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for being a shitty game?

Multiplayer is good.



Daily Reminder.

Sure, but that doesn't mean it's a good Halo game. It's a shitty Halo game and an average shooter.

glad you agree it is not good :)

It feels halo.

>I will now apologize to myself for being born.

"I'm sorry, me." -me

No. Like a fucking idiot I bought the $149.99 United States Dollar +TAX """"""""""Limited"""""""""" Collectors Edition with that statue that splits apart and the metal earth figure, and I sold the statue and threw away the figure. I was so mad at the overall product of Halo 5, I can't trust 343i anymore with this series. I gave them the benefit of the doubt after MCC, but this game was the reason I stopped preordering games.

And NO, THE MULTIPLAYER IS NOT THE BEST SINCE HALO 2. It's a good multiplayer, just not a good HALO multiplayer.

i have mixed feelings

godlike Forge, best it's ever been

core mechanics suck fucking cock, i mean mad mandingo dick, 4 hour long gay buttsex compilation bad, i dont know who thought that boost pack and literal mario groundpound needed to be inherent abilities of all fucking things, but they need to degloved from the neck up

but the maps and game modes that arent TDM or competitively oriented are amazing, by which i mean Jenga City and Fat Kid, for example

>i mean mad mandingo dick


hes a pornstar look him up hes like 9 or 10 inches and black

how do you know this? are you gay?


>Microsoft makes its own company for Halo
>They don't listen to the fans and do there own thing
>Everyone hates it

>Microsoft makes its own company for Gears of War
>They do listen to the fans
>Everyone who plays it loves it

I am unsure if The Coalition is a reaction to 343 or if it was just a complete fucking accident that Gears of War 4's only actual problem is microtransaction boxes.

Also here is triggerbait: youtube.com/watch?v=SBjKWKN6jaI

It has CE style power weapon spawning and great weapon sandbox.

>When 343 had the balls to play that shit in the Halo 4 Credits

Almost as bad as the times in 5 where they tried to do that old school style theme.



The worst part is that EVERY playlist in the damn game has them. You aren't even allowed to 'envision' the game without every one of those fuckers on. It's not like in Reach or Halo 4 where you could crawl into one corner of the game that had most of that crap turned off, no. It has to be completely ingrained to your skull that every time you play the game, they will in fact, always be on. Infused with every memory of playing Halo 5.

Not gonna lie, if it came to PC I'd give it a play. But it won't, so I won't, so fuck off shill.

>jenga and fat kid

a-user it has custom games and file share/spoiler]


Microsoft should seriously use The Coalition and Gears 4 as a model of success and re-organize 343 around that model.

Because right now, 343 has completely lost the original core Halo audience while Gears core audience has remained and assimilated well with newcomers.

This is Sup Forums levels of conspiracy right now. Holy fuck.


Not him, but Gears of War 4 is doing REALLY well. I am 22, my younger brother (now 16) was very sheltered and wasn't allowed to play much else when he was young besides E10+ shit. He and all his friends bought Gears of War 4, none of them have played or seen a gears game in there lives.

There is a merging of audiences.


its carved out a market of new and old.

It may not sell as well as the new Halo games, but there's a much higher rate of retention among gears players. They stick around longer and support the community.