Game has robots in it

>game has robots in it
>they have genders

All mechanical things have male and female parts.

Steamworld Heist is good though

>gender and sex are the same

No. You are a gender
You have sex

>tfw you will never have sex

gender is that sjw shit you want to say u are
sex is the actual fact of what you are rather then some bs you want to think.
this is just my opinion though

>robot's role is something not social, but combat or hacking
>gendered as female
What is the fucking point?

>game has highly developed robots in it
>pseudo-philosophical themes about if they have souls and emotions

What's pseudo-philosophical about trying to find a soul?

Designers being cheeky.

Hackers and soldiers feel very lonely most of time

>game has teleportation
>everyone is just fine with clones running around
Same shit.

Japanese people would totally do that

>game has robots
>yours is a total bro

>Some robots wear clothes
>Some don't
>No one notices the naked robots

inb4 Starbound

>game has robots
>yours has the soul of his creator's son in it

>robot has cameltoe

Makes perfect sense
For robots, all clothing is just fashion, not hiding biology.

>Game has robots
>They're evil and you spend the whole game fighting them
>Suddenly find out that you were the robots the whole time

Do you know what a robot/android is? It's a fucking computer in a humanoid shape are you telling me your gaming PC has a soul?

Do Furbies have souls?

Sex and Gender are basically the same, gender IS technically a social construct but not in the gay way SJW's want to use that fact to just imagine there to be a billion of them.

Gender is just the application of the expectation of a particular sex, generally socially and it's been both the product and catalyst of advertising for hundreds of years. Gender is why terms like girly and tomboyish exist, it's just saying that a female (sex) is acting a bit more like a boy (gender) than is typical expected for a female so she's tomboyish. Anything more than stuff like this is pure bullshit.

what is with the drawn to life guys and really dark plot twists

If humans have souls, then anything with human intelligence must have souls as well.

we're all complex machines controlled and maintained by cells

Oh boy
It's another teen practicing armchair psychology

wow that's so deep.

>You have sex


If something as basic as this is 2deep for you, you shouldn't go anywhere near philosophy or you'll keep getting triggered over and over.

K. There still would be no need to design the robot to be self-aware or introspective or even have a personality except how it would please a human.

What could possibly go wrong?

Post robots (Female)
I need a new Steam avatar.

If humans were driven by needs and not wants, humanity would be extinct long ago when everyone realized having children is in no way needed.

Only an autist or sociopath would be satisfied with a robot that is faking all the emotions.


>Only an autist or sociopath would be satisfied with a robot that is faking all the emotions
Then why do you think men care about women?

If you are thinking about Titanfall, the robots there are actually humans who have had their consciousness extracted and put into an android body.


>Gender is just the application of the expectation of a particular sex, generally socially

"Gender" has been observed in virtually all animals, it's closer to instinct than social construct. There's also been various situations that have allowed analysis of gender in relation to it being a social construct, e.g. castrated male children raised as girls, etc., and it doesn't tend to support the "It's a social construct" idea that strongly.

The reason why you get variations in gender is the same reason you get any variations in nature.


>Game has waifu bots in it.
>Waifu bot gets horribly injured.
>Cares more about protecting her decency than her injury.

She can't feel pain, but she can feel shame.

I fail to see the problem

I like that she's like the robots in Alien. Saved.

Because most men are deluded idiots and those who aren't are gay instead or don't have any better choices so they put up with harpies and hags.

wrong pic

Well that's kinda expected user. She is literally made of replaceable parts. She can get a new leg by going down to the local botmart. Once you see her vagina you can never UNSEE her vagina. Well at least not until she replaces it in shame.

>Unironically using "soul"

Talos Principle did robot=?humans right by talking about consciousness and free will.

What's the difference between cyborgs and androids?

>Game has waifu bots in it.
>Grenade lands by your feet.
>She tries to throw it away.

Did nothing wrong

>Only an autist or sociopath would be satisfied with a robot that is faking all the emotions.

Even in those instances where the robot has to have emotions at all, whether it's self-aware would be entirely dependent on how it's programmed, which isn't usually how it's presented in stories, as if self-awareness could accidentally and emerge from practical AI.

I'd have emigrated to Robotland desu

>Game has waifu bots in it.
>Roof caves in.
>You can't save her.

Androids are robots that are made to look like humans. Cyborgs are part human, part robot

>She was just a robot user
>Made to be disposable

A human can read/react to another humans needs/wants and facial expressions/body language far faster and more accurately than a robot ever could.

And to find someone who chooses to be with you in that capacity, instead of just outright buying something off the market that simply emulates far more rewarding and fufilling feeling.

Acceptance is a wonderous thing for a person.

It's a damn shame most women won't accept men "as they are". Rather, they only recognize "what I think you could be, so I will mold you into what I really want."

Funny, that.

>chunks of metal and plastic

pick one

Just take the AI core out and put it in a new body later.

>A human can read/react to another humans needs/wants and facial expressions/body language far faster and more accurately than a robot ever could.
Now that's just pure bullshit.

You obviously know nothing about neural networks, so here's a hint:
They are perfect for this kind of shit.

AIs will be able to detect lies, love, embarrassment, joy and the like better than trained humans long before they reach the intelligence of a dog.

Robots will feel better than you long before they think.


I like this line.

That still ignores the whole "to be accepted as-is" part of my post.

But otherwise your point has been made.

>Game has waifu bots in it.
>She plays with firecrackers.

Is this guro?

>That still ignores the whole "to be accepted as-is" part of my post.
There is no implication that artificial humans would need be made as emotional slaves.

It would still be incredibly fulfilling to have an AI that is just very compatible with the owner.
Like creating someone to be "the one", "the true love" - something which is incredibly rare IRL due to random chance.

Sup Forumsuro

I don't think so.


I like this one because to me it seems she is scared not from being hurt bust because you now KNOW she is a filthy synth.

>You have sex
Way to rub it in user, and to think I was having a good day today. The first in many years.

Robots have no souls.

Is not a sin when just one person has a soul

Robots cannot lay claim to a soul which is a gift given to man by our Lord in the heavens. Robots are not of God's creation therefor it is not a sin to harm them, comparably to striking a block of wood or casting a stone. It means little in the eyes of Him.

>thinking you're straight when "andro" literally implies man (male)