Is Yu-Gi-Oh the only gaming related property Konami has not burned to the ground, pissed on, and revived as a pachinko machine?
Is Yu-Gi-Oh the only gaming related property Konami has not burned to the ground, pissed on...
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They already ruin the game every time a new summoning mechanic appears.
I still can't comprehend how Yugi's hair works.
Could you please elaborate? I dont want to put as a nostagiafag.
too subtle?
it makes ez money by using inexpensive resources. It still is pretty big in Japan
Synchro saved the game and XYZ was a pretty necessary next step in making the extra deck more standardized. Pendulum is fun, but I can at least see why that one gets flack.
Pendulum is actually balanced. XYZ should have never existed.
XYZ would honestly be fine if they didn't choose 4 as the default rank and throw all the generic monsters into it. Level 4 is the strongest a monster can be while still being easy to summon, so it makes more sense to give 1-3 better effects due to their naturally lower atk/def values. It's not like level ever ends up correlating to how well you can swarm.
>Have a proved, winning formula (metroidvania)
>Symphony of the Night regarded as one of the best games of all time
>Portable metroidvania titles are best sellers
>Decide to ditch them all in favour of BUTTON MASHAN games that sell like shit
>Franchise is dead
Thanks Konami
Almost everything has a pachinko spinoff you ignorant fucking underage.
No it's not
Pendulum is underpowered as fuck as a mechanic.
YGO still prints money, so Konami gives zero fucks about it. Unfortunately, this means that it's run by incompetent people like the entirety of KoA.
Also, pic related is currently the cancer that is killing YGO.
KONAMI stills releases Pro Evolution Soccer every year, it doesn't sell as much as FIFA, but it sells.
In practice what pendulum deck is actually bad though? All the pendulum decks people actually bothered to use at any point (performapals, majespecter, metalfoes, etc) are all pretty consistent and can comeback easily if you don't destroy their scales. And even when you do, they often have the proper cards in their hand to just put up another set.
What's her deal?
In a nutshell, by herself, she can pump out 2 copies of herself, become a Rank 4 monster that can pop cards as a Quick effect, and fetch virtually any Beast-Warrior monster you want, without even using up a Normal Summon.
They already left it for dead.
I guess people are fapping to her because she's a waifu
Splashable engines are the future. Enjoy your Eidolon/Zoodiac/Metalfoe decks.
I don't really follow current yugioh, is the game going back to one of those god forsaken HAT formats?
Really just the icing on the cake, even if Rabbina and Tigress are cuter.
what are good yugioh games to emulate?
i could never decide which one of these were best girl.
Maybe they will unban dragon rulers some day
I guess the 0 atk and def doesn't matter because there's boosters
Sort of but not as slow as that format. Just about every deck in the OCG is running zoodiacs and if you aren't you're at a disadvantage.
Tag force and world championship games for psp and ds are pretty good. You can also just play ygopro if you want the full cardpool and play against other people/ai.
>implying RIDING DUELS weren't the best shit.
which one seen the most shit
Trading cards have an insanely high profit margin. It costs around $3 for a pack that doesn't cost even 25ยข to make. It's not like video games were it's piss easy to loose millions of dollars in an instant.
Not riding duels. Speed duels.
Thanks for reminding me of
They've all seen some shit. I'd say Yugi's seen the least given how much it ramps up by even GX. Yusei's is the one I remember most, I didn't watch Zexal or Arc-V so I can't speak for them.
>Jaden goes to fucking space to destroy a satalite aiming to wipe out earth, then goes to like 12 different universes or some shit, fuses with a transvestite duel spirit, then season 4 happens and I don't even remember what went down
>Yusei grew up on the streets as an orphan in an isolated slum island almost died several times, including but not limited to, almost taking a lethal amount of shocks in prison, several crashes, dueling where life points directly injure you, drowning, being in a fucking black hole, and more. Actually did die once and went to hell where he saw his father. Had to kill several different gods ranging from aztec to norse. Finds out that the world ends if he doesn't learn how to stop the reactor from shitting out robots that end all mankind.
Every pack there's a new pendulum deck that tops. It's hardly underpowered.
Yugioh is shit now, the fucking meta is OTK for fuck sake.
This game used to be simple, now everything focuses on long ass monster effects and ridiculous special summon chains.
I miss the old days when duels were fun.
You've just never played or gotten into competitive before now then. Because aside from 1 or 2 ban lists it's always been OTK shit.
OTK was a thing but it was harder to do, and easier to stop, now you can just flood the fucking field with 2500+ ATK monsters with broken ass effects in a single turn. the deal is who do it first.
I think you mean, "I miss the old days when I used to play with my friends". Which is fair, but that obviously wasn't indicative of what the game was actually like.
>easier to stop
Hey man, I'm just going to drop this/coldwave/heavy storm. Good game.
Egyptian magic
And someday they might unban Stratos.
I never understood a energy reactor making kill machines, though I get the holocaust imagery.
Metroidvania was a mistake, Symphony is a boring casualfest, and you're a massive shit
They just wanted to copy Terminator.
Get ready for the rarity bump.
>inb4 secret rare or small print
The reactor was trying to prevent itself from going supernova by killing the majority of humanity with robots
It's dumb, but it's a casualty of the sex cults forcing massive rewrites
Konami is constantly shitting on YGO though. Powercreep happens every couple of months and nothing can stay stable. The game is no different from the early days where it was simple beatdown, except now it's "make the best board you can and stop your opp from playing ygo."
Wanna bet that it'll be both?
>Playing TCG instead of superior OCG
What could be done to fix it though? I mean the game is just going to be faster and faster and reliant on getting a wall of monsters and spells that will lock your opponent on their first turn. Unless the next series has a new summoning mechanic that slows the game down, or Konami institutes a new rule limiting the number of special summons possible They won't because pendulums are their baby, then the game will just become an OTKfest forever.
They probably won't make Yugioh into a pachinko machine because they're still marketing it to kids in Japan, and underage gambling is one of the few things the Japs don't tolerate.
Both my friend. Secret forces all over again.
OCG does have Magi Magi Magician Gal, so by default I guess it is better.
My brother still plays this. The only TCG I generally keep up with is Magic though. He said they implemented shit in Yugioh not unlike the Planeswalkers in Magic, this sounds interesting.
>pendulums are their baby
More like xyz. They hate pendulum almost as much as synchro.
>Use an incredibly overpowered bullshit card
The show is honestly about abusing the most broken cards there are and calling it skill
Brick fusion sucks ass outside of seraphinite double summon shenanigans but even then it just adds to bad hands hence my toadally awesome nickname.
Brilliant fusion engine is pretty good though even though the card is nerfed in the real game
are yugioh villains all made of ahegao
>gem knight support
my favorite deck next to gishkis
They should have scrapped the yugioh lore and just made a duel terminal series that shit was legit as fuck. It already has it's own lore and shit like come on at least give us a video game that play like forbidden kingdoms in duel terminal land. Also Steven universe memes lel.
He's no Marik
I miss Gishki Zielgigas. That deck was fun.
yugioh has been shit for a long time
duels are too fast and the balance is terrible
they leave archetype specific old cards that haven't been relevant in years on the banlist because they don't want people to play old decks, only the newest shit
it's been the same rotating cycle of introduce new archetype>ban key cards in old archetype>introduce new archetype >ban key cards in old archetype for ages now
there's so much power creep now that every archetype they introduce is similar to an older one but with cards that aren't banned
occasionally they print overpowered stuff for old decks to make them relevant but it's the same "good at everything" blandness that is in the new archetypes
if yugioh is ever gonna be good again they need to start by unbanning 2/3rds of the banlist and allowing players to be more creative
most ygo villains after simply dont compare in sheer fun insanity ;_;7
I like it a lot when just cards in general have neat lore associated with their art or flavor text like we get normal monsters anymore. Although Dragon Core Hexer is pretty sad. The art for the Buster Blader Support had a pretty good tragic story going for it. Too bad BB isn't as strong as DM and Blue-Eyes atm. I hope the new support he is getting will make the deck more consistent.
>sex cults
Is that why the main villain's deck is literally Judaism? It doesn't get more esoterically Jewish than this.
Archetypes is what killed yugioh.
>build your own deck?
fuck that, make a bunch of cards with the same name somewhere on the title and give them broken effects.
I agree with this to an extent, but I also think it is the community as well that is so staunch about being net-decking sheep that are too afraid to get creative with the tools that they are given and they will just railroad their decks into the same 5 archetypes and shit on anyone that is putting in the effort to try and make something else work.
>He didn't play Summoned Skull beatdown
oh fuck
This doesn't even factor in that the robots that killed all the people in the future have german names like wisel, and grannel.
We had that and it was called GOAT control, also known as 40 cards of staples.
Yu gi oh is ass now, I regret spending so much money in this piece of shit game.
>mfw looking back on all the sealed yugioh and pokemon products I bought
>basically at least one of every tin from 2008 to 2012, often both
>160 dollars right there just by going by one per wave
>bought tons of packs
>bought almost every structure deck
>mfw I have a giant ass cardboard box with useless cardboard cards in it that I don't even know what to do with
anime pretty shit now
and the game old archetype(previous pack)cant compete with new one
Nah, XYZ/Synchros gave the game some much-needed flexibility. Any unfairness from there is the fault of whatever effects Konami gave the more ridiculous ones and "buy this nao" decks.
Pendulums allowing an unlimited summon and whose scales can't be destroyed normally is just total bullshit, especially when this game is already power-creeped to hell.
Man I'm still upset that Z-one didn't run Synchrons/Quasar turbo
A mirror match would have been way cooler than shitty anime boss deck #7
XYZ came at cost toward field advantage, and typically when the material of a XYZ monster ran out it was effectively just a beat stick. Pendulum just gives you free special summons of as many monsters as you had field spots for with no real cost whatsoever. It creates field advantage so much faster to pull off brain dead easy Synchros or XYZ summons. If anything the Synchros and XYZ became more of a problem only because of Pendulum summoning,
Pendulum is overextending: the summoning method. You try to pull that shit with backrow up prepare to get your ass punished.
But Yugioh gets fucked up from OTHER parties before it ever gets near Konami.
>as it turns out, we also don't like this Syncro Summon mechanic. We're just gonna pretend none of this ever happened.
Pendulum has barely affected synchro summoning since they haven't made any good synchro tuners. Not to mention that in a vacuum you lose 2 cards in order to perform pendulum summons in the first place.
>from OTHER parties before it ever gets near Konami
Konami runs everything Yugioh dingus
The XYZ mechanic isn't the problem itself, it's what it brings out.
Generic R4 was a mistake.
>scales can't be destroyed normally
MST/Twin Twisters or solemn their pendulum summons and laugh as everything goes to the grave
Even in the anime it was a mistake
>Yuma's deck can summon every Xyz monster under the sun
>Fuck it rank 4 hoppu
I guess, but that also depends on who is going first. I mean looking at Majespecters/Magicians, If they go first and pop off, they are just going to set a god damn tempest, tornado, and cyclone after they are done summoning their entire line of Majespecters and then also destroy your traps with Dragonpit, and anything you destroy is just going to go back to the extra deck and let them get all the spells and monsters they want again. Unless you start with backrow hate in your first 5 card you are going to get fucked.
Or look at Metalfoes which have an easy time getting Alkahest out to just steal one of your monsters and Mithrilium to reduce your hand size by 1 and get back any of their graveyard metalfoes.
Fair enough. It really only had been XYZ and to a lesser extent fusions...and rituals maybe?
As much as I dislike Konami, I have to admit that they made a genius move starting last year by fully cashing in on YuGiOh nostalgia. Can't knock good business.
>Legacy of the duelist was promised to come out on pc by today
>It hasn't
thanks for reminding me user
It got me back into playing the game after stopping at Labyrinth of Nightmares. But I also think I stopped when some guy at my local books-a-million at the time choking some little kid that was making fun of him. Locals were banned there and so I just stopped playing.
What got me back into the game a few years ago was finally giving 5Ds a shot and learning that they made a decent deck for Skull Servants
Definitely not rituals. Those are inconsistent as is and adding pendulum cards just fucks it up even more.
Fusion on the other hand is usually just cards made to be used within the archetype, it doesn't help that there are very few generic fusions.
It's pretty much just xyz considering how generic they are.
Fair enough. I'm just going off on my experiences and observations over the last few months since I got back into the game.
>I knew someone who would go into a shop and shove a bunch of packs into his bag when nobody was looking
>he'd open them in the restroom so he could throw away the wrappers
>he'd do this on a near weekly basis and give me whatever cards he didn't use so I never had to spend money
>mfw that shop went out of business
forgot pic