Every single time I launch the PC version I'm sad that I cannot hear FLYING INTO FREE.
If you were actually sad about that you would have modded it back in.
Literally the first mod to come out was to replace the menu with Into Free.
>my feet hurt
>it's hot, and nowhere in sight to be soaked to the bone
>our wizard leapt onto that cyclops earlier, what the hell?
>does she even know a wolf's weakness?
>I hope this archer knows to shoot down harpies
>I bet I'm the only one who knows where all roads lead
Land and skies, and seas yearn
Finish the cycle of eternal return
I didn't make the assumption that it was even mod-able. Fucking beautiful.
>loli mage
Ya dun good, OP
>think THE WIND IS PUSHING ME is something your pawns say so much that it became an annoying meme
>finally buy it on PC
>they never say it
>find out it's just a song lyric
Givin' this a shot, wish me luck
I don't get why people like that generic jrock garbage, the new OP is much better and actually fits with the rest of game
The original version of the theme (
>haul my ass all the way out to Gran Soren through monsters and bandits
>they tell me to haul my ass all the way out to some fortress through more monsters and bandits
>now I have to haul my ass all the way back to fucking Gran Soren
Is there eventually some kind of fast travel to make questing less tedious? Do I at least get to see Mercedes pink nipples?
Didn't even know I had an unlimited one until 15 hours into the game
>Is there eventually some kind of fast travel to make questing less tedious?
You should start with an infinite use Ferrystone if you're playing on PC. It allows you to teleport between Gran Soren and Cassardis from wherever you are. Later on you get other stones that you can place anywhere in the world that allow you to use a ferrystone to teleport to them. I generally recommend placing at least one of those in a healing spring though for ez healing items.
>Just a song lyric
Bitch I will cut you
If you're not The Dangan then you're probably a Ningen
is that the part where you also have to fight the dragon?
Wait, how does that image work?
Like why would you even need the charms for?
Decided to pick up this game on Black Friday and I adore it but I'm also conflicted about something. I and my loli ranger are both level 21 and I've gone into the rift a few times to check out new pawns but I just keep going back to these two that are 11 and 13 respectively mostly die to their looks but they team just "works" too. Am I gimping myself by sticking with them or should I be moving on to other pawns every few levels?
You mean the drake?
I'm pretty sure he's talking about the Shadow Fort.
dis gunna be gud
Yeah, didn't you get the purple crystal in the basement?
>Do I at least get to see Mercedes pink nipples?
No not even with nude mod, but you can check your pawn's
Oh boy
I don't think you HAVE to fight it, but I did run into a dragon on my way to the fortress trying to take a shortcut. Unless you're talking about the wyrm, in which case I don't know.
I got the stone thing that lets me teleport, but I'm not sure where to put it or where to get ferrystones.
Still though, do I get to see Mercedes pink nipples? That dark skin and French accent turns my dick into diamonds.
Gobs are easy pickings, Pilgrim Charms increase gold drops. Hard Mode makes it even more. I'm guessing, I've never actually tried this.
I made this out of love for Dragon Dogmawhile high
I you think it's a shitty edit, it's not, it may be shit but the music was playing live.
You're in for a treat, faggot.
>No not even with nude mod
tell me the most fun vocation right fucking now
You can beat the game on your own, so yeah, disregard pawn levels.
Use whichever pawns you want. The game is easy and you could solo if you felt like it. Level is far from the thing you should pay most attention to though. Inclinations determine the ai of the pawn and things like guardian and nexus will make them absolute retards. Gear is also much more important for determining your power than the stats from levelups.
Roll me baby
is the sale still going?
I-frame abusing skull splitter spamming strider
>I've never actually tried this.
There's no reason to since money is already so plentiful.
honestly the pc release did wonders reviving the community
Thanks guys
Assassin if you like teleporting behind people to slit their throats.
No i take that back, there's a mod for nude NPCs, you can select which ones to install
Magick Archer mutha fucka
mystik knight, making barriers all day every day
>I don't think you HAVE to fight it, but I did run into a dragon on my way to the fortress
That's the one. I just recently finished that part, fuck he came out of nowhere, scared me half to death.
they even made a series about this
My nigger
It increases drop rates for gold, allows them to drop bigger gold bags, and doubles the value of them all.
oh shit i'm saving this right now
lets try it
Easily one of my favorite games, can't wait to buy it when I get my new pc.
Can I just copy my save file somewhere else to keep it while I make this new character? On that note, why are there still games with 1 save slot?
It's more convenient to make a family share account, you even get to have multiple pawns uploaded that way
shit i just remembered i bought dark arisen on pc the day it came out. I got plat on ps3 version.
Never even touched BBI
How much did i fuck up?
>why are there still games with 1 save slot?
Pawn system and half assed coding.
Use Steam Family Share, using a save manager might lead to corrupted Pawn uploads.
The game was released in 2012. Why they didn't update it is another matter.
You can still play it. BBI is a whole different beast than vanilla DD.
Follow up question:
HOW different is BBI to vanilla DD? Anyone have time to elaborate a bit?
You level up faster when your pawns are at a lower level btw. I think you get more xp the bigger the difference between your level and theirs
The only thing that seems wrong is the Height Chart.
They seemed to be a bit hit by the retard stick while doing that anyways because they seem to think you can add 2 single digit numbers and get 19/20, yet realise you can't for the other two. Apart from that, the Main Pawn category is stupid because it means your choices are limited to
Small PC, Smaller MP
Medium PC, Taller MP
Medium PC, Smaller MP
Tall PC, Taller MP.
Unless you run the free choice 0/10 (And 0 itself is a 1/100 chance so almost just 10 really). If you get 14-19 you get the tallest category, yet your pawn HAS to be taller than you as well.
As a solution, I think it should be changed to simply x + x being an even number = Taller MP, x + x being an odd number = Shorter MP.
Sooo should I upgrade my Crimson teeth? What's the next dagger I can get and when?
Also, why is sorcerer so shit compared to Mage?
This is my destiny
The Ferrystone change alone is worth it. They were 10,000G a pop in the original and you could only get one portable Waystone in your first playthrough, and the permanent one in Cassardis didn't exist. So you could only go to Gran Soren and one other place (at 10K a pop).
Apart from that really just more content at the endgame.
oh my bad i mean i've played through dark arisen story again, but i never actually went to the BBI part of it.
So what i'm asking is more "what makes BBI a different beast than the rest of the world in DD"
Enemies in general are tougher. Some have status effects, others just have a fuckton of health/damage. Best intended for end-game vanilla characters, though you can get some early loot if you're careful basically, any room before the notBeholder.
Loot is plentiful (Wakestones) and generous to stat boosts, but some require Rift Crystals to get. Special skill rings can be only acquired here (some of which are part of the old save bonus loot, default in Storage for PC).
There is an ever present threat of summoning Death in a room if you kill too many enemies, who can instantly kill you, send your pawns away without a chance of revival, and inflicts sleep, so running away is advised. Of course you can kill Death.
>DA in general
Free shit in your Storage, including the Eternal Ferrystone
Reduced costs on everything, Black Cat has some extra loot
Berserk crossover armor and Japanese voices if you're on console. Latter is moddable, former last I checked is not
Balance tweaks and bug fixes.
First of all it's harder. If you play on hard mode it doesn't change because it's already there.
Tons of new weapons and armor. You can also upgrade them past dragon forged level (silver and gold forged).
There are unique rings that when worn will enhance a single skill (or two with a good enough ring) to a newly added third level. You can only have these new level 3 skills when wearing the ring, so you can't level up your vocation and upgrade it. It means that you can upgrade your favorite skills.
More enemies, a lot of them are tougher versions of vanilla ones. They have new drops which are used in the new upgrade levels.
Enemy placements are more varied than vanilla. The same room has multiple spawn groups, while the vanilla areas were all pretty much the same every time.
BBI is a blast, it's a dungeon crawl with lots of strong beasts and good gear, lots of replayability if you want to try out doing it with different classes
It's better left for post game because of damage thresholds, but if you like sorcerer or MA, you can do BBI with a bit of powergaming right after getting your pawn
>Sooo should I upgrade my Crimson teeth? What's the next dagger I can get and when?
no idea son, but don't worry you find new weapons pretty often
>Also, why is sorcerer so shit compared to Mage?
Sorc= mega nuker can literally tear a hole open in the sky, also debuffs
Mage= decent AoE, but can heal
Sounds fresh.
Thanks fellas
Dare you challenge the mightiest foe in all of Bitter Black Isle?
I couldn't answer that because I've actually only played vanilla. But boy did I wish for that Ferrystone system.
Especially since I fucked up by killing the Gryphon before reaching his perch, resulting in the barriers on the gates to the top of the tower (and thus, my only portstone) being locked off for good. I had to kidnap a Harpy and have him fly me over the gate to get it, which was annoying because there was an invisible wall that harpies couldn't pass that meant I had to carry the harpy through a quickly closing door, which is more annoying than it seems. After throwing all my pawns into the sea of course, lest they kill my plane ticket.
He's adorable
I just got Dark Arisen last week, had no idea what this wind is pushing me meme was.
Why didn't they keep it in?
I don't think I've ever actually heard these lyrics in the game.
But then I started with Dark Arisen and I heard they changed stuff.
Licensing issues I believe.
what mod lets you have that multiple followers in skyrim?
Japan has really stringent rules regarding licensing. They paid to use the song in the original game, but since the Dark Arisen expansion modified the original, it required a new contract, and Capcom didn't want to pay for the song again.
roll boyo
>It's ogre
>Cyclops falls off cliff
Try again, user.
Overleveled I assume?
>3200 HP
What was your first clue?
I'm guessing that, or periapts + Bloody Knuckles + augments.
yo i rol
I love the Shield Taunt of the Fighter. It's fucking awesome.