Start reallife.exe

>Start reallife.exe
>Can't disable the annoying motion blur and cinematic depth of field
Patch when?

Server wipe when?

>chose the int path instead of the charisma path
>regret it
>no way to re-level

What are you talking about, nigger? Our eyes are a billion times better than cameras. Go see an opthalmologist if you're getting DoF without trying for it.

We nominated Trump the admin of the US server, so global server wipe soon.

>We didn't nominate Clinton the admin of the US server, so global server wipe after 4-8 years.

Instead of a RUS global wipe, it'll be a Chinese global wipe!

more like

>choose int path
>dump points into useless shit like anime and video games instead of perks that'll actually help me
>become worthless loser that gets ridiculed by NPCs and other players
>afflicted by perma NEET debuff
>proceed to bitch about people that rolled normies for picking an ""easy class""

>paranoid faggot that always thinks new admin will abuse mod powers


Looks like you need to equip some glasses grandpa

Lol, never noob.

My stats are as follows:

S: 8
P: 4
E: 8
C: 10
I: 7
A: 5
L: 1

1 Luck because my gf left me.

Focusing your eyes when you're looking at something gets rid of dof blur, unless you've got like tunnel vision or something

There ARE ways to "re-level" but you don't see them because you're a lazy faggot

>gf left me
>C: 10
lol sure thing, bud. You should be able to talk your way into a threesome with your old gf, some hot actress she hates, and a robot with a 10. Sounds like your pip boy's busted.

10 C because I talked my ex'a 2 best friends into a threesome :^)

She left me because she was C3 and I1.

Thinking about helping someone roll a new character, anyone tried this before?

>posting /tg/ in Sup Forums
This is why Hitler should have been the DM

>spent the first quarter of the game doing near useless side quests because I was over leveled
>Game progresses without me now I'm under leveled
God damnit now I have to late game grind to get back to average

>sao is a parody of reallife.exe

>Evenly spread out points between INT, Speed, and Charisma.
>End up good at nothing

>Still playing the pay2win grindfest with a shitty community
The graphics are literally the only good thing about that game.

Will they ever nerf the depression debuff? It gets so difficult to do anything with it on you. Some people have said if you allow yourself to get killed it goes away, but I'm not sure.

It's doable, but almost too much work. The name change is easy, but it takes a while for it to propagate through the system so you'll see your old character's name pop up every so often. Moving to a totally different zone works best to keep that from happening. Your career and class are easy to change, but you can't reinvest skill points you've already spent so don't expect to suddenly be amazing at a new class just because you swapped. That being said, you can just drop all your old quests and pick up new ones to better suit your new character. Hardest part is going to be finding a party, but if you lower your standards a little and are very diligent in recruiting others, it's not too hard. Big warning though, a lot of your hidden derived stats carry over, like crime, government interactions, and things like child support. You can ditch those if you roll in another country, but you forfeit a lot of bonuses. Even with all that trouble though, it's a lot better to reroll than just wad up your sheet and go home.

>autism debuff
>depression debuff
nerf when

>16 year long tutorial

How the fuck is this allowed?

>chose Sup Forums poster path
>can't reset
>save checkpoint is always where i get dubs

Anyone else get this glitch? When will devs fix this

You can just not leave the tutorial

>tfw I've stayed in the tutorial for 24 years

My tutorial has been bout 22 years. Last 2 years been just bad on my fault

It's a feature to warn you about areas with radiating heat.

The actual tutorial isn't anywhere near that long. The first several levels are just very hand-holdy and don't have as harsh of fail states.

>devs constantly trying to make water look pretty
>make it do pointless "erosion" shit, its worthless cause it takes to long
>"no guys its a great addition"
>stay in it too long you get debuffs up the ass

hello dog :D

>I-It's a feature
Dev detected. How about you work on fixing the balance in this shitty game instead of viral marketing?

>average charisma
>everything else below average

Just visit the psychiatrist
Lexapro cancels the depression debuff dumdum

>all the minigames are shit
>the game itself is shit
someone recommend me a comfy minigame

I feel like the got the draw distance wrong on it or something. I only see this from far away, but I've had plenty of situations where I'm close up to something hot and it looks the exact same as it does cold. Seriously, what the fuck?

>>Start reallife.exe
>>Have to enure 50~ years of working just to live
Your complaints aren't complaints.

>You don't get to pick you're race/gender

literally dropped

Post builds
S: 8
P: 3
E: 9
C: 6
I: 7
L: 7
Unfortunately I have the Lazy and the Autist debuff so it's a pretty shit build. Also I can't see in the dark.

>chance to get one or more debuffs from a ridiculous list of side effects
I rather just click decline on the "kill yourself now?" pop-up than have diarrhea, ty

Why bother? You're going to keep playing anyway


Wait, what? Was there some kind of expansion? I thought it was 1-10. Nearly all my stats sit right around 5...

>using an inferior attribute system
lel pleb

>no way to re-level
Unless you have a permanent physical bug.

>no A
Ya, you deserve that autism debuff.

>Have below average shitty stats in every category
>Int is the only one that is even almost average
>It's the only one you can take pride in, so you pretend like it's good and that you're only being held back because of your other attributes
No, you're just not impressive.

nah your char just sucks you can press ctrl+8 to get straight 18s lmao

My favorite minigame is the Master level Baiting game. It's not hard, Is really nice while you're doing it, but you'll feel really empty after.

>the Chad class still hasn't been fucking nerfed

>shit build
>almost everything above 5
Yeah, no. Unless you can bench press twice your body weight, run a marathon, breezed by in your higher education, and very rarely have anything bad happen to you, this is not your build.

The stat creep has been unchecked the past couple centuries. The Devs tried to balance it with the newer subs but all the OP players from before are still around griefing

>O-oh yeah it warns you about hot places guys
>deadly gamma radiation is still completely invisible

If it's a feature it's shitty design and artificial difficulty. I nearly died going through Pripyat

Shit. What if I'm on console? Can I still do this?

God fucking damn it.

>forced to spend most of the tutorial doing intelligence training
>the Intelligence skills you gain during the tutorial don't help you in the main game, and pretty much only exist during the tutorial
>Despite how useless it is for the main game, you can't skip the tutorial and you can't make money in the main game unless you've completed it"

who the fuck thought this was good design?

what retarded fuck thought it was ok to make female characters so overpowered? they can literally win everything without even trying because they have the most exclusive benefits

gender transfer system when?


Actually lexapros side effects are very mild and limited

Chads are only broken at low levels, you won't see any in the endgame

>only one species actually worth playing
>all others have such low INT that it's impossible to get fucking anything done aside from eating and then dying
When the fuck are species other than human going to get buffs? It's not worth even trying to start, a frog or a snake character. Fuck, even dolphins are still at the same INT at the level cap as a level 10 or so human character.

Fuck this stupid game.

This game fucking blows man. I'm actually glad there's permadeath. About to walk off a cliff just so I don't have to play this bullshit anymore

>put points into worthless shit
>gain neet debuff
>takes 5 years to get rid of it
>grinding through content that every asshole my level is far past

XDDD threads r more ever time !

Will we ever recover from the 9/11 grief or will the devs still constantly fuck over all middle east classes?

>no save/load option
>unskippable cutscenes
>p2w garbage
>unbalanced classes
If you didn't start out in the northern hemisphere you might as well make a new character

I hope someone got fired for this crap

>I actually laughed to this once
just end me already

GM here

ama me anything

A lot of the bigger guilds convince smaller clans that pure Int builds are the only viable path. It's mostly just a ploy to boost their ranks with Int fags that will do all their work for them while they use their Charisma to run off with the loot.

Give me mod power pls

>Create character
>Debuff: Holiday Heart
>Debuff: Chronic Migraines
>Debuff: Epilepsy
>Only saving grace was the small buff to Charisma.

Are the rumors about a sequel true?

Right, because they'll be so far above you on the corporate ladder they will never have a reason to interact with you (unless it's to fuck your wife)

fuck the middle east races, they get what they deserve after centuries of raiding and pillaging. fucking griefers screwing everything up for us honorable races

>mfw leave tutorial and immediately get severe depression debuff
Who the fuck implements this, you have to grind at the gym or pay a fee to an npc that talks to you for fucking hours to get a chance to cure it
Fucking RNG

buff all reptile/amphibian INT to human level, you fucking faggot

S: 3
P: 4
E: 5
C: 7
I: 7
A: 4
L: 10

I swear to god it's like my life just fucking works out without me having to do jack shit.

Don't study? Pass my classes anyway. Didn't even apply for scholarships? Get given 10 grand at the end of the year with no strings attached anyway.

Sleep through my fucking exam when my professor explicitly stated we'd be failed if we missed it? Next time I go to class find out he got into a minor car accident and missed it himself.

I'm fucking invincible.

Most y'all's stats don't mean jack shit if you don't grind with them.

Thank fuck I only got that debuff towards the end of the tutorial when NPCs will really help out

It's just your typical nerf/buff cycle. It used to be the complete opposite, and everyone started bitching how women needed some buffs to be viable without a male in the party. Devs being devs, they went overboard with it and now females have a bunch of kickass buffs while males are still the boring vanilla shit. Honestly though, I don't see it as that big a deal since the vast majority of female characters don't bother to take advantage of more than one or two perks until they party up with a male to start a clan.

I didn't realize it until about a year after, it was taken care of after like, 5 side-quests but damn if it isn't annoying that you need to do them for an arbitrary debuff
Where the fuck is the main quest anyways? You leave the tutorial and none of what was explained is even brought up again

So is the V card quest optional?

I think i messed up somewhere on leveling my character. He loses stamina on prolonged exposure to NPCs and gets buffed by being alone. That quest is not looking doable.

Fucking guns are op as fuck

Even a level 5 brat with one can kill EVERYBODY

Debuff when?

I remember when melee weapons was the norm and it was great, skills meant something back then

My Golden Retriever is on his way out.

Try not being a bitch.

fuck off


>Lazy and the Autist debuff
That means that your actual spread is likely something like this:

S: 6
P: 3
E: 8
C: 3
I: 5
L: 8

And you're just in denial. Anyone that ranks their intelligence higher then average and refers to being lazy is 99% of the time just some average faggot that likes to pretend they're intelligent and just tragically sabotaging themselves when the reality is that they're just average.

Endurance 8 is probably your legit highest score though because even though you're lazy, autists don't get deterred as easy as normals so you're probably pretty decent in truth. No way in fuck it's 9, though.

Luck 8 because there's no way someone isn't sustaining your lifestyle for you.

>just finish tutorial
>didn't pump int or chr, barely passable str, low dex, above average wis
>decide to do the university dlc
>didn't grind for enough gp
>have to quit and go back to main game
>have to grind for gp for possibly the next 2 years to access the dlc again
>tfw reputation system is fucked too because now mine is in the shitter
>tfw only want to play the games the dev put in this game
Fuck these 50 year subscriptions. I'm not renewing when time comes

This. Most people bitch and moan that they can't progress in their classes because everything is locked behind stats they don't have. The real truth is that grinding is the easiest way to launch to the top of a guild, but most people just quit after they gain enough skill points to not completely fuck up.

Honestly though, I do sometimes wish I could just live off a nice drop and quit grinding.

>I've become the guy that /sits around the beginner area and talks in chat but never actually plays

Can someone ban this motherfucker for blatant cheating in several games and being toxic to my team?

No fucking way he's legit, he's gotta to be hacking

>get gud
This is not a meme souls thread

>reset is considered one of the mayor sin's
literally wha the fuck, I just wanna dump more char and a little bit of str, also, found out recently that my dex stat let me be nimble as fuck, like I don't even need effort.

how many magic levels have you guys gotten so far? I'm at 23, only 7 more until I graduate from apprentice into true wizardhood. Hope it's worth it, but knowing the devs they'll probably nerf wizard to shit even though it's not that strong even. Anyone acquired Lichdom yet? That seems crazy strong but 60 magic levels is a lot of investment

haha imagine if real life was game SO RANDOM xD

Wow I bet you're so smart too bad the ladies go for the douchebags amirite

Just had my Newfoundland euthanized. Carrying a 130lb dog and digging a grave for them while isn't fun.

>Promised the space expansion pack since the 60s
>Only just getting WIP teasers now

Fuck this shit.

Dude, that's just a myth, you don't become a wizard class once you get level 30 without losing the virgin debuff.