I didn't know this room in Gerudo Fortress even existed for the longest time. Anyone else?
I didn't know this room in Gerudo Fortress even existed for the longest time. Anyone else?
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what's so special about this room?
did you afk for 5 minutes and let something attack you before taking this pic?
wew lad
good thing you didn't try a 3 heart run
How come people got lost in gerudo fortress when it's so small?
It's definitely the most obscure room in the fortress. In the 3DS version they added some extra lore; namely an ancient map on the table of all of Hyrule showing the Gerudos knew about the temples. The same map you see in Impa's home only a lot more worn down.
There's also a shift schedule in Hylian of something on the wall.
>Fairy's Fountain in Gerudo Fortress
>He never found the Gerudo Great Fairy and never got to go into the room under Zoras Domain
You made me search it, I started panicking.
I found Nayru's Love, the soft spot in the wall is pretty easy to notice since it's an open area.
>room under Zoras Domain
Are you talking about the horse fountain from the beta?
Is that even accessible without debug?
Or are you talking about something completely different?
It's the room that's only accessible from above your jail cell. Nothing special about the room itself, it's just well hidden.
This was something that had me scratching my head for a while.
It made me unironically think "What did they mean by this"
What did they mean by this?
i was in the hyrule market exploring around and was getting attacked by redeads
No, dumbass. That's in Gerudo's Desert.
There's a hidden hole next to the crates in Gerudo's Fortress. I forget if you have to use Song of Storms or Hammer/Bomb, but there's nothing important in there.
Just a regular fairy fountain. Not "Great Fairy".
I think I can say with confidence that I know where every hidden hole is in OoT.
>Fairy Fountain
Christ, this fucking game. Everytime I come back to it there's always some stupid hidden area. Anybody remember that hidden place in Kakariko Village that has a 200 rupee chest and some redeads in it? If you smash your hammer in the area around that one tree you should find it.
Daily Reminder that the Royal Family is wicked
fuck i always thought it was a bomb
no wonder i never got the hole to open because i'm a dumbass
Do you mean this map? I can't really distinguish anything about it
In the 3DS version, you huge doofus.
Where do I find your mom's?
i was playing an emulator and my game froze. i went through every door 10 times, and never triggered the battle again that would give me the last key
i had to stop playing
Yeah, and if you open that chest you won't get the infinite 200 rupee reward from the Skulltula family once you get the 100 golden skulltulas.
If this is your method of getting puss then you'll never find it
Someone post that weird hole that contained what looked like part of a beta dungeon.
The crystal cave?
>greatest game of all time in an "exploration" action adventure game
>nothing to explore but copy/pasted holes in the ground
skyrim did it better you nostalgiafags
This one?
You can find it riiiiiiight...
... here.
he said HIDDEN hole, user
I was referring to >He never found the Gerudo Great Fairy
It seemed unrelated to the one in the desert in the context of the post, so it made me wonder.
I know about hidden holes like the one in the rock circle near the Hyrule Field entrance and the one on the plateau leading to Gerudo Valley (those are kind of easy though).
I also know that you can summon wingless red fairies with Song of Storms, like at the flagpole marker on the ridge by Goron City and at the small pool near the entrance to Zora River in Hyrule Field.
The post seemed contradictory to what I know, and I corrected myself in my post.
It's just a friendly neighborhood game.
Even the versus book perfect guide didn't have this shit labelled.
Didn't he only say yabba dabba in this episode?
>copypasted holes
I never liked that, but not all of them were puddles, rupee chest, and "they say ganondorf rides a handsome black stallion".
Some of them had some good shit in it.
Wait what? What is this referring to?
Different user, you can find that one with a bomb to the center of the open area there.
Two Wolfos and a small chest with rupees for defeating them.
The walls have some weird fucking glossy RGB texture, but the floor is similar to Water Temple textures, same with the ceiling.
The walls don't go up to the ceiling and that can be seen expanding further out.
I always wondered as a kid what might be outside if I could get out.
Growing up and becoming smarter tells me there's nothing and I just don't have any sense of wonder anymore.
You're in a hole in the ground.
You'd hit the ceiling.
Nigger, I've been playing this game since I was like four years old.
The ceiling is higher than the walls by a lot though
>mfw i found that by chance when i tried the rumble pack out and then promptly got assraped by redeads when I went in there
That shit ruined me. I didn't know how to escape them when I was little so I always thought if you got caught, it was over
There was a hole area in Oot that just had a bunch of dead deku scrubs or some shit. Anyone know what im referring to? Its vague to me but I don't know what it was for
Isn't the one who rate your masks?
Dead Deku Scrubs?
The hole in Lost Woods?
You gotta enter the hole as a child while wearing any mask.
I don't think I ever knew you could get above the jail
And I DEFINITELY never knew about the fairy fountain
And I swear I dedicated my LIFE to this game when I was a kid. My earliest days on the internet were reading Zelda fansites and shit.
God damn.
Nice meme.
Bitch you should have been reading up cheat codes and secrets, not fansites.
Did you write any good fanfics?
What game is this?
Assuming we're talking about the same thing, they're not dead but if you wear certain masks they have different reactions and two of the masks give rewards.
Also you can permanently miss the second deku nut upgrade if you don't show them the mask of truth before getting the poacher's saw.
I know that it's been said that all of the content found its way into other Zelda games but I'll always been sad that we never got Ura Zelda.
The Hobbit
Holy shit I never knew about this. I feel retarded
>tfw there will be a day where this question won't be retarded
feels weird
There is so many holes I get people missing them but I just legit learned about the dying soldier in the castle town alley a few days ago
When did you first play the game?
>before getting the poacher's saw
Back when it came out, I also did not knew about Bongo Bongo and the Ice arrows.
i just found out now thanks man, why did he die?
i played when i was 6-7, i had to find out from some guy at school that you could light the deku sticks on fire
I learned about him only a few years ago.
He's easy to miss. You can only see him within a certain time window and you usually never ever go back into that alley.
You never got the big gorons sword? Jesus nigga.
Oh I don't know about Bongo Bongo and the Ice Arrows. What about them?
>why did he die?
It happens when Ganondorf fucks you up after getting the stones, go to the alley and the soldier explains how Ganondorf attempted to take the throne by force and tells you Zelda was waiting for you.
>Nothing special about the room itself, it's just well hidden.
>all these years and he still hasn't found it
No bitch I just didnt know you had to get the deku upgrade before getting the saw, what happens if you miss it?
That's just mean, user.
Shoot an ice arrow to one of Bongo Bongo's hand and he stops playing the drum and hits his frozen hand trying to release it from the ice.
Then you miss it? It's exactly what the previous user you replied to said.
oh thats probaly why i never found it, i always just whent for the master sword rather then chilling.
that false sence of urgency is anoying but great
God no
And I definitely read up on a lot of secrets but I think I never straight-up went through a checklist
moot had the most aesthetic gear/shield out of any zelda
debate me
>didnt know you could light the sticks on fire
You were one dumbass kid
If you get the poacher's saw without getting the deku nut upgrade first, then when you go back and show them the mask they act as if you'd already gotten the upgrade, because the upgrade and poacher's saw use the same "quest completed" flag.
Fuck, did they fix this in the 3DS remake?
who /beatspirittemplebeforeshadowtemple/ here
the witches are just upset they became oldfags, hell i would be too if i use to be a spunk monk in my prime
I did that on a playthrough before. It's fun.
i feel like i did that by accident on my last playthrough
don't remember circumstances
isn't that the order of the medallions on the inventory screen too?
i always do because the shadow temple was suppose to be last i thought and because it's spoopy
That's the way the medallions and songs are ordered so my autism makes me do it first.
Oh yeah, here's an interesting thing.
I challenged myself this summer by trying to beat the temples in reverse order, including the spiritual stones.
It was the 3DS version, so of course I couldn't get across Gerudo's Valley by bomb jumping.
Is there a way to get across, by just using minor exploits? It's the only thing stopping me from completing a reverse run.
when did u play the game?
I was playing the nes with smb and other basic skill shit that didnt encorage congitive thinking before i got the 64 and this, after i learnt about the stick it was easy since i expected more of the game.
the irony,
what he once was is what you became.
Okay, fine. I played it too when I was like 9 and couldn't get further than Jabu Jabu because I was fucking retarded.
But I could still light a stick on fire.
i beat the game at 7 so fuck you dumb ass, i bet you had friends and your parents didnt get devorced as well you pleb
>3 heart run
Sadly the folks who ported it were the no fun allowed type so pretty much all the fun exploits are gone
Nigga you retarded, all the exploits are still there, there is even an interview with Miyamoto about how he was surprised the programmers said glitches where fun and should stay.
which one of you shitey cunts keeps posting godzilla pictures everywhere
every fucking thread I go to there's godzilla fucking stop
fuck theat gayloard lizard i want that gay anime weeb shit to be produced already
How old was everyone ITT when they beat it?
I think about 7 for me but I was with my older brother the whole way taking turns
I first played it when I was four. Beat it ten years later. I suck at vidya but I love em.
>tfw my brother was 14 and older link and I was 7 younger link and we both had the long blonde surfer hair with fairy boy faces
More reasons to be my favourite game
I still remember the day I was hyped for Majora's Mask, bought the game and had to wait till 2004 to buy the fucking expansion pack off ebay.
That guy sold me also a gba with zelda alttp and a gamecube with metroid, ww, mario, luigi pikmin
Holy shit I didn't know the game had so many secrets. I've only played OoT for the first time on 3DS and thought it was a pretty nice game, nothing special, but still liked it a hella damn lot.
But I guess it must've been revolutionary to play it back in the days when it was just out. Telling your friends about all the nifty nooks and crannies you've found, calling out each other on bullshit and then proving them right, bickering how you can't defeat some boss or something like that. I envy you guys.
It's pretty much the same now, or I'd like to think so. I try not to wear rose-tinted glasses. But yeah it was good. Discovering speedruns completely fucking destroys this game though. It goes from a masterpiece to basically terrible design decisions 101.
This thread made me want to finally start the 3DS version.
Got it way back then for free on the JP clubnin.