
How did Kratos become so cucked?

Grew a beard.

>femboy tiggered because he can't grow any facial hair

jesus christ this guy's been at it for 5 months

Fucking kek

Impressive. Very nice.

Kill yourself my man

These threads are made by paid shills 99% of the time, keep that in mind.

They work for a company called Zenimax and are issued orders by Microsoft through them to attack Japanese games and Sony/Nintendo consoles in general. Microsoft's gaming divisions sole purpose is to simply disrupt Sony, that's their end goal, that's why instead of funding and developing games for their own platform they rather pay shills to shitalk the competition and that means also attacking any competition Bethesda sees like Witcher 3 and FFXV.

Keep this as a reminder to never buy Microsoft products or give them a cent because this thread is basically the epitome of what Microsoft is as a company as well as Bethesda for that matter. Microsoft literally has a console on the market right now with zero exclusives but they are hell bent on trying to tell you why Sony's or Nintendo's exclusives are bad and why you shouldn't buy them.

I'm 99% sure the mods here have a deal with them too but that's another thing all together

This picture and filename is literally the 3rd result from google.
I'm probably too late for the "it's just one guy autismo" speech.

Even if it isn't one guy it's still just a bad forced meme

When you kill LETTERLY everyone around you, you tend to cuck yourself

Actually not. If anything it's a very good viral. A lot of these turn into a legit GoW sometimes even hack and slash threads.

>gets called out on the last thread, lets it die,
start another himself false flagging as this guy btw, user even though you made the image smaller so people can't easily call you out on HOW that image actually has OPs that are talking good about the game and some discussing how they are interested in the new gameplay, some dissapointed becuase of the new gameplay as well. you just went ahead and try to make everyone think all those are shitposters.

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fuck you why'd I laugh


Here we go.

I kinda wish they'd start numbering their threads

You do realize it's just user's shitposting right?

But you are also shitposting unless you actually believe this bullshit and aren't just memeing.

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Just regular anons doing regular posting, nothing sus about it.

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>reposting the same shit over and over again will make paranoid autists think there is some sort of conspiracy against them
Gentlemen I give you, the barnyfag creation tool.