FF13 was better than FF15

FF13 was better than FF15.

Makes me wonder how bad FF16 will be

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Why is it that majority of people outside of Sup Forums despise this game? Most of the support for this game comes from Sup Forums. I liked the Paradigm system, story, and the monster design of this game as well.
My first email address was the name of a monster from this game, Hint: It starts with an M

God, no. Having actually played both, I struggle to imagine how anyone have fun playing FF13. The music was ace, though.

This is delusion.
Hardcore delusion.

Great battle system when it's fully available.
Superb OST. One of the best of all vidya, you may hate the game all you want but you can't refute this.
Amazing visuals at its time.
Ambitious world building and lore. Although very badly presented and implemented.
That's it, everything else was outright shite.
dem Lightning armpits doe

I thought the story was good. The only real problem with the game imo was the corridor shit. If it was executed better like FFX and they changed it so there was a large tribal village or whatever on Pulse, 13 would be a good game.

>My first email address was the name of a monster from this game
Are you 12?

>the more new FF's come out, the more its shitty predecessors get 'redeemed' because the newest one is slightly more shit than they are.

I was 13 at release

fix the hallways and open up the battle system early on then you'd have a less shittier version of it. on a very small margin this game is so much better than ffxv we have now both are still shit tier though

Why do people need a bland boring open world?
You saw what happens when linear games go open world, fuck shit like MGSV and FFXV, give me my linear games back

Are you serious? 20 hours of bland, boring hallways are in no way, shape or form more engaging than an open world.

I mean, there were no villages, vendors, people to interact with, most of the cast are separated from each other... FFXIII feels so goddamn empty.

Nah wrong. 15 is really, really good

They weren't boring or bland in any way
The settings were very different, the story progressed very well
The world wasn't empty, it was on the brink of civil war

tfw xv is a big world and it still feels empty

XV being shit doesn't invalidate XIII's shittiness

It's just how Sup Forums is. Every time a sequel comes out, the predecessor is instantly good, even though XIII was a massive piece of shit everyone despised.

>FF13 was better than FF15.

Yeah, right. And DMC 2 was better than DMC 3.

The FF fanbase is notorious for not liking Final fantasy games, at all. Every single one of them is shit at release and vastly inferior to the previous entry.


The settings were just different coats of paint on the same fucking house. I'll concede the story, but they could have told it much more effectively without the damn grinding and hallways.

I wish they went back to when they didn't have all the scifi stuff, if they made something with a setting like ffi-iii or maybe even iv on modern systems I'd love it. Just my opinion, no bully pls
then again modern games are fucking awful, nevermind

Everyone who doesn't have terrible taste anyway.

The music was better I give you that

Are you really gonna make post a bunch of different environments?

Yes, they were pretty, I got intimately familiar with them myself. They just all played the same.

I haven't played XV but I finished XIII and it was a solid 3/10 piece of shit. I regret buying the cunt of a thing.

13 was fucking garbage get out of here
the only good song from 13 and the only one i remember was the main theme youtube.com/watch?v=CxSXm8qGjS8

15 already has a couple great songs

this one is stuck in my head youtube.com/watch?v=dzD15L1MRu4&list=RDdzD15L1MRu4&index=1
battle tune is great youtube.com/watch?v=uphGnH_quGs&list=RDdzD15L1MRu4&index=3
theme song is great youtube.com/watch?v=j7uHU1rIsZ0&list=RDdzD15L1MRu4&index=16
also ingame menu song is pretty good youtube.com/watch?v=2Ag-eRpLR7I

They played very differently
You had different party members, at different levels and abilities, with different enemies

that battle theme is shit

>muh metacritic
By your logic FF13 is just as good as FF15 according to critics.
Protip, watch FF15's score drop below 13's when more reviews come out.

>watch FF15's score drop below 13's when more reviews come out

>13 was fucking garbage get out of here
And 15 is worse.

>83 critics
>83 metascore
And it's amazing how modern games are so shit they can't even get 90+ metascores from last gen
Then again since last gen there was a ridiculous bias against jap games

>cuz I said so

get fucked

15 is mediocre but nowhere near as horrible as 13

15 is offensively terrible. You are pathetic. People rightly complained about FF13's story needing the Datalog to make total sense. FF15 has entire events, character development and even the deaths of half the cast happen off screen. It's a fucking piece of shit.

I am somebody that hates all Final Fantasy.

Here's my two cents:

This is the most intolerable of the entire series. Everything about FFXV is extremely gay and shit, from what I've seen in streams. The setting is an insufferable mishmash of a bunch of lame shit put into a synergistic greater-than-the-sum-of-the-parts explosion of faggot lameness. Rockabilly, high fashion, cyberpunk, high-tech, fantasy, route 66, rock and roll, leather, country, muscle cars. All of the characters are huge faggot fags with awful personalities. Main character runs like a fag. Selfies.

This is the worst thing I've ever seen from video games.


6:28 to 7:00

then 8:05 to 8:38

then 9:28 onwards, show me something in ff 15 which looks more final fantasy then anything in this game, remember this is on last gen hardware, yes the game may be terrible, but aesthetically, this game destroys 15 in every way

keep parrotting

the only people who died were the main cast and luna oh also ardyn

after the ending everyone of the side characters are still alive like cor, cod, etc etc

maybe play the game before you spew shit


This is it. Sup Forums forms its opinion based on fuckin Twitch donation beggers.

I fucking hate how this place turned out. Jump off a cliff kids

>long sections of gameplay isn't enough to form a valid opinion

This game is gay and you're a fucking faggot for liking it.

>I am somebody that hates all Final Fantasy.
And yet you are in a Final fantasy thread submitting a post for some reason

Fang > Lightning

Leave then you illiterate waste of life. He watched the game be played, nothing to do with the streamer's opinion was said. Kill yourself.

I just want to express my extreme hatred of this pile of cancerous trash.

You XIII apologists are worst than sonic fags.

Just the fact that you guys love waiting 20 hours before the game gets good is proof of sever autism.

How shall we open the 10 year anticipated game final fantas 15? A bland desert with two poles in it. That'll be mad hype.

what the fuck was tabata thinking when he made this the intro logo shot to the game

>the last 4 FF should've been their own IP
>final fantasy is just a gimmick used to sell games now
>the last good FF was X

Weebs need to open their eyes to this shit

>FF13 has a wipe open area where monsters chase eachother around and even attack one another to emulate real habit and hunting behaviour
>FF15 doesn't have any of that
Stay mad that FF15 is inferior

>out of closet XIII fag
>expects to be taken seriously


nobody is apologising, the game is bad, I'm saying that. I'm talking aesthetically, the game world in ff15 is just terrible, there is nothing final fantasy about it, except hehehe you can ride a chocobo remember those

Also if you need to know, all the streamers I watched loved this shitty fagfest. I was actually disgusted when they were actually going through the selfies and saving them.

Not him but I'm 23 now and I remember being a freshman in high school when this game came out.

Time flies

Very good argument my friend. You must be successful in l

>has no argument
>thinks posting pics of FF13 because it triggers intellectually challenged retards like you means I like FF13
It's sad how easy and boring you are kiddo

XIII is an interactive movie made for retards.

ehh but all the maps were like bull shit mmo/assassin's creed like. instead of a hallway, you got an auditorium to explore..

I'm sure that if you look at what successful people enjoy and do in their spare time, playing and consuming trashy shit media like final fantasy and other otaku weeb shit isn't going to be there.

>thinks posting pics of FF13 because it triggers intellectually challenged retards like you means I like FF13

Yeah sure, buddy. Merely a jest. Right? ;)

>still can't counter the fact FF15 is a sorry excuse for a game that NOBODY wanted to make
Nice libcuck reply there my indoctrinated friend.

Why do you write like a 12 year old?

Very impressive! Tip my hat to you, good sir! We are blessed to have such a great man post here with us.

No, it wasn't. Even XV was way better than XIII. That would be dragging XV too far down. XV can at least pass off as a good game.

Qualify your statement.

>this fucking post

The bar keeps lowering, graphics with it as well

>XV can at least pass off as a good game.
>shit combat
>no story till chapter 9
>chapter 9 + are garbage corridors with worse design than FF13
>what story there is, is poorly written shit, easily the worst in the entire series.
>hold down O to attack Adamantoise flipper to win

You are a joke.

I see that shitposting now has a standard format.

haHAA ur sarcasm got mi gud

game came out in like 2008 user

I loved it from the beginning
I don't need an empty wasteland in every game

In a few years, once XVI hits the market, people will look back and tell you, that XV was the worst entry in the entire franchise.

Holy shit I just realised FFXIII is on the PC

I can now be with my waifu

praise god

While 15 isn't a good Final Fantasy, I'd still take it over 13. At least I'm actually playing this game and not watching movies in a hallway.

>I just need a corridor and shitty writing/combat

Aww look at the little FF15 player who hasn't gotten past Chapter 9 yet.

I really really REALLY want to have missionary sex with lightning for the sole purpose of recreation

>Fang > Lightning

user! That's l-lewd!

This. That's all I came here to say, really.

>Most of the support for this game comes from Sup Forums.
>I was 13 at release

Yeah I wonder.

Fuck I forgot how good ffxiii looked in the promo shots and trailers.

Might have to go back and actually finish it

please don't fuck my waifu

I wonder how many people posting in this thread actually finished the game from start to finish
Including the Mark Missions

That is adorable

I could never get 13-2 to run
other than that I can more or less guess what happens

She is literally post-op Cloud.

I'm finally going to download this and see if its actually as shitty as everyone says

which has better cmobat?
FFXV or the Witcher 3?

Which has a better story?

I see you have excellent taste


yes it fucking does

again play the fucking game

I love her too user
She is perfect


Every time

>FF15 doesn't have any of that

err yes it does

I see sabertusks fucking with behemoths all the time

A thread like this was inevitable, but I am surprised so few are made. Ussually when a new sequel is released, there are constant threads on how much better the last game was, but for FFXIII and FFXV, there are hardly any. Was FFXIII really that bad?

>End mark mission with the terror as fuck Ochu
>spend 2 hours just hoping that Death procs on it

Fuck that boss

Well that's just cheap

I spent a prior 2 hours trying to actually fight him, I didnt level much and I was like 14 at the time the game came out.