Season 3 just started and I'm already fucking done with it. Someone explain to me how this isn't forced 50% bullshit

Season 3 just started and I'm already fucking done with it. Someone explain to me how this isn't forced 50% bullshit.
>First 4 games
>Steamroll enemy team
>Next 3
>Idiots who won't change heroes, don't know how to counter or even outright play their hero

Fuck Blizzard. I'm so done with this shit.

Are you solo queuing?

Don't play solo queue you fucking idiot. Problem solved.

I don't understand this complaint of "50% bullshit"

Clearly if you are matched against an even opponent, you will win ~50% of your games.

How is this a bad thing?

If you've played season 2 the placements hardly matter

I went 50% and got the same rank I was at the end of season 2
I heard people in top 500 who won only 2/10 still got placed 4400

>friend isn't too good at OW
>he placed 1500 last season
>I placed 2921, rose to 3363 after 150 matches (rough estimate)
>help him this time around for his placement matches
>lose 3, disconnect once, win 4, 1 draw
>get 2399
>he gets pic related

I....I don't even know how.... We were in the same exact matches except for ONE.

How are games not matched with people in-groups and solo separately? Shit's broken.

Not like Blizzard cares, they already have your shekels.

Can confirm. I went 2/10, expected to be put into the plat dumpster, instead got my previous rank.

Because problems with groups not playing together/specific team comps is because you're grouping with individuals who want to do their own thing.

You apparently get rated on your personal performance not if you won or lost

I guess you can't fix the Blizzard fanbase being retarded.

The placement matches hardly matter this season and I've got many reports of people saying they got placed withing 100-200 or so of where they ended last season regardless of how their placements went this season.

I was diamond last season and 65 season 1. I wanted to place low to kill shitters and just have fun. I won 2 of 10 matches and placed at almost 2900. FUCK YOU BLIZZARD LET ME HAVE FUN KILLING CASUAL SCUM.

your mmr doesn't reset, just the delta

>inb4 faggots come in to damage control how Overwatch never matches you with shitty teammates

I'm gonna wait a couple weeks before I do my placement matches. God help me if I'm placed gold or lower.

that's what quickplay is for.

just keep losing

Placement matches ain't shit.
Just keep playing and you'll settle in where you belong.

>Get silver last season in placements
>decide to practice and eventually finish 3300
>go fucking 1-9 in placements
>placed 3750


placements don't matter

In Theory it looks good

But in Reality if you win, 90% of the time you are pitted against shitters that are nowhere near you or your team's skill level and if you lose you are on team shitter. Even Kaplan did a forum post about how people complain they don't get matches where they "barely win" or "barely lose" and that it's just a one sided stomp, then proceeded to go "The matchmaking system is just too complicated for you to understand ;)"

I've seen too many strange things going on with this game and bizarre anomalies that should not happen. It really is NOT hard to implement a solo queue function but they absolutely refuse to do it for reasons that are only in Blizzards interests no doubt.

Still though if you find yourself stuck at a rank you really need to start talking and telling people what to do because you have to be the X factor. Imagine it like this: Your team is awful. They will always be awful. Every single game they will be unable to aim, they will feed, they will pick bad heroes, they will get picked out of position forcing you to wait around etc etc etc it goes on endlessly.. However the good news is that the entire enemy team are also fucking retards so this is where having a mic gives you a massive advantage.

So you queue into a game with the retarded potato brained blizzard players so you immediately say something on your mic like "Hello" or something. Just greet them it doesn't matter. Now you have to coach these people, tell them what to pick, coordinate your ults and get those team wipes, try to request to play DPS if you can, tell them where to stand and where not to stand around.. You have to coach them on every little thing because otherwise they are just.. There. Like they just sort of exist and flounder around like some mindless nebula. Doing this will make it so that you can turn lead into gold and stomp the enemy idiots.

However I would still recommend not playing at all if you aren't willing to try your hardest and still lose, it is still a competitive game. Hope this games.

Hope this helps*. Typo.

I have had plenty of games where I barely lose and raged hard. I didn't know I was the only one.

I've been doing this with a friend of mine. He placed 800 SR , I placed 2599, we played in the same games.

I keep telling him,


He's getting better, but it's his first FPS.


It's incredible how much people don't know they suck until you play with them and keep telling them basic things. I had a friend who would always run at the point and didn't know you are supposed to wait for the team to get in position to launch an attack together. It's the kind of thing you'd think everyone would get after a few games but so many scrubs don't understand.

I haven't tried in a while but season 2 quick play kept putting me in games with masters and ex-grandmasters. That's not fun. I like being able to 1v6 with genji and not die because everyone misses. I want to play Pharah and not get shot down instantly. I want to laugh as the enemy team dies to the level 26 torbjorn on my team because they insist on ignoring his turret. I want to have fun.

The bad thing about the placement is, it punishes certain playstyles, if you don't get a ton of kills because you primarily finish of weak shits and healers you're not gonna place higher than the junkrat who sat in the corner spamming grenades at the group.

Or if you switch as needed, your stats will also be skewed.

after a while i didnt have to keep telling him what to do, he's starting to get it, but ill remind him every once in a while that he needs to do x, y, and z.

I wanted to play ranked with him, but it looks like I can't do that now since we have a 2000 SR difference even though we played in the same games.

He's really discouraged now.