What exclusives are worth buying a console for?

What exclusives are worth buying a console for?


this was the last exclusive that was worth a console purchase. prove m wrong

>Buying an entire fucking console and all it's parts along with a yearly subscription for maybe 1-3 good fucking games

I literally cannot fathom why anyone would do this.


The only game I would say is justifiable for buying a console for this gen is Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Hear me out, there are other exclusives out there that are better than this game, Bloodborne in particular but Wii U's are gettin cheaper and that game will have you occupied for hundreds upon hundreds of hours.
Still pretty dumb though, don't actually do this unless you're an avid xeno fan who has a reasonable amount of dosh lying around.

>Buying a Wii U for XCX when they'll probably release a better version on the Switch

that too



What exclusives are worth buying a gaming PC for?

Check and mate.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Sakura Beach

This and Pikmin 3 are within my top 5 games of this gen.

Pokemon main series.
At this point they're pretty much the only reason to even buy a handheld.

Depression Quest

Well it doesn't really work that way, PC has a high upfront investment but its balanced out by the long term investment being really low and actually more profitable than consoles.
You gotta consider PC is a utility system, not just a piece of hardware made for one use.


Bloodborne, The Last of Us-R, Uncharted 4, Ratchet & Clank, etc. But only autismos buy a console for the exclusives. Almost no titles aren't on PC or can't be repurposed to be anyhow. You buy a console because you like console gaming. And since Xbox is kill, it's whether you want PS or Nintendo.


>this post
Looks like atleast one person is using their brain in this thread

PS4: bloodborne

WiiU: xenoblade X

3DS: monster hunter ______

I watch Netflix on my PS4. I also watch movies, surf the internet, and now have cable (PS Vue) through it. With Skype I make and receive phone calls through it.

He would be if this was two generations back. Modern consoles do most of what modern PCs do.

>I did all of this

If thats all you do on your ps4 then you just got a better priced computer.
Why would you do this

same, except 3ds had a bunch more games and WiiU had bayo 2/smash when I bought it

For a monthly payment just to go online.
And theres way fewer games worth playing, worse framerate and not as good graphics.
Sorry man, consoles can never really step up to a PCs level.

Because I also play vidya on it and already own a computer?

Console warring is code for poorfag warring. Patricians own everything already.

son you better have gotten w101 with that Wii U

A ps2 is worth buying for the Ace Combat trilogy.

of course

I've only got to play through it once though because of damn uni, but it's a great game (like most platinum/clover games)

>something from nintendo
nah f a m

I find it better to just have the best of both worlds. I have an xbone one s, ps4 pro, wii u, and a pretty good gaymen PC. I have all my bases covered unless HL3 comes out as a Mac exclusive.

>Because I also play vidya on it and already own a computer?
I have no idea what you are talking about here.
>Console warring is code for poorfag warring.
Yes it is, consoles are for poorfags that much you got right.
>Patricians own everything already.
Do you know what patrician means?

I heard you can now emulate them without having to use software rendering, so you don't need insane CPU anymore

This delusion here.

>only poorfags own a bunch of consoles and a PC
>true rich people only own PCs XDDDD