Does Ayla wear pantsu?

Does Ayla wear pantsu?

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She's so hot but her English is poor and it's hard to imagine making a relationship work.

Considering she was born before the invention of pantsu, most likely not.

Probably not. It would get in the way of what she wants, when she wants it.

>no Crono x Ayla ending where the entire Guardia lineage is replaced

also she's a drawing


Well he did say "imagine"


And she obviously cucked Kino and raped Chrono when he was drunk

She's from pre-historic times, its highly unlikely she even wipes.

Why the fuck wouldn't she wipe? Why would caveman people just let shit hang on their asses. I'm sure they used leaves or something man.

Really should've added that to the remake.

Why haven't we invented something better than toilet paper yet?

Using dry thin paper to clean off shit sounds stupid but that's what everyone does. It's 2016 for pete sake, someone needs to get on that.

If she looked like that in supposed theorized prehistoric times she most definitely would wipe her ass as well as speak properly. The thing you're thinking about, the caveman lummox type of character would be something without a neocortex right? He would have a small flat head and be basically reptilian. But even then I don't imagine they would be retarded just focused on survival, like an animal.

*looks under her skirt*

no lol

*rips skirt off and she pisses everywhere and fingers herself*

hot ;)

>he doesn't know how to use seashells

>tfw crono x ayla end could have averted the clusterfuck shit fest that was chrono cross because dalton's army would have been obliterated by hordes of technologically empowered cavemen and whatever superhuman offspring they would have produced


it's called a bidet and japan already builds water jets right into their toilet bowls

america will never accept it

>he doesn't use his left hand

You could buy wet wipes or a bidet

pajeet pls

>mfw used a bidet for the first time in Japan
Shit was squeaky clean

I don't think you can flush wet wipes.

I'm surprised bidets aren't more popular.

Wet wipes my man. Jesus christ clean yourself at least for your partner.

there's flushable ones.

I'm a bit curious, for water to clean your ass better than paper it would have to spray with a fair bit of pressure right? Does it sting?

feels good man

its like those shower heads you can move around to get certain parts of your body, shit is cash as in its gone


Maybe Trump will improve bathroom infrastructure...


>women have to stand over a porcelain hand modeled after Trump's own hand where a water jet sprays them down


Man I was just looking up Toto toilets last week.

Any advice on what bidet-style toilet to buy?

well done user,you deserve a meal at pizza hut

I wonder if the guy who drew this imagined that is what he would end up doing when he was a little kid.

Fucking Indians. Fuck I hate Indians so fucking much.

>try as best I can to avoid being served by Indians in a stupid multicuckedural neighbourhood

I'm sure they wash and everything, but shit particles are persistent, you stupid curry-eating fucks.

>he doesn't have a pussy phone



Reminder that there are people in countries with $30000+ GDP/person that don't blast their ass with water after shit.


>you are forced to stick out with the shittier girl
I'll never forgive that.

Marle is a ride or die bitch, you can't fault her.

Just make your own headcanon and anything is possible, don't forged game is about time travel, you can undo anything.

No, but her body in that image could use some loomis

Lucca best girl

The childhood friend hardly ever wins

I have a question about Bidets: The water gets rid of the shit, but what gets rid of the water? Do you just pull your pants up and let your underwear soak it up? Do you wipe away the water? What's the point of Bidets if you have to wipe anyway?

Lucca is into Fisto robots.

You could wipe a hundred times and not get as clean as you would with a bidet, then you just wipe once or twice to dry.

>Art has her using a club
>She punches the fuck outta everything in game
Stronk woman.

>Post Menu
>Image Search
Enjoy, faggot.

With how open she was about liking 'strong' people, I doubt it. Gotta keep herself open for those who can impress or best.

U wot? Childhood friends always win. CT is one of the few exceptions.

you don't need to wipe if you shit in Slav mode.

more like aylamao



It gave me nothing, bro.

Here retard

I got ya if you are getting sad panda

>mfw Barneyfag missed this one

The end of a era


Portable bidet.

But user, you ARE Barneyfag.

>I'm sure they wash and everything
haha no

People have been shitting wrong throughout the modern era.

>fucking someone who probably only has basic mating instincts
Oh man this and the whole "catgirl in heat" thing makes me diamonds. and i'm not even sure how this fetish is called.

His kid self would probably be excited

>What's the point of Bidets if you have to wipe anyway?
not putting your hand close to a shit filled ass multiple times, you can instead wipe once a clean ass

ayy lmao?


>squatty potty

Meme, meme meme retard?

How you squeeze the shit before release doesn't impact the final result at the anus level.

>tfw this phenomenon has caused a ton of problems for me while shitting
>take like 20 minutes to shit
>another 5 minutes spent wiping
>still doesn't get fully clean

I swear to god half the time I shit it's like the last part of the log gets stuck in my ass and doesn't come out.

In both you still have to wash your hands. Your argument is stupid.

There is some Arsene Lupin shit going on in here

Probably since she and her people understand the concept of clothing

She looks pretty damn stylish for a cave woman

People always used their hands, doubt they'd go for leaves. (Bugs, Poison Ivy, etc.)

Why would you stick bugs in your ass to wipe the shit from it

Eat more fiber you amerifat

why wouldn't you

because they would shit in your ass instead

The same reason you'd use poison ivy; because you read the post wrong and they were listing reasons not to use leaves. You pick a bad leaf and now ants are biting your colon and your anus has a rash.

Thank you for your services

You can just look at the leaf before applying it to your anus, ants aren't microscopic

>he doesn't know how to use the seashells

Probably not, since she greatly predates modern clothing.

>You pick a bad leaf and now ants are biting your colon and your anus has a rash.
People in the past learned to differentitate between good and bad plants, just like we do now. They weren't retards, user.