Why are non-mainstream JRPG games such trash?

Why are non-mainstream JRPG games such trash?

Went out to buy Ar NoSurge, Resonance of Fate, and Trail of Cold Tears and they're all fucking awful. Makes me wish I bought a Tales of game instead.

When will Japan start making good games again?

Is Trails not good?
I read a lot of anons here claiming that it's the GOTY

Because you have shit taste.

Cold Steel is the black sheep of the series, but it's still better than Tales.

How is tales not a mainstream jrpg?

How to spot shit taste

PS2 graphics for a PS3 game. Filled with all the JRPG cliches I've grown to hate.

I expected growth from Japan. Like you know how FPS games no longer have random exploding crates anymore? Japan has all of that, including the inability for the player to see his feet.

>How to spot shit taste
He's right about the former three games, the shit is that he likes Tales too.

exploding barrels are great, what is your problem?

Except Kiseki games are GOAT

Trails of Cold Steel was good with a walkthrough. If you've never played the games before, you would never catch on the patters of NPC missions.

>Ar NoSurge
There is little to no excuse as to why this game was brought to America. Over half the plot revolved around a game that is Japan only.

>coming to Sup Forums for jrpg advice
This board has rubbish taste, they think Atlus rpgs are good and like Kingdom Hearts.

>Sen no Kusoge
kek, play an actual good Kiseki game

>Ar nosurge
I liked it.

>Resonance of Fate
Never played, but main girl is a qt

name your favorite RPGs

i don't speak nip

what the fuck is kiseki? speak english you fucking weeb

Like trail of dated game?

>complaining about graphics in a JRPG

Yeah I sure do hate JRPGS that are similar to the Ps2 golden era. Fairy Fencer F Advent is the same why and Im fucking loving that shit right now

Fallout 1/2
Planescape Torment
Chrono Trigger
Breath of Fire 3
Suikoden 2
Shadow Hearts 1/2

graphics are all there are in rpgs. if you have shit graphics, you have a shit game. it's as simple as that.


Back to neofag, kill yourself on the way there.

So clearly you dont enjoy story, gameplay, side quests, post game content, literally anything that makes up a jrpg. Why the fuck are you buying them and then complaining about them on a Novaschoia afgan knitting forum?

Do you know how to read?

Even xillia. I really enjoyed both of them.

utterly meaningless when supported by terrible graphics. and before you bring old final fantasies into it, every final fantasy game had amazing graphics for its time on their respective platforms.

>japanese games

>every game that isn't ps3 level graphics is worthless

Holy fuck. Do you even fucking enjoy vidya? Jesus christ it must be terrible to have that absolutely garbage of taste

Resonance of Fate is John Woo Gun-Fu nonsense with hilarious cutscenes interspersed. How is that bad?

You have shit taste.

>People claiming graphics don't matter in JRPGs
If you guys purchased the $49.99 Dragon Quest 7 at launch, you would know that graphics do matter.

lol those are my grandpas favorite games

>pseudo patrician core

>damn, those games are good so I can't defend my autistic disney shit

Try reading a book moron, you might actually learn something

Where the fuck is the Revelator Nesica crack?

When they're done with their virgin pandering fanservice simulators