What games are you looking forward to next year in 2017?

What games are you looking forward to next year in 2017?

Here's a list in case you need a reminder.

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
Gravity Rush 2
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Sniper Elite 4
For Honor
Halo Wars 2
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Star Trek: Bridge Crew
Mass Effect: Andromeda
South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Outlast II
Tekken 7
Nier Automata
Persona 5
Sonic Mania
Nintendo Switch launch

and that's just the first few months.

nah... you don't even mention DLC

it's a refresher not a end all be all list.

Also nigga drank too much gatorade.

Super Excited For:
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Dragon Quest VIII

Cautiously Optimistic For:
Dragon Quest XI
Persona 5
Nier Automata
Horizon: Zero Dawn
New 3D Mario Game

EOV pls

I swear these pics gets more hyperbolic every time i see them, i remember it being initially just the bottom corner being split into $15 DLC packs

bottom-right corner I should say

It should be split down the middle desu
Most publishers are selling half-games

>What games are you looking forward to next year in 2017?
I don't look forward. There is no point in doing that.
I look through the existing catalog and play the best of each year. And "ass Effect: Andromeda" for sure doesn't belong there.

>1997 was 30 years ago

Wow it's fucking nothing. No metroidvanias, no grindy-exploration heavy (J)RPGs (save for DQVIII but that's a remake), no 2D Zelda or something like that, no platformers, no adventures, no tactical RPGs and no sandboxes.
>tfw all the genres you liked as a kid or now almost dead

hitman Season 2 if it comes out in '17

My 2017 shopping list as follows:

Own: RE4HD, Bloodborne, Talos Principle, Skullgirls 2nd Encore[LR28] Dishonored DE, Dishonored 2, Kings Quest

Might look into: Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Order 1886, Sherlock Holmes and the Devil's Daughter, Mirror's edge Catalyst, Farcry 4, Dying light, Until dawn, Tearaway Unfolded, Arigami, Alekhine's gun, Darksiders Warmastered/2 Deathinitive, Detroit become human, Prey, FF7 REmake, Spiderman, AC7, Uncharted 4, God of War?, Ziggurat, *Metal Gear Survive, *Murdered Soul suspect, *Knack

Will Buy:

Already out: Song of the Deep, Bioshock Trilogy, RE Origins, Doom, Exist Archive, *Nathan Drake collection , DMC4:SE(Asia East), Odin Sphere, Heart and Slash(PAL) *Journey Collector's edition?(PS3?), *Steamworld collection(Wii-U),

Coming out: Last Guardian, RE7, Berseria, P5, KH 1.5/2.5, 2.8, KH 3, Hitman, Ni-Oh, Horizon Zero dawn, Yakuza 0, Gravity rush 2, Danganronpa 1/2 Reloaded, Nier Automata, Indivisible, TCS3, RE:Make 2 Ni No Kuni 2, Yooka Laylee, Sonic Mania, *The Nonary games (999/VLR HD), Silver Case(PS4) System Shock REBOOT (PS4)

Oh and Nintendo switch if it turns out better then Wii-U


Persona 5 is the only one I'm truly looking forward to.

I'll get RE7, Gravity Rush 2 and Sonic Mania after they drop in price.

Resident EVII
Nier Automata
Zelda BotW
New Danganronpa V3


Bannerlord, URR(dont actually know release date)

Maybe they will release hoi4 soon aswell.

Rainbow Six Siege
Ghost Recon Wildlands

Also r6 siege

Don't ever be an early adopter unless you want to get screwed over.


I am soooo glad they make a big ass title so i can figure out wtf they are talking about AND how to feel after looking at the picture.
As a young adult I need relatable, likable content to feel like i belong and care.
The picture is years old and it was better without shitty adjustments.