Why was MK3 the way it was

MK3 was worse than MK2 in every way.
Most the newcomers were bland, the ninjas didn't even appear in the vanilla game, the new combo system was fucking awful, the stages were bland and so was the music, the AI was worse than ever, every fatality was fucking lazy, the friendships were pretty bleh,t he animalities fucking sucked, and the quality of sprites and character animations were awful.

UMK3 didn't improve much besides adding ninjas and like one new stage. Every ninja felt worse than their MK2 counterpart, and every new ninja was garbage (they were so lazy they gave every ninja besides Reptile Scorpion's idle animations.)

MKT did really nothing besides bringing back some characters from MK2 and MK1 (but they just used the old sprites and got the music wrong on most of the stages.)

Why did any of this happen considering how great MK2 was?

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>Why did any of this happen considering how great MK2 was

Boon got cocky and thought he could do no wrong.

>waaaah why can't I play as the cool ninjas! how dare they try to do something new!

>yfw you're standing in the arcade and you see Eemac for the first time on the demo screen

>the AI was worse than ever

Dude, Vanilla MK3 & MK4 were the only ones with fair 1p mode until you get to the bosses.

MK2 & UMK3 1P modes were DOGSHIT!

I got the DS version of UMK3. The AI in that game is the cheapest shit I've ever seen. My Win-Loss ratio is like 13-80. If the CPU ever picks Jade, you will not win.

You can only win if you use Ermac

Congrats amerifats for not knowing how to make a good game!

>Puzzle Kombat playable on NDS and 3DS

Maybe he likes Shao Khan spamming the same kicks on him, turning the fight into a chore.

[Unintelligible screaming]

I beat the game a lot of times with every character, smoke is the easiest one (robot and human). The most simple tactic is to wait for the cpu to make a move, then you jump and do the teleport uppercut into a 45% combo, same for human smoke but with the teleport punch.

>seeing Rain create lightning bolts and his teleporting backside kick

What emotion is this?

The idea was that MK was selling well, but the actual battle system in those games is terrible. On top of that, Killer Instinct's long combos, more modern themes, and better graphics had Midway worried. SF had the serious players, and KI had the casuals. Only thing MK had was gore, which had lost it's shock value.

So Midway decided to try to redo the gameplay to steal back some KI or SF fans by introducing new concepts to the game. On top of that, the more modern setting would make the game compare better to Killer Instinct.

It didn't work, and made things worse.

>ywn godlike at UMK3

>stages were bland and so was the music
fight me

How could you not love the classic MK games? They're all great.

Please don't fuck up MK11

dude ppl still to this day play competitive umk3

Who's bitch is dis?

Are you fucking retarded UMK3 is widley regarded as the best game in the series prior to MK9

>you will always be a jobber lizard

I was 12 when it came out and even then I felt MK3 was lamer than MK2



>all that Capcom shit in top and high tier

google says lucy pinder

This is some next level butthurt

>seriously why am i such a jobber

Sour grapes much?

he's not remember Deadly Alliance

Deadly Alliance? I-I don't know what you're talking about

it is widely considered by fans that after mk2, midway didnt really take itself seriously anymore and just wanted to goof around with mk

MK3 was the best, fuck off.

MK always looked cool but also played like shit. Me and my friends when we would go to the arcades play MK first but get bored quickly and end up playing SF 2 Super Turbo/Alpha series instead. MK didn't even hold up well when it came out, it was just a game you would play for that e-cred and move onto better games at the arcade.

If dubs MK11 will be the best game of the series

Mortal kombat is one of my hidden vidya shame.
To this day I never managed to beat the game single player due to the cheating input reading AI.