Can we have an actual discussion about how and why people so bad at videogames exist?

Can we have an actual discussion about how and why people so bad at videogames exist?

This discussion is not about Overwatch primarily, we are discussing other games too.

Think about it for a bit;

There are people, un-ironically, who pick a healer class ***IN ANY GAME*** and throw themselves into harms way.

There are people who seriously would not consider switching up a tactic if its proving to not work.

There are people who legit believe that everything is not their fault at all, when they are the main problem.

How and why are these people even able to exist?

I bet they wouldn't run into oncoming danger to get something in real life, so why do they do it in videogames?

I, aswell as many of you( probably) try to coach your teammates in some way to help them improve instead of making them feel like an idiot.

Why do we need to coach other people on how to play? Why dont they listen to us?

I cant grasp how these people think. I mean, yeah, i fuck up in vidya just like everyone else, but how can people not be aware of their team? Of their enemy? Of map awareness?

Is there no common sense? 5 enemies in a room with a health kit, and your teammate is low on health. Your healer is respawning, and what does your dying teammate do? He runs into the room to try and grab the health pack.

I honestly believe there should be a common sense test given ( only once) to anyone who plays games online- in any genre.

Shit like this used to happen back in WC3/CS1.5/1.6 days, and it still happens, only its much worse.

I cant imagine how bad it is for MoBa players though.

Other urls found in this thread:

Top 500 OW player and I shadowstepped into a mcrees face earlier because I was impatient. People just have brain farts, but some people are legitimately bad at videogames because they probably didn't primarily grow up playing them.

can we play together. i placed 2921 last season, and 2399 this season because i played with my rank 1200 friend and disconnected twice i promise im good.

what about aiming?
if you see silvers aim you will understand something is seriously wrong with these people

Sure buddy whats your battle tag?

>1300 dpi, 3 sens ingame
>87% hook accuracy with roadhog after 20 hours of him in quickplay
>44% accuracy with S76 after 17 hours in quickplay

I gotta stop randomly firing my weapon. My accuracy would be much better.

>people think I hack
>i really just played CS since i was a kid.


>tfw 1k hours in csgo
>silvers aim better than me

Stupid people dont know their stupid, everyone thinks they are doing the right thing all the time. no one is willingly being terrible at what they do, but cant figure out why it doesnt work.

>few hundred hours in csgo
>mfw playing mystery 1v1 matches and haven't lost in 20 games
>mfw getting matched with the same person repeatedly and getting called a hacker

these people simply suffer from delusion

they think they are great and whatever they did was the most correct and best course of action no matter what, so when it fails they "logically" blame it on something other than themself

>played CS since 1.3
>Gold Nova 2

Contrary to popular belief, not all humans are equal.
Various different people will excel at different things, while others, despite their best efforts, may never excel at anything.
Potential is not random, it is determined at birth. Now you'll never reach your full potential in every area, although some I would argue reached their potential in dedicated fields.

But the sad fact of the matter is some people's potential is very very low. It can be due to genetic disorders, sickness, disease, injury, or merely the fact that their parents were dumb as a bag of hammers and as they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

I wanted to make this post in another thread but this one is better. The problem if we're talking about people who are HORRENDOUSLY bad at games is they're just slow. They are incapable of thinking fast, moving fast, and talking fast. They're dumb. That's why they are bad at games. And if they're not bad and dumb they're average and just simply shut their brains off when they play and never try to think critically about it.

>playing games that force teamwork

This is where you went wrong.

You should always be thinking "How can I improve" in every situation. Life, and Vidya.

My friend who placed around 900 ( i placed 2399 because reasons i listed in another post) was so happy that he only died once most games.

I told him to try and make it zero. Highly unlikely to happen, but you have to think of it like that.

>well over 1k hours in assfaggots
>Blame myself all the time
>Just cant seem to improve
>Completely stagnant in absolute trash tier

This is why I decided to just play fighting games when I want good, competitive vidya. Every time I try to devote a lot of time to a team game it's just full of people that play terribly and spend the whole time whining about how the rest of the team is holding them back.

>Overwatch gameplay strategy
>Stand on or next to the point

The amount of matches i've lost because of a hanzo standing just outside of the objective spamming arrows is more than i'd like to count.

You have the page where they kissu right? Google is not helping me at all.

I don't understand why people use offseason as an excuse to play like dogshit.

Why don't they try to win games? You don't have to be tryhard about it like comp but why join a game if you're going to dick around in spawn with your group? Why join matchmaking or start the game if you aren't going to play it?

You can play characters that you're not good with, I'm fine with that. It's not fun or le ebin trole, I don't get it.

You need to chill out and realize that everyone will enjoy video games their own way and that Overwatch is the most casual "game as a platform" game to come out in years. If you're upset, pick a game with a more "hardcore" fan base. Until then, stop being a complete moron and stop posting.

Of course not

Because they're all playing the exact same way you are. You expect them to change to suit your needs and they expect the same from you.

>people are bad at thing
it's almost as if people have huge variations in IQ and other abilities

Because the average person sees video games as something to just fuck around with for a few hours on their free time and thus the prospect of spending time to get better and make attempts to improve just doesn't cross their mind.

Don't they want to win though? When I'm losing I usually start getting frustrated instead of having fun.

>There are people, un-ironically, who pick a healer class ***IN ANY GAME*** and throw themselves into harms way.

This is what you're supposed to do as a good healer. A good healer knows that everyone is a series of health bars, meaning sometimes it's best for players with lower health bars to soak up damage because that increases the total health pool and damage output of the team. Back when I played LoL, I would intentionally tank towers as a fragile carry so my teammates would stop being such pussies and dive the tower for easy kills. Who cares if I lose 60~80% of my HP from playing my role "wrong", if I get the end result I'm looking for?

Fuck off shitter.

damn, my tank is almost half hp! I better jump into the way of this laser, two rockets, and three or more enemy grenades so that they don't die and stop soaking damage for my team

>When I'm losing I usually start getting frustrated instead of having fun.

That's on you. Most people can accept a loss or two.

>teammates dying
>throw yourself into harms way
>your teammates die because you cant heal them

good job healing.

>There are people, un-ironically, who pick a healer class ***IN ANY GAME*** and throw themselves into harms way.
But that's fun depending on the game

>playing overwatch
>about to lose the point on overtime
>playing lucio
>jump onto the point and wig the fuck out for a good 20 seconds so my team can catch up
turns out they went afk because "there's no way we can win at this point"
wow thanks

>I told him to try and make it zero. Highly unlikely to happen, but you have to think of it like that.

That might work for him but not all situations are equal. Like for example if there is some group of stalkers out there who try to get you fired, break you, plagiarize etc.. At some point you just say fuck it and become Yoda or something. Guess I went a bit off topic here but I'm sure you understand.

It's got to do with parents (and grandparents). But I believe it can be fixed

Son that's about the most retarded thing I've heard all day.

>Back when I played LoL

And btw I was plat in overwatch. I stopped because I can't speak and play DPS at the same time. I get too tired and feel like I'm going to faint. It's exhausting. And it's just a game.

be glad you only have contact with this shit in-game.

I oversee 50 minimum wage slaves at work and the level of stupidity I've seen is limitless.
yesterday one of them literally wrote down "3000 - 1500 = 2000" and then made 2000 containers instead of the 1500 needed. so far it's not that bad. mistakes happen. I tell him to take 500 back out. "ok, no problem"....and then he didn't.
now this wasn't my first rodeo so I saw this one coming and told the guy who fills them up to check the papers and only fill up the right amount of containers. if there's too many then someone fucked up. "DO NOT BLINDLY FILL THEM ALL UP!" I said. guess what he did.

the reason I tell you this? they both play overwatch.

also I once spoke to a worker about dark souls and he said he had to stop playing it because it made him break his controller.

Simple, not everyone is a leech (or NEET as they caĺl themselves) and use up every moment of their time playing games.

I was great at TF2 when I had all the time in the world and burnt it on my computer, but when I had other things beckoning me in and I stopped for a while because it was getting in the way. once I returned, I was rusty and forgot the smaller details which made me play and control worse, even if I took time to train certain techniques back up again with my free time I knew I couldnt make up months of playing in maybe 2 hours every other

>inb4 tf2
Not everyone sees games as that deep

I hope they make Lucio the gay character. That would go some way to stopping him from being picked every match.

>mobas, overwatch, literally any of the big online multiplayers

I have reached this conclusion long ago: those games aren't actually about teamwork. It's more like a couple of dudes doing their own thing and happening to have a common goal.
The fact that people get so angry at each other and threads like this exist just proves it. In a real team experience you wouldn't need to get angry, because you don't have to tie your self worth to the performance of your team members.

I can say that now because years ago I discovered a game that actually is a team game. As in the entire team controlls a single entity and everyone's job is equally important. The devs even had to put out a gemeral statement, that they'd never add a specific feature that would make it more individualistic, because shitheads kept demanding it.

Anyways in this game I almost never get angry, no matter if I lose, because here you can be certain that you weren't the only one making mistakes if you die.

And lord knows my fucking neighborhood got sick an tired of me screaming my lungs out at League, because it made me so fucking insecure about my capacities. Same for Overwatch.

>Often work low entry jobs like that because it's an easy way for quick income
>I end up being commended all the time because the half an ounce of effort I put in is still more than what everyone else does
>Somehow not being a literal retard is all it takes to excel in those positions

i want to be a blueberry

>Not using a character because he's gay
Sure I mean if you're an edgy faggot, but if that was the case they would only play reaper.

This is unironically how you're supposed to play in HotS if Muradin is on your team though ideally nobody should be getting hit by shit they can dodge. If he can successfully disengage from a fight at low health thanks to his teammates absorbing some of the damage, he'll heal his own life back so fucking fast that he'll dunk any stragglers on returning.

>enemy team is dead because you died instead of the dps
>team pushes and wins because dps is alive to push hard


Health is a resource. One of the worst mentalities players have is the belief that if they're not the tankiest unit on the battlefield then they should never take damage. Maybe this is true in WoW, but try following this logic in a game of Starcraft. The differing genres doesn't change the key point being made: in some situations, it's better for damage to be focused all on one target, but in others it's better for it to be spread around. A good player knows when the situation calls for taking damage in place of the person normally expected to take damage because it benefits the team overall.

Also realize that people feign ignorance and pretend to be stupider than they actually are becuase it allows them to be void of certain responsibilities.

Tons of people can work harder and be better but choose not to because it is easier and they know they can get away with it, happens all the time in entry level postitions.

This post made me both laugh and feel depressed.

How can they fuck up such simple instructions? There is literally no excuse for that shit, I hope you fired them or penalized them somehow. Fucking hell people can be dumb as rocks.

You can find teamwork but it's rare. Having a friend that will kill you to ensure the person you were fighting doesn't walk away is a comforting thought. If you lose a fight, you become a bonus objective not a main one.

Are you gay?

I started playing WoW again recently, after playing for some 2 years just before Cata. I was extremely casual back then and I still am.

Decided to do Holy Priest this time just for the kicks, since I never played a healer type character in any game I wanted to try something out of my box.

Picture related. I swear I'm not stupid, but until I get all the battlegrounds and arenas down, as well as learn to think fast and be more aware of the surroundings I will continue to suck. I am trying to analyze and understand my mistakes, but without autistic level of dedication and neet amounts of free time, that's gonna take a while.

Hell, I still don't even undertand some game mechanics pretty well and it's my first time playing endgame at max level, thanks to the level boost thing. I feel I would have been better off grinding my way solo an getting a solid grip of shit from level 1, but the people who got me back into the game weren't gonna wait.

How can other girls compete with the Blueberry?

I dunno, man, I wish I could tell you what my problem is, because that'd mean i could work on it and be better, but I just don't know. Maybe it's a lack of reflexes, the inability to think properly under pressure or I'm just bad at predicting the opponents' actions, but that's how it is.

What I have noticed is that when you hire someone, they observe what exactly they can get away with or see what the worst worker is doing and copy that cause obviously that guy is still here doing shit work so can I.

People are lazy and you rarely find hard working people in minimum wage situations. The turnover rate is absolutely ridiculous at some places where the client pays for the training because people give up so early on or just don't do what they were supposed to be taught.

Whats wrong with reaper?

>or NEET as they caĺl themselves

How new are you? It's a government term you twat

Son that's still the most retarded thing I've heard all day. I'm just going to assume you're a troll as nobody can be this retarded.

Mad leech detected

they cannot

newfag opinion disregarded, seem like a guy that's been a "part-time NEET" too

Most people don't have videogames as their primary hobby, they have actual real hobbies that can produce something and expand themselves.

Competetive videogames like Overwatch, League of Legends and Call of Duty are massive time sinks and are only good if you are literally broke and can't do anything else.

Even the best case scenario with videogames providing a narrative, idea or artistic vision aren't even close to being as valuable as other mediums you could explore for those respective aspects.

Videogames is a multimedia "artform" but as of right now they are really, really shitty means of portraying them all or any particular one specifically.

It simply is better to do literally anything else besides toking it up all day and shooting up heroin.

>0 Results
I am disappoint

WoW has been out for 12 fucking years. If you can't take the 5 minutes to google whatever "mechanic" you don't understand and at least skim through the explanation you're just a fucking shitter.

Don't you think it is a bid weird that the most retarded thing you heard all day relates to videogames?

Why play competitive if you want to chill? There are unranked modes to goof off in. Some people want to enjoy a game played at it's full potential, there is no reason for shitters to flood comp modes at the start of every season.

nah I didn't fire them because truth be told, I'm scared of how bad their replacements would be.

if you pay minimum wage, you'll get this kind of employees. sometimes they just randomly stop showing up for a few days, don't answer phone calls and then they come to work as if nothing ever happened. those get fired.
the classic -always 10-30min late to work, yet always first to go- guy also gets fired.
sometimes you get good people in between but they leave as soon as they find a better paying job.

Because in the end it doesn't matter, videogames are a piss poor method of entertainment and you could be spending your time elsewhere doing something productive.

Imagine if you actually took up a trade or went to the gym. Imagine what kind of man you could become.

Instead you are caring about losing in Overwatch games with your favorite cartoon character.

Because not everyone takes video games as seriously as you do. Some people just play the game and don't think about it at all. They play the game, do stupid shit, think it's fun and so they do it again and again.

Run into enemy team?
>Lol doesn't matter, you respawn quickly.
Switch characters?
>Fuck no, I play what I feel like.

Some people are not critically analysing everything. If they make a bad play, they don't worry about it, as it is already past them and it doesn't matter or effect them whatsoever. People play video games, a children's hobby, and know not to take it seriously.

Some people just don't give a fuck.

Stay the fuck out of comp/ranked play then. Go goof off in arcade brawls and anything goes.

Doesn't matter. They are the same thing to me :^)

why do you care so much about this game? You do know what the end result is right?

You getting bored and playing another videogame.

Seriously, you guys are pathetic.

>literally any of the big online multiplayers
>big online multiplayers

The online multiplayer should be a nice added feature to a game, not the full-on main draw.

When you can't enjoy the entirety of a game by yourself because you are being forced to play with other people, the game itself is fundamentally flawed.

>everything is not their fault at all, when they are the main problem.

You might want to take your head out of your anus, anal gasses are clearly messing with your already feeblemind.

not this guy, but not playing for a win and trying to improve yourself is fucking disgusting.

if you have that mentality in a game you would probably also have it in real life.

Imagine if you never posted on Sup Forums. Video games are lesuire and some of us enjoy playing our best for lesuire

If some people are playing for "leisure" than why the fuck are they so serious about the game?

Because losing 10 matches in a row due to Fuckface McAssbag being on my team isn't a fun way to spend leisure time.

It's just a symptom of fagbook and twitter.

Everyone is now even more self centered than they've ever been. So people who are shit at games will never admit that they are.

Also in overwatch specifically, people play with their friends who will blow them and tell them how great they are.

It's called competition and it's fun to guys who aren't nu-males

Not the guy you're replying to.
Cool battle tag user

Sorry, but it's the truth. Here, let me try and explain it to you from the opposite extreme.

Take a simple 5v5 teamfight in a moba. The outcome is: you're dead, your teammates are all at 10~20% HP, but the entire enemy team is dead and have 45 seconds to respawn with no buybacks. This should be the perfect situation for your team. For 45 seconds, your team can do whatever the fuck they want to the enemy team's structures to advance the game's win state. And with 4 players alive, your team might have a high enough damage output to simply complete the remaining objectives within 45 seconds and win the game.

So, what will your teammates do? 10 times out of 10, without fail, they will retreat back to base. Why? Because "my health is low". Unless you're howling at them in chat to attack the enemy's base, their blind devotion to HP prevents them from seeing the bigger picture. They've hallucinated a 6th player on the enemy team waiting to gank their ass. It's clear that these people have never been taught The Plan: as long as their HP is above 0, they can still do shit. In most situations, a player at 1% HP has just as much DPS as when they're at 100%. As long as a player is alive, they can contribute to victory; even their mere presence interferes with an opponent's decision-making skills. How many times have enemies tried to gank the low HP player that remains in the fight only for it to backfire on them because they went too deep?

Preserving your health isn't how you win the game. Winning the game is how you win the game, and sometimes that means prioritizing something other than your health bar. If taking some damage for an ally is what leads to a better chance of victory, then that's what you should do, even if you're the healer.

>Play any kind of PvP or competitive game
>Teammate is running around like a headless chicken and being absolutely useless
>Call them out for doing stupid shit
>"lol it's just a game y u gotta be so srs? :)"

Every time. It's like these people are oblivious to what the purpose of playing against other players is. The goal is not to "chill out and have fun." The goal is to win. There are plenty of other games where they can fuck around without dragging other people down with them in the process, and yet they insist on shitting up the competitive modes in every PvP game ever.

I will never understand this shit.

Okay, you do realize what you are talking about right?


And the absolute worst kind at that, they are completely meaningless and a zero achievement hobby.

It isn't worthwhile to get good at, it isn't worthwhile to win at only giving you fake satisfaction. You gain nothing by playing them, you literally waste time doing nothing but plaing cartoon character shooting up another cartoon character.

Videogames aren't meant to be taken seriously and if you do take them seriously you are a loser and a total clown.

Except that competitive video gaming is the biggest hobby of the nu-male.

What scares me the most about this showcase of talent is that it's not just someone who is bad at video games.

It's someone who is incapable of taking two actions at the same time. There is never movement and aiming at the same time, just one or the other.

fake competition.

Fake competition with cartoon battles.

Rocket League is the epitome of fake compitition, can't help but chuckle every time I see someone playing that hot wheels game.

>get friends into dota
>we play a lot, I enjoy seeing my friends grow better
>except one fucking guy
I mean fuck. 1k+ games played and he asks if denied creeps give less exp, has 0 versatility only plays braindead heroes, getting armlet at 20 is considered good farm by him. If there was a stat for first blood given he would be a 80% contributor. Fuck man how can someone be so bad. He's a nice guy irl tho.

>he didn't play rambo medic in Wolf ET
Lol OP, nice wall of text. You suck, git gut

This is fine, however when you give these people genuine advice on how to not be shit at anygame the lash out at you saying naive shit like "you dont get to tell me how the play the game i payed 60 american buckaroos for"
If they dont want advice maybe they should go play singleplayer instead,

You should do you and your friends a favor and just end the hobby right there. Go to the gym together, go hiking, explore the world outside.

Seriously being active and productive will change your life instead of playing lord of the rings brawler online.

Sometimes after a match of titanfall 2 I look at the scoreboard and see all the shitty RDDT tags just being bad, but then I look at my team and see someone who got 0 Pilot Kills, 0 Titan Kills, and like 2 Minion Kills and I just can't comprehend how mentally slow they are. I can understand doing poorly, I can understand just being bad at game because of shit reaction times or reflexes or hand eye coordination. But I cannot understand doing that badly or like 2 and 30 in battlefield etc. I don't understand how that person can be having any fun dying that much.

No, acting like a complete faggot by being afraid to commit fully is a nu-males favorite past time.

While you post on Sup Forums

whenever I stop and think to myself "why do people suck at x" I always remember that 100 is the average IQ and that literally half the entire human population are stupid as fuck and barely more cognizant than any other instinctive animal. there's a 50-50 chance that whatever person sucks at whatever thing because they're just dumb in general.

>commit fully to cartoon game where you can fight as a gorilla and a big booty chick

Like do you guys brag to your friends or something?

How is anything you achieve in a cartoon game even remotely impressive.

"Hey guys I am going to switch to Winston to hard counter their Genji"

"Hey guys I am going to dragon blade guys, Elzra boost me I am going to win this game!"

"don't worry guys I am a good reinhart, took out their reaper guys"

You know this is retarded right? If you don't just play this to blow 30 minutes with your buds then you are a complete clownass.

like i would waste my time reading all this

We can't all be Gregor.

>he FULLY commits to a fucking children hobby

There are many aspects in life that one should commit to fully but video games is not one of them.

Because there are so many losers on here if even one person reads this shit and realizes.

"fuck he is right, videogames are a complete waste of time."

Then fucking goal achieved, go outside do something productive actually make something of yourself and do literally anything else.

Unless you are stupid or mentally or physically handicapped there is no reason to play videogames longer than 2 hours a week or during rare special occasions.

There is so much more out to do out there than sit at some place playing a monkey in a space suit in a cartoon game.