This game is comfy as fuck, what's Sup Forums's problem?

This game is comfy as fuck, what's Sup Forums's problem?

Shitty console exclusive.

The art style is trash like 99% of modern jap cartoons, games and most definitely their fashion sense.

For what it's worth, I agree OP.

This excuse is getting old.

Just ignore Sup Forums and keep enjoying ffxv. The graphics are actually good especially in the in game cut scenes.

I've been having a lot of fun with it. Just killed Deadeye. Riding around on Chocobos. Fighting enemies and teleporting around like a rabid Houdini.
Music is pretty good as well.
I've just been busting out side quests and gathering items in the field

it's a pretty game with good music. TERRIBLE story very underwhelming battle system

>The graphics are actually good especially in the in game cut scenes.
this has to be a joke, they can prerender cutscenes if they need to, as well as create them specifically to not require as many objects to render since they're a linear sequence and not a free open space.

Best thing so far is eitherh ow much the gang are all bros with each ther, or the soundtrack because of based Yoko.

It's shit. You can shovel shit in my face all you like i'm not going to eat it.

Daily reminder
dissidia is fighting shit
dissidia 2 is garbage fighting shit
11 is mmo shit
12 is shit
13 is shit
13-2 is shit
13-3 is shit
14 is mmo shit
15 is MEGA shit
16 will be shit
x-3 will be shit
type zero is playable

Remember kids shitty games deserve death.

You're gonna carry that edge.

It's popular

There's that word again

Sup Forums is obsessed with hyped up games failing. Even if a game doesn't fail, Sup Forums will act like it did because most people here are incapable of enjoying things.

>type zero is playable
If you're gonna bait, at least be subtle.

Who's here Cindy's slaves?

So for people with the PS4 Pro... What mode did you end up settling with playing the game on?

>this has to be a joke
Never ever you delusional pcuck

This. I don't understand.

Who here likes video games? I do.

I want to ride my Cho co bo all day!

I'm playing on Light because I don't have a 4k tv.

What I'm really looking forward to is the 60 fps patch

You're certainly on the wrong website then

It's great. Don't listen to the salty Nomura fans.

shit won't even launch on steam anymore cause they fucked it up so bad

>being this much of a faggot

>the people hating this game are PCcuck

Not the user you're replying to but fuck you nigger. I bought a PS4 to play FFXV. Turns out it's a huge disappointment.

Oh well, at least Bloodborne was good enough. And PS4 will have Gundam Versus, Persona 5 and KH3 (maybe).

Sup Forums loves to shit on anything they can. But coming from a long-time player of Final Fantasy, it's got more flaws than I'd like.

The only thing that sticks out as really shit to me from watching footage is the combat.

The edgy thing in that list is FFXV.

The edits of this meme become shittier every day.

I don't even hate the game, I was just pointing out that it was a stupid thing to say

>being this stupid.

>f-fuck you! f-fucking n-nigger!
Get fucked PC fag

>hurr durr can't read: the post

Subhumans like you shouldn't be allowed to exist. Can't wait when Trump cleans your filthy ilk.

>60 fps patch
Is Square mailing TV overlays to simulate textures?

So the Spear is definitely the best weapon, right?

As far as graphics go the only problems I have are with the hair and parts of the seats of the regalia everything else is at least on par with mgs v.

I'm playing on light, can't stand the frame timing problems with the high res option. Will choose w/e gives the higher framerate whenever the patch comes out.

>walking down the path
>"Yeah we're gonna need someone. You know anyone?"
Oh it's gonna be them aint it
>"In fact I know 2"

comfy is a buzzaord

katana and scepter are, along with ultima weapon and then a 4th slot for spells.

Why didn't they just leave her as Cidney?

i know the feel. just driving and listening to old ff tunes is the most comfy shit in a vidya in YEARS

MGSV had better driving and custom soundtracks.

So does GTA.

FFXV is garbage.

because cid should always be an old salt mechanic, not some dumb bimbo.

so, cid is an old salt mechanic, and some dumb bimbo repairs the car (not that you ever need to repair it, you have to literally force yourself into another car to do damage)

He doesn't always have to be anything.
He could have still been Cid and she could have still been Cidney. Its not like changing the name has any significant impact on the game. I was just curious because isn't it Cidney in Japan?

It's the difference of what people want. The game is incredibly comfy, but because of this it doesn't have the seriousness or the urgency that previous final fantasy games had. The game's main cast is well written in their interactions with each other and because of that they are very fun to observe, but the story isn't very compelling at all and is pretty poor.

It seems like a game I would enjoy, but it also seems incredibly lacking for a Final Fantasy game. Not having a good well thought out story or a sense of wanting to continue on playing (a lot of people are already burnt out) makes it lacking as a game. There's something to be said about potentially being the game with the weakest Final Fantasy story, especially when the only doubt is because there exists 3 games on the NES that barely had any story.

Nah it's cindey there too. It was only cidney for a really short period.

And it's not some anti-woman shit if that's what you're driving at, it's just that for 15 games he's been an old salt mechanic, and i'd really like them to keep that tradition going. Cid is the best supporting character in the game in 15, better than cor, better than areane, better than iris, better than talcott, and he has all of 200 words.

how do I stop Noct walking like a retard in this dungeon i'm in

>they'll never make a game as solid as vi ever again
Are we in hell.

you can't, that's one of the biggest issues I have in the game.

Wait till you get to a later dungeon where you can't get too far away from your team :^) god taht was fucking torture. best boss though.

>what's Sup Forums's problem?

it's v?

its those buzzwords again *rolls eyes*

>biggs and wedge

i thought it was WEDGE and VICKS

It was vicks in the original localizations but everyone hated those so they went with the fanslations and renamed them in all subsequent releases.

have an angry best girl and freckle faced worst boy

I really wish you could turn his selfies off, it's fucking dumb, you can turn the filters off but not the selfies, and not him taking "in the middle" action shots of ignis' ass in front of the lens.


dayum shame.

if it makes you feel any better /vr/ is only allowed to talk about FF up to IX

they need to move to another board

I guess you also can't stop Ignis warning you about the night everytime you want to drive?

>I've just been busting out side quests and gathering items in the field
I can cook anything Ignis has on his menu plenty of times with how much shit i have gathered every time i get to a new area and im still at the start chapter 3, so i still need to complete the map till i get to the next set of road blocks.

In the quest menu, i have a full list from top to bottom to complete before i even touch the main side quest and go meet Gladios sister.


Yeah it's really just silly. I'm sure they'll patch it in eventually though. It's just a strange choice, of all the things they put in options to change or turn off, not that. Not his ugly fucking ass taking selfies.

I thought he was set on fire when he put on the ring?

Light with HDR

It's really pretty

It's not what I signed up for in 2006

why did Nomura get replaced anyway

>the xbone version has th best frame rate ad framepacing but a shitty resolution

So they could make him remake a game the the original director should be fucking making

Can I visit every area in Kingsglaive? Like the station that girl got killed and dumped at?

Is the story at least decent? That's the only thing that's holding me back from buying this.

I don't want to play another MGSV.

The art design in these games annoy the shit out of me. Choose a fucking era square. Jesus christ.

>Is the story at least decent? That's the only thing that's holding me back from buying this.
It's fucking dogshit.

Why do I feel like Ignis' group skill is going to break the game

I think that ultimately my issue is that the open world is not properly utilized and also that the sidequests are the most generic basic form of MMO sidequest you could possibly attempt. We've been over this crap some 8 years ago at this point and yet square thinks it's okay to introduce an open world game with some pretty basic combat that had these boring quests. Like, why?