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This looks like Goblins for some reason.
This guy's fuckin' great. Miku is shit taste though.
What's happening even
That's immediately what I thought, too. Then I thought "I'm saaaaaaaaad!"
Redpanels never fails to make me laugh either with it or at it.
The black sections in the second panel just look like big fishhooks to me.
This comic makes me laugh on a lot of levels
>Explaining a joke in panel
>Weebs + OC Donut steel
Great comic, but why is this shitter ripping off Bone?
What does it mean tho
Probably why it became the birth of fapping
>Where does she keep getting those swords?
This explains nothing
>Nintenyearold called on their shit
>Immediately goes on a tirade against sony consoles even when thehre is noting to indicate that the person prefers sony
>Nintodlers being immature weeabos
It checks out
We joke about it now, but when the west ends up like Japan the russian and muslim radioactive raiders will take our dakimakuras hostage and make us give them the location of our stashed food and water as ransom.
This will be our future, it will be like Metro 2033, except with more anime and angry dykes, and less Metro 2033
Really exercises your cerebrum...
Ha ha I can relate
should've just popped in Spiderman 2, it's a much better movie
>not low key fur pilling your kids to usher in the next furry generation
Then it can be said that women have ruined the world.
I don't find most of his stuff funny. It's just Sup Forums circlejerking
this guy's comics sucks
>27 ▶
>this guy's comics sucks
It's funny cause it's true
this guy's comic made some mad points
>being scared of progress
And this, dear anons, is why humanity hasn't yet advanced to at least a Type I civilization.
shut up
Looks like Buckley is doing a choose your adventure
to be honest it's probably for the best
I don't get it.
>want to check out the comic from the beginning
>it's merged with the rest of his shit
what the fuck?
the joke is
>lol people don't read books anymore because they're big and only contain one story when your smartphone is small and contains every story known to man
>we're so attached to technology lol
isn't this by the guy who acted like he had a mental condition where he could only talk like a cartoon character in order to manipulate his internet girlfriend who had a legitimate mental condition
Did the internet just break that faggot's art with its dick?
that's shmorky
owlturd is reddit incarnate, can you PLEASE stop posting it?
Kinda interesting how books are a bit of a luxury thing now with E-books existing
>but you get to turn a real page!
>but you get to keep a physical copy on your bookshelf as a memento!
>but the smell!
>but you get to carry a heavy book on your hands if its really long!
>but its easier on the eyes! (kinda legit)
And physical books are still very popular, possibly more than E-books but not 100% sure.
I fucking hate this guy
>Tumblr nose
>Same joke every comic
>Everything is tagged like it's a political comic or Double D's room.
bookfあgs got told
Oh damn, I read it as 100,000 words of imagination. I wasn't sure which was meant to be more, 1 world, or 100,000 words.
Okay then why is the book being celebrated in the last panel like did you even read the comic or just glance over it and assumed something based on the last post
>tfw conflicted if i should read it in physical or ebook form because of the tiny text
because it smells nice, you dumb mong, and that's why people still read books
E-book readers are fucked because of DRM so I don't think they are replacing traditional books any time soon, also a lot of books aren't digitized yet and probably will never be.
I'll make a PDF/EPUB if Death is my Trade myself, wish I could distribute it somehow.
Sup Forums is for the most part extremely anti mgtow so your post doesn't make a lot of sense.
It's an edit.
>"because they're big and only contain one story when your smartphone is small and contains every story known to man"
I think thats the fucking joke also that books do have a nice smell. Not that were attached to technology
Can this faggot make any jokes that haven't been done to death?
Reading a book is typically regarded as more classy, refined, and academic than just reading something on your phone
Somebody reading a book for information conveys a different image than somebody googling something for information
heys facebook friends look at me I'm aesthetic lol heres a pic of me reading
ur an edit
I mean he just reurgitates their opinions and passes them of as jokes
it's both
the one-two punchline
The joke is
>I have multiple things to say about the pros and cons of technology but can't do so concisely
There, that's like half of his comics
This is one of the biggest self-owns I have ever seen
Are you retarded? I just said that the comic you replied to flies in the face of Sup Forums's opinion.
Yes, I am. Genetic augmentation is the future, untermensch.
>Implying ANY of these things are bad.
I'll rejoice in the day when my mind can finally be uploaded into the Technological Singularity
not all books have nice smells one time when i was young and i took a shit in a book and smashed it closed haha
epic xp
This one fucking sucks.
won't happen because wife bots are becoming a thing and so artificial wombs.
I prefer textbooks over digital ebook shit. Having to deal with that in college is suffering.
>Paying $80 for a semester of access to a book you'll probably only use twice the entire semester
Fuck college desu, glad i'm out
That was fine up until the end. It went from a near decent punchline to cringe material.
Clicked through 25 so far and it's almost all Sup Forums shit repackaged as poorly drawn comic.
fuck off with this already
I read about some guy made a book scanner for rare books years ago.
Also can't kalibre break the Amazon drm?
But pol is very weeb, and it bashes sjw just like all his other shit
wtf i love republicans now
It is though.
Yeah but your first post was implying and mocking the idea that the artist was frustrated that people favored technology over reading books
so if that's the point of the comic then why let the next two panels diminish that thesis by making the book look happy in the #1 place and the phone sad. also pointing out at the reason why people still reads books is because they smell nice is contradictory to your first post.
The internet and computers were a mistake and will be the end of freedom.
>But pol is very weeb
Judging by how much they hate china, you're probably right. Being racist against the chinese is the most japanese thing I can think of.
>Not pirating books
this is the same type of reasoning shown in the one comic with the tranny kid
It's good he labeled a fucking cup of coffee and a pillow, otherwise I'd have no idea what they were.
Is this faggot fucking serious? Jesus Christ. Imagine if Gary Larson fucking labeled his shit.
Yes, the solution is to get a cheap Kindle or something like that and pirate everything. EVERYTHING.
What did he mean by this?
Not possible, these fucking books are updated every god damn year.
You'll find downloads for the 7th edition but wait, you wanted the 8th edition, yeah you're fucked bud.
Epic simply epic! How will SJW recover!?
I dont get it a VHS only has one story too. Unless you flip it around on some then it can have two.
That wasn't a pillow, that was a sleep.
Didn't it at least gave birth to the whole
>(he doesn't know)
It's been a long time, I can't remember
Where did his shirt go?
Then just photocopy the book.
It's like calling /thread on your own post
For the most part yeah, theres still some file types that get fucked up when converting, and just give up ever reading pdfs on any e reader.
I thought that was a huge hook falling down and on its way to crush someone, at first
This is a deep political cartoon. What does it mean?
>32 years old
>kissless virgin
>do nothing but play Project Diva F 2nd on my PS3 when I come home
This may as well be me.