What was his fucking problem?
What was his fucking problem?
Potion seller did nothing wrong
He wanted potions and the potion seller wouldn't give them to him. He was completely in the right, and the potion seller at fault. If he thinks he can handle the potions, so be it. The potion seller lost a customer.
Arrogance. Felt he understood his customer's capabilities better than them and insisted on playing nanny for them instead of letting the good knight make his own choices.
Why did he brew potion so fucking strong dragons can't use them
He was lying. He either had a personal vendetta against the knight or was paid by a third party to tell him his potions were too strong so he would go into battle without potions and convinced of his inferiority.
He was only trying to protect the knight
So the strongest warriors would have potions to match their greatness, of course
Maybe his potions are poisons, and he is lying to get around the law by claiming otherwise. He can't blow his cover, but still doesn't want the knight to die
>Sell an obvious novice a potion that will kill him
>Word of mouth gets around that this guy's potions will kill you
>Lose out on a fuckton of business
Potion seller did nothing wrong
Who are the strongest warriors? Is the potion seller the strongest warriors?
He should've asked how he knew that he needed the strongest potions, clearly. What warrior just goes into battle with the strongest potions he can find?
>My potions would kill a dragon
Do you think he actually tested it on a dragon though? Let me see the nutrition table of this fucking thing before you tell me I can't have it mother fucker.
>You will never buy potions strong enough to kill a dragon
>You will never actually kill a Dragon
Me. I am the greatest warrior this world has EVER seen!
Do scientists really kill 70 elephants to test his poisonous a frog is?
Yeah, thats the real secret behind Area 51. They say aliens to keep animal activists at bay.
It's quite simple.
The strongest warriors are very strong. It's likely they are able to kill many dragons. If the strongest warriors can kill dragons, and use his potions, his potions must be able to kill dragons.
But what about the second part of his statement?
>"Let alone a man"
The strongest warriors are no mere men.
Why didn't the knight just buff himself up with weaker potions first so that he could endure the stronger potions?
>Potion of strong potion resistance
>Strong potion of stronger potion resistance
>Stronger potion of strongest potion resistance
A rascal who has no respect for knights, literally kys if you think the potion seller was in the right.
Maybe it's like the witcher where too much potion makes your blood toxic