider-Man into the MCU
Is he still the Dick Ryder?
>No X-men or Fantastic 4 allowed
If this is true it will hurt the game VERY badly
They seriously aren't doing the Cinematicverse Marvel characters, right?
I don't think Bendis will put him in GotG again until the movie comes out. Until then, I think they'll manage to spell his name right.
>capcom presentation
>showing typical sfv shit and some res7 stuff
>"and now, for a very special announcement "
>the audience is going crazy
>"Marvel has teamed up with capcom once more"
>crowd starts raving, most peoples ear drums are bursting from the sheer noise
>"to bring you"
>"deadpool costume for ryu in street fighter v!"
Is it Saturday yet?
I'd be perfectly happy with it, but there's no way.
25 Marvel characters means 25 Capcom characters and I can't imagine the current state of that company giving us 50 characters in the base form of a game.
No matter what I can't see Wolverine not being in the game. He's a staple like Ryu. I can see them having no other X-Men characters though.
I just hope Mega Man is back.
wasn't there a rumor like this a long time ago? Just MCU vs Capcom or something
Personally I see this as the realistic end roster. MCU is all self-promotion. Capcom is all current shit. Rounded it down to 50.
Cap. A
Iron Man/War Machine (Costume)
Hulk/Hulk Buster (DLC costume)
Black Panther
Doc Strange
War Machine
Captain Marvel
Rocket Racoon
[s]She-Hulk[/s] Gamora
Iron Fist
Luke Cage
Jessica Jones
Black Widow
Nick Fury
Winter Soldier
Ultron (Boss)
Thanos (Secret Boss)
Chun Li
RE7 Hero/Enemy
Luke O'Neil/Marc Godart
Mega Man
Frank West
Monster Hunter
Viewtiful Joe
Bison (Boss)
Tyrant/Nemesis/??? (Secret Boss)
Capcom is not THAT stupid to pull a Squenix with FF7
to reiterate, if this MCU vs Capcom rumor has been around for a while, could this just be the same speculation from long time ago, or are there new sources confirming that this is going to be case for "MvC4"?
Spidey is now in the MCU because Sony is literally the most incompetent fucking company in the universe when it comes to making movies. You read those emails? It was literally "millennials like to say 'no big deal' and use MP3 players. Try and have Spidey do the same!"
Plus there's no way they would not use him. Even with Iron Man becoming big, Spider-Man is still easily their most iconic character
>No Ghost Rider
>No Blade
That actually doesnt look so bad honestly. Kind of boring, but could be worse.
I would be 100% ok with that marvel roster, except maybe replace MODOK with someone else
It ended up being Monster hunter DLC costumes
I was kind of hoping Ant-Man would be in this, because that would be neat to see what they would do
Some of the newcomers for Capcom will be Asura, Monster Hunter, Rathalos, Protoman, and Edward Falcon.
>Venom is back
That makes everything okay.
If there's a boss i want to be a Capcom Godlike entity, Chakravarti of what's his name from Asuras Wrath comes to mind
What weapon would Hunter use ?
I'm thinking lance
Unless they're making a new ghost rider or blade movie, you're fucking crazy if you think they'll put them in a slot where a MCU character either exisiting or upcoming can have the spot.
Inhumans, Spider-Man characters, Cosmic being (infinity war), GoTG characters, etc, are all on the table. I highly doubt anything else is, especially since there's plenty of characters in the MCU to fill its own full game roster.
I'll be rooting for you.
I forgot about Ant-Man, it'd be cool. I mean, he was in a Hyper from last game.
That'd be amazing but honestly I'll be surprised if Asura even makes it in. Only thing that gives me hope is that they made that Asura ride in the Dubai park.
I seriously hope no one at capcom thinks that they need MVC to have movie characters to "boost" their popularity. Like the movies weren't making millions already.
seriously, has that last one even confirmed?
that one is an ASSUMPTION from polygon, and while it IS a possibility given marvel's actual state, i would stop confirming that shit as fact until the teasers actually get releasd.
no modok?
but what about frutsi?
It's more like they need Marvel characters to boost Capcom. No one gives a shit about fighting games like they used to
It's not capcom thinking that, its Disney demanding it
I guess you're not up to date on Agents of Shield
If he doesn't change weapons then Greatsword. Its too iconic.
wait wtf how is Coleson still alive?
I think it all comes down to how much Capcom is willing to fight for the characters. MvC3 originally was also having this no X-Men allowed thing but Seth Killian fought hard to get them in as they were series staples.
I guess that gives some help to Rider, but I still see it as a long shot. I see them prioritizing the MCU and Netflix series first and foremost. Agent's of Shield has always felt like an afterthought in the grand scheme.
But hey, maybe it'll give the devs some leeway to throw some characters in.
They switch between various weapons. SnS for quick attacks on the ground, Bug Glaive for aerial quick attacks, Great Sword for heavier attacks, Hammer for aerial heavy attacks, and Light Bowgun for ranged specials.
Their Super is a trap-based move. They place blue meat on the ground and the opponent falls asleep if they touch it. The Hunter then lays Barrel Bomb (L)s around them with the help of Felynes and then Wyvern Fires them.
rumor is that this game started out as simply a new "versus" game and marvel then got involved.
marvel knows that mvc is their most well known gaming property (and still the most revelant)
No Mega Man, but you'll get Protoman.
This is also fine
Zero exe.
I really hope Capcom fights for Scarlet/Quicksilver at least.
wouldn't even be mad
>Capcom on the list of Switch developers
>Capcom vs Nintendo may have been cancelled for this
>UMvC3 port by Iron Galaxy coming
Yo this is some bul-
>check their twitter
>they are streaming MvC3 tomorrow before the VGAs
Oh shit nigga
Wanda can get it easy but I dont think QS will make it
Y'all are seriously forgetting that this game is gonna get DLC out the ass. So I fully expect all the non boycott characters to come back at some point.
>Classic Mega Man
>Zero representing X
That's how it should be, and that's how it should stay.
Wolverine is the face of the Marvel side of "Marvel vs. Capcom".
its new of course, just with smash style gameplay
>cut Wolverine because of legal issues
>cut Ryu because lol why not
Weren't the Ultimate Alliance games more normie-friendly?
Great sword is fine
Wouldn't mind some charge attacks
I'm assuming his playstyle would be hunter
I just realized that if they put Frank in MvC4, it's probably going to be Dead Rising 4 Frank
>legal issues
It's not really legal issues and more like they choose not to add him because the CEO of Marvel, Ike Perlmutter, is that petty against Fox.
It's not even legal issues. Marvel is just really petty over not having film rights.
They can still use him in video games and have as many toys as they want with his face on them, they just don't want to do anything that might promote Fox.
Fury revived him as a cyborg.
Not that he'd ever get in, but did Marvel ever get the video game rights back for Namor?
Marvel doesn't have a "legal block" on using X-Men/Mutants. They can do whatever the fuck they want with them in terms of merch or video games (Fox only owns the FILM rights), they just don't use them because they don't want to promote any of 20th Century Fox's productions because them and Disney hate each others guts.
Yeah and were better games but for a long time MvC has been the better know Marvel vidya series.
Its not Capcom's problem if they couldn't obtain X-men cast.
No X-Dudes no buy.
Will you rightfully blame Disney if that's what ends up happening? Don't put this one on Capcom.
Assist. Hello.
They probably put in Gumshoe ore Edgeworth before her, honestly.