What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Sold out hard

Turned gay.

He stopped playing video games.

Or, realistically speaking, he became relatively successful and subsequently started phoning it in.

It's going down, on the 4chans.

The frog girl.

Nothing went wrong.
Jon was never funny or entertaining.

You just grew out of you plebian

Too much production value. Pretty much all of those jokes feel so forced because they're trying to fit them where they don't belong.

TFS has pretty much gone the same way, for some reason they feel the need to edit every single shot now and make everyone's eye's squint.

It's distracting.

fuck your e-celeb shit.

discuss actual video games or get out.

Hey Jon, do a video, we want a percentage of something instead of nothing
> no
It doesn't have to be a game, just pick something to watch and comment on it
> no
Okay we'll pick what it is, we're trending with drug PSAs. Just find a few you like and do your thing
> no
Fine, we'll put together a playlist, just watch them a few times and come up with 15 minutes of content
> no
Just sit here with this fucking keyboard and mouse and scrub through this playlist of a few short videos and say whatever comes to mind, on this set that you had nothing to do with design-wise, and we'll drive you to and from your home
> no
> whats in it for me


All e-celebs start out with a handful of titles they actually want to review. Usually something that pissed them off as kids or they otherwise feel strongly about. After a wonky beginning the production value picks up just enough of a tad such that their early-mid videos are the best.

And then it begins: the chore.

Their show becomes work for them. Occasionally they might come across something that they resonate with strongly and make some good jokes about but for the most part they don't give a damn anymore and are just doing it because it's expected of them.

Except TFS is still funny. Yeah the excessive editing is kind of distracting because of how obvious it is, but at it's core it's still entertaining.

Jon isn't. Jon just isn't funny anymore. He tries way too hard and it shows in everything he does.

I only really noticed now never was a sub. More into gggmanlives and thecollector75

>all these shitty prop jokes
stop it pls

>Jon basically admits his inspirations were AVGN and Spoony
>probably loved all their little costume segments
>builds a viewerbase over years
>finally can do all the cosplaying he likes
>he fucks it up

I'd feel sympathetic if it wasn't so annoying.

He stopped being JonTron.
Now he's JonGon.
I miss old Jon.

He moved to New York

art goes to die in that city doesnt it

The recent video was his funniest yet so

This segment was the best part of the video.


Nothing really. People are upset that his videos aren't 'comfy' anymore (meaning shot in some shitty house). I can't watch his older videos, I actually think the new ones are his best content. Funniest gags and the least over reaction bullshit.

He got a budget and started letting it write the jokes.


Pretty much this, it's a video that pretty much was a straight up H3H3 reaction video but by Jon.

Le mary jane and other drugs are good for kids amirite my ironic fanbase? :^)

>implying jontron hasn't always been shit

you grew up.

haha nice shitpost friend :D

thank you my brodie

Well, shitting on the overused Mario jokes was good 2bh.