There's no such thing as a perfect ga-
There's no such thing as a perfect ga-
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the fuck is this shit?
easy coins because no one else knew how to play this game
is this that one game from club penguin? never knew how to play this shit
It's called Mancala you ignoramuses
>He's never played Mancala
It's a disgrace you have never experienced the superior African game of Mancala. I will forgive you just this once.
holy shit i used to play this all the time when i was a kid. i forgot about it completely. i don't even remember how it's played.
unbalanced as shit
>roleplaying as the owner of the pizza shop
Joke all you want but I had a first grade teacher with a wooden Mancala board with carved animals and I played the shit out of that with the other kids.
Its simple, you just empty your side of beads
Same here, I remember just having fun with the little stones.
You take all the stones out of one of the bowls and put one in each bowl, skipping your opponent's bowl. If the last one ends in your bowl you get another turn. Person with the most stones in their bowl wins.
At least I think thats how it is. It's been so fucking long since I played.
played this all the fucking time back in daycare, and then we'd put some of those cube play tents together to hide inside and feel each others dicks.
fun times.
>not knowing what mancala is
fucking leave.
You're correct.
>trying to tip the berg with jackhammers
Why isn't there a club penguin for grownups? Fuck.
>perfect game
>african origins
Nice try.
>superior African game of Mancala