Was there ever going to be Black Ops 2?

Anyone else think the planning is suspect of Treyarch's COD quadrilogy?

Starting off with World At War, then a sequel with Black Ops, there seemed to be a lot of loose ends that were never tied up. Including some weird Reznov easter eggs.

Also how Black Ops 3 just seemed to abandon all the story threads from previous games besides some gas.

Anyone else think that Activision may have scrapped a potentially different story for the Treyarch game after BO1?

Why are you dudebros even here?

idkkk, normally wasn't into call of duty at all but i got gifted them a bit back and really dug treyarch's shit.

Someone played the campaigns?

>playing COD for the story

whats your kdr Sup Forums? currently this blops 3, but its going up to 3 right now family

First black ops had one of the most fun and memorable campaigns of its time, fuck off

>of its time
ah yes, the ultra linear, scripted cinematic, military FPS cancer generation

so that one pile of poop was better than the other you say? k

too bad it's still poop

Your poor spm, you're camping trash

not at all

post your stats

BO story was fun

OP, I think you made this at the wrong time. Last week we had a thread all about the games without these tryhards. Yeah, it seems really suspect to me too. I played waw and BO on release so I honestly didn't even recognize him as the same reznov. They most likely went with a backup plan in case the first game took off.

What is treyarch even gonna do next?
I feel that they probably wouldnt make a black ops 4 now that everyone hates future cod

I actually liked the Netflix style campaign in BO3, where you can play the campaign in any order and figuring out the plot

Too bad the plot is shit

would be funny if they're one year into the development cycle already kek

>tfw less than a week until I can play cod for the first time in almost half a year
Feels like being a soldier on my way home to nut in my gf.

Does Black Ops 3 even work? I bought it recently and it keeps crashing/stuttering on startup, and I have a GTX 1060.

Same exact way that they overran /r9k/ like locusts. This site isn't your secret club anymore.

>playing cod on pc

Better than among children with a gamepad.

cod is better on console. it's a console game designed to be played with a controller from the ground up. it's the only fps series i'd rather play on console from the couch with a controller in hand rather than on pc with kbm. it literally just wouldn't feel right on pc and loses its charm and gameplay appeal desu.

>it's a console game designed to be played with a controller from the ground up
The problem is in the controller itself, not for which control method is built for.

>it literally just wouldn't feel right on pc and loses its charm and gameplay appeal desu.
You are the kind of children I like to avoid by not playing these games on consoles.

lol nobody cares; we dont want you here either

feel free to die alone on your pc with your shoddy console ports pcfat

I have the money to make port quality an irrelevance.
I don't find any reasons to play on consoles, there's just not a single one.

nobody cares kid

You do, since you are replying.

doesn't mean I care you insecure manchild. you humour me, nothing more.

>I have the money to make port quality an irrelevance.
>Does Black Ops 3 even work? I bought it recently and it keeps crashing/stuttering on startup, and I have a GTX 1060.

kek. just kek :^)

>i have the money to make port quality an irrelevance
no. you dont.
no money you spent could've made dishonored 2 have a good launch on pc
no money could've made rockstar release gta 5 sooner
no money you have could've made akrham knight have a better release.
as well as dark souls, etc...
your post lets me know you're probably a fag /r/pcmustard race and /r/cuckolding subcriber.
please go back.
im an idort, and fags like you make pc gayming look like a joke to everyone.

>playing fps with a pad
