>invite friend over for vidya
>he brings his gf
Invite friend over for vidya
fuck her
he won't bring her anymore
>invite girl over for vidya
>she brings her gf
>invite gf over
>she brings her bull
>invite friend over
Lol that happened to me back in high school. The girl ended up licking me and came over to play alone without my friend. A Couple of month later I fucked her while she still was together with my friend. She later broke up with him and became my gf. Still together after 7 years and planning on marring.
>having friends past high school
>Invite girl over for vidya
>She brings her mom
>The girl ended up licking me
Is she a catgirl by any chance
>invite girl from school over to play games
>she brings her obnoxious autistic brother with her
>best friend is starved for female attention
>finally gets a gf
>he fucking drops every single one of his friends immediately for the duration of their relationship
Women can only destroy
>*smacks lips*
>Invite her mom to vidya
>Get laid
You're a terrible person.
>invite friend over
>asks if he can bring another friend
>yeah sure whatever
>that friend is actually an old friend of yours you wanted to reconnect with because they pretty much cut themselves off from the world
>invite girl over for vidya
>she brings her dick
>invite friend over for vidya
>There was never a friend
I should have said that my buddy was fairly popular with girls and didn't take relationships as seriously. He didn't take it personally and got himself a new gf. His married by now.
traps aren't gay
sounds like a cool guy
>friend is starved for female attention
>actually being surprised that he dropped his friends for the pussy
Yeah, I've fucked many a buddies' grillfriends over the years.
It's their own fault for bringing them around me and then the fluid druids see how dull and boring their boyfriends truly are; at least compared to me.
I'm bored so here I go
Nigger how the fuck aren't traps gay. If shit's got a dick, then that's gay as fuck.
>invite friend over for vidya
>she brings her gf
>you are her gf
Do people actually go to other people's places past 20 to do something other than get shitfaced?
>the bull loved almost every game in your console/steam library and detest sport games
>tfw your gf's bull actually became your best friend and you share a happy threesome, even inviting you over when he's cucking some other white wimp
they're gay as fuck
the whole "traps aren't gay" thing started as a meme but then people took it seriously
You see the problem with traps is that there are only a very few of them who pass. Most traps simply look like painted men essentially will as they get older. You wouldn't find a 40 or 50 year old trap hot, you would think of it as gay. So just because that said men is younger it makes it suddenly ok?
>marrying a cheater
what if a girl's got balls tho?
this is the worst actually
i used to know two people and after they got together i dont think they actually hang out with anyone aside from each other any more and just flood social media with 'cute date with the bf ;)'
they are no fun any more
Would play game with tbqh
What DO girls do beyond kissing?
that's only a problem for faggots like you who want to fuck 3d traps
They hold hands
I think she would have left him already after 7 years, if she wasn't serious about it.
That's why I said "I'm bored", I know it's a meme, I jsut enjoy arguing about it. Just like the "futas are not gay" discussions.
Then it's complete man genitalia, therefore it's gay. I guess if she also has a vagoo and you want to fuck it but do nothing with the penis you could be saved somehow? But anyway still p gay.
Not that I have a rpoblem with it.
They move in with each other and marry.
Then they do not actually have any sex.
>not cucking her and taking your friend right there and then
hold hands and some times they hug
what if a man has a vagina?
No i mean the girl was already cheating on her former boyfriend with that user.
Regardless it's not cool to do it to your buddy. Surprised he took it well.
We are talking about 2D, not disgusting 3D
>Once a cheather, always a cheater
Have fun with that thing after you've married it. I hope it comes back to bite you in the ass. Your Bro-card has been revoked, filthy traitor.
Then you have to don't call anybody
Yurifags are the most pathetic of cucks.
Except maybe literal cucks.
>mfw I read this post as I'm in a call with my bf (male)
>being obsessed with dicks
>not simply wanting to experience the pure, undiluted beauty of a woman
>how dull and boring their boyfriends truly are; at least compared to me.
What you did differently from them?
If he only has a vagoo then it's a really ugly woman.
If he has both then it's still more man than woman.
It's not pure if it's fake.
>Invite girl over for vidya
>She's all clingy and doesn't seem interested in playing
>Always tries to get on my lap despite being 6'3
>Tries to wrestle with me
I'd go to the gym if I wanted to be sexually molested into submission
haha what if we replaced all those gay sleepover copypastas with /ll/ copypastas haha just to see what would happen
just wondering out loud haha
She seems like a big girl
souce? Unless it's some cuck shit
Literal pedophilia would happen.
Like that shit-eating mutant with horrible teeth who's in jail now.
>what is /ll/
>cant read gf without expecting (male) at the end
We've been here too long
>invite your friend over for vidya
>she kisses you
how do you respond
>tfw to intelligent for traps
kiss her back
dont be a little bitch
Yeah clearly she's at fault for your friend being a disloyal vag hound.
>how do you respond
Depends on how cute she is, how close we are as friends, and if I wanna deal with her bullshit for a month or more + the possible fallout.
This is how your average person lives their life in the 21st century. Really makes u think.
Make her kiss my dick instead.
but we're both girls
Your dumbass mammal brain still gets attracted to females though so how intelligent are you really?
I'm a witty and charming sociopath.
Not just a boring, non-witty one.
Is this the yuriposting thread?
He didn't imply he's attracted to females.
He may be into humans instead, with not even a slightest bit of attraction towards women.
Traps are for those attracted to both humans and women.
>Friends with a legit nympho
>All she ever does is ERP in WoW and tells me about it
Hailey, you're sad
Have you ever seen your friend's erection?
I want to go to the gym with you
>invite friend over for vidya
>he just shitposts off-topic garbage
>invite friend over vidya
>he sucks my dick as a prank
how do i get friends Sup Forums?
do you guys even have friends?
you're my only friends
Oh yeah ?
Good prank desu
>invite friend over for vidya
>he calls me a jabroni
Rude. Hope you called him a smart ass
>friend invites you over
>you're the last to fall asleep and the first to wake up
>ywn be as toned as Van Darkholme
Why are we still here?
>invite gf over for vidya
>she brings her main bf
>Invite Mudslime over for vidya
>He brought his goat
Bodies like these dont exist on real life
normalfags are shitty friends, but then there are all the retarded faggots on here who would also make terrible friends
what do
>goat calls you a كافر
Fucking rude goats
>invite friend over for vidya
>He brings a lot of junk food
>Play for all the night
>His wig falls off
>He was wearing a disguise
>Pic related
Don't even get me started with the fucking steam "friend" threads on this god forsaken realm.
Just go get normie friends, user
Absolutely disgusting desu
>Girl I met online a few weeks ago comes over every other night, fucks me then goes home.
>invite friend over for vidya
>he brings his gf
>he fucks her in your bed while you play persona 5 and talk about best grils
>he wipes his cock on your pillow and drinks all your beer
thanks bradley
Met some cool people on here.
You just need to embrace your inner autist.
Just don't be that guy that speaks about hentai all the time. It's just awkward and nobody cares about what you wank to