Buying rune scimmy 30k
Buying rune scimmy 30k
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lol noob
Selling Rune Scimmy 31k
>Be me
>Stay in the first ten feet of the wilderness with nothing but a Dragon Dagger and an inventory full of lobbies
Fishing lv?
Buying Rune Scimmy 32k
b i n g u s
>5 trade requests
>Dont accept
>ill show you how to dupe item kids just walk into this room
>ill keep watch
>just drop it in that corner of the room and then put the mouse over it and hold alt and f4
Wave: HEY GUYS COME WITH ME TO THE PARTY ROOM, GIVING WAY 100,000k worth of loot and a party hat!
Cooking lvl?
>tfw killed and stripped of all my stuff
Runescape was kind of a roguelike.
I have a low to mid-level dude on OSRS, a high-ish level dude on 3, and a could-be-better dude on Sup Forumsscape
Without any membership, what play?
flash2:shake: Phr33 St00f Pl0x
>guy tries to do that luring thing where he drops a good item in the wildy and goads you into getting it
>bring telegrab runes
>telegrab his item
>mfw bots ruined mining ore
>mfw bots ruined chopping trees
>mfw bots ruined farming wine
>mfw bots ruined farming dragon hide
>Runescape in 2006 or so
>Wandering aimlessly beyond Falador
>Venture south and see Port Sarim
>Sick soundtrack
>Return several times during quest and the hype builds
>Discover you can play it without having to visit the location
>I will never experience it ever again
post your offenses
>tfw I played for like 3 years with a mute
Tales of atmosphere
Runscape nailed the atmosphere, despite the graphics that competed with Google Earth's.
I just had an account sharing when I eject made my account.
hey man if you hate your sara trim, i can make it a zammy trim
just send a trade request ;)
Don't forget moneysnek drawing gatherables by the truckload to ensure the economy is flooded with raw materials!
Sure would be too bad if you didn't have the stats to kill it and instead were trying to grind for money via skilling!
What did H.A.M. stand for?
>mfw I fell for a guys scam when he traded me a Zammy plateskirt for a Guthix platebody because he convinced me Zammy stuff was much more expensive than Guthix shit
Humans Against Monsters
>~~~~~~Selling RS GOLD 10m $0.01 RSGOLD dot C 0 M~~~~~~~~
Humans Against Monsters.
Basically its version of the KKK.
>despite the graphics that competed with Google Earth's.
hol up nigga, the claymation graphics had as much charm as the rest of the world.
Look at metal armor and weapons in osrs, the armor looks practical and elegant instead of overdesigned WoW-tier shit, there's no plastic shine to them, and you don't swing swords like a ladyboy. Your hide armor looks like hides, dull and leathery, instead of maxed out Witcher gear.
Monsters actually look monstrous despite their double digit polycount because they leave something to your imagination a la early resident evil/silent hill.
Runescape wouldn't have been Runescape without the blobby, chunky, mostly untextured grafix of its time, and the """artstyle""" of RS3 is questionable and derivative at best.
> Levels?
I liked Runescape 2's graphics when it was around 2008-09. It was a fine mix between the old styles and what eventually became a monstrosity.
62, never touching it again
>tfw no not really oldschool and not nuscape but just comfy 2009 fucking around for hours at clan wars-scape
The Norse Code soundtrack from Runescape during the Fremnik Isles quest utilized actual Morse Code in its song.
I just found that out now.
I was banned around 2010 because of botting accusations. I loved those times, and I met Zezima for the first time at the 2010 easter event.
song is as detailed as the game
>my friend bragged about how he saw Zezima in his hometown in Edgeville
Let's pretend to be Jagex for a bit. If you could make some changes, how would you prevent bots from abusing the economy? How do you plan to stop bots altogether?
The only way to stop bots is to fuck everyone over.
bring back random events that sent monsters at you, or made you lose your axe head.
I used to love RuneScape 2 around 2004-2007. I still have my character, and have logged in several times to check it out, but it just seems emptier than it ever was and the new content and optional pay to win is off-putting.
I'm aware of DarkScape and Old School RuneScape, of the 3 incaranations what one is most worth playing? I see OSRS still has about 2/3 the population of modern RuneScape with less worlds, so they are more populated.
darkscape lasted like a month before dying out
oldschool is where it at
retail is a joke
Ian Taylor was a musical genius
>all dem new takes on his midi stuff
>all dem tone deaf musicians they had to have hired that can't keep a beat and likely never listened to the original songs
Is Old School active still? And is there any way to bring back my old RS2 character? I'd love to believe I could immerse myself in this game again, one of the most fun I've ever had with a game.
tfw working on your scripts
Fucking actually sending an employee to go look at the popular resource areas to ban the bots themselves.
I hope you get banned, scumbag.
>rs3 HUD graphics
The days where I played Halo 3 and Runescape at the same time.
Dont use your product, sell it
Out private scripts are way more secure, still not foolproof though.
agility is slloowwww, i cut all the corners i can with training it.
a modern tripple a mmo with a runescape skill system and quest system would be the best mmo
How do you go from this...
be my gf???
Even the new music for OSRS is garbage.
Botting got crushed a few years back though.
Not in OSRS it didn't. Go behind Varrock castle on an F2P world and look at that mass of bald assholes.
RS3's only weakness is the combat system but you can just do legacy. Lots of the new quests are good and lots of new content that's awesome. Priff is the best city.
This. I always though if Jagex had a presence in game they could manually ban the niggers that are obviously botting
Too busy sucking dick on twitter, reddit and twitch
:wave2:cyan: trimming rune armor behind fally bank 50k
this is why player moderators are fucking useless
I got muted for a day for telling a pmod who was making people suck his e-cock at the ge to "do your job you useless piece of shit"
Is there some meme I am missing?
South of varrock where Delrith (?) is summoned.
>his first death wasn't to dark wizards south of varrock
Too bad they won't hire people to do it for free, there would be so many signing up
Mugger west of Lumby did me in a few times
>thought he was another player at first
>"dude stop"
>"please stop"
>Oh dear, you have died!
But the shrimp button though, that is more of a Draynor thing
It's just a lvl 1 fish and lvl 1 cook item which heals NOTHING really. It's just a joke as most beginning players wander in and die.
I bet they weren't even muting the advertising bots. I hate going to the grand exchange because the bots pick up your name and start spamming you in PMs.
Alright, eating shrimp makes more sense than catching shrimp in Varrock
Terrible idea.
The botters can just create a new account and take like 3 hours to setup to farm money by the truckloads. You'd need several employees per world to even try and stop that and even then it would be day in day out doing nothing but that.
I was about to insult you but I realize what you mean now. At Draynor there WAS a dark wizard that attacks you while you fish.
If anything, they've got a valid reason to not crack down too heavily on bots since that's extra membership being purchased, either by people operating bots, or people that don't want to waste a solid week fighting for yew longs so they can get a bond.
>Set private on Friends
>Problem solved
Yeah, letting people to get banning capabilities would be a terrific idea.
After this the amount of bots seriously diminished and the RS3 bot catching system catches them really early most of the time. There are of course bots still left but not even close to what it was back before the nuke (literally endless line of bots going from graahk teleport to nature altar)
This is the main point of contention
I know it's filled with shitty micro-transactions and promotions now and updates are slower than ever and the whole game is a mess due to poorly planned updates made with no regard to existing content, but underneath it all I think it's still the game I used to love. I think this summer I'm going to become a member and do my quest backlog.
I hope you enjoy it, but don't say anybody didn't warn you
Meh, go for it. Quests are loads of fun and plenty of new features. Nothing too bad.
Zaros vs Zamorak was the newest quest.
Protip: Unless you explicitly start looking at promotions and MTX and obsess about them they don't actually affect you at all.
I don't know if there is a global observe function to jump to one area without having a character, but that would be useful. Taking out yew botters, ore miners, or wine telegrabbers would mean that new bots start at 1 again then get banned before getting high enough levels to bot the good stuff.
We have moderators here don't we? If Runescape pmods could throw up an immediate or temp ban for "suspected botting" with a place for appeals it would be fine . Mass botters would only put copy pasted replies or nothing at all, which would keep them banned.
>Taking out yew botters, ore miners, or wine telegrabbers would mean that new bots start at 1 again then get banned before getting high enough levels to bot the good stuff.
And for that you'd have to have mods sitting at lumby in every single world to catch those bots. The amount of mods required for that would be like 20 times the amount of people that are actually working on updates and shit.
>We have moderators here don't we?
That's not the point. Point was that letting people who are "doing it for free" get banning powers in a game where people flip out at eachother (even plenty of pmods do this) is not exactly the brightest idea.
To add. The mods would have to sit in Lumby 24/7. 24/7. Every day of the week. Every world. They'd have to take fucking shifts doubling or tripling the amount of people.
45k noob