Final Fantasy XV

Do you rike it?

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I am, I know apparently people ar saying wait until chapter 9, but so far i'm absolutely loving it.

it's not perfect, there are a lot of things that could be done better, especially with the story pacing and whatnot. But I like Noct and his bros and their interactions so far.

This is fun and comfy. I love the immersion.

I don't know how its going to be in the later parts but so far I'm just having fun travelling around with my boyband. The atmosphere is unlike any other game I can think of.

>plays exactly liek an mmo
>with worse combat, less story, less items

> The atmosphere is unlike any other game I can think of.
Empty, sterile, and flat.

Ummm... Delta Force?

samefag trying too hard to fit in

Ai rike-ah hambahga!

>plays exactly liek an mmo
so you have never played an mmo?

chapter 3 18 hours here. pretty good game ! loving it too

>Ummm... Delta Force?
Fuck you Delta Force was great when it came out 18 years ago.

Same bro, I'm still on chapter 3, 30hours in, just been running around doing sidequests, checking out the sights and running into little things like the photo-ops and special scenes between the lads.

Honestly, comfy af which is all I wanted. I'm not going to sweat the later half, for now I'm enjoying my time

>Hold button to auto-attack
>Hotkey (Dpad) to change attacks
>All quests are fetch or hunt quests

It plays exactly like ARR

>3 days later
>still no Gamekult 60 in the score
Metacritic got paid to release the worst scores later to let retard buy first.

>Metacritic got paid to release the worst scores later to let retard buy first.
Nah, most publications just didn't get review copies unless they were good little marks.

Hell, they're still at sub 40 reviews. Games typically end up in the 70s by the time all reviews are counted. I full expect it to drop to 82 by the end of it.

15 hours in Chapter 3. Completing every sidequest and bounty that I reach the level requirement for. I'm having a damn good time.

I can safely say beyond a shadow of a doubt that everything I've seen and experienced so far has eclipsed every single aspect of FFXIII. It has been outdone in every way possible, making it even shittier than it was upon release.

With XV, I was immediately engaged in the setting and plot. I can actually identify with characters. The game even took the time to explain the me what the fuck is happening storywise in the tutorial with the lore paintings - something XIII never felt obligated to do.

Die, FFXIII. Die, Lightningfags. Your time has come.

FF15 just took 2's place as the worst in the series.
>inb4 hurr troll
No, fuck you. This game is absolute shit. Good thing in Australia we still have 7 day return, so I already returned the shit and got my money back. Didn't even waste my time finishing this turd, got past Titan and that was enough to write this off.

Combat is too braindead even for ARPG standards, open world is empty, car driving is too linear, generic visuals, cinematic boss battles and the entirety of Chapter 9-15


Yeah, it's good. The music's nice, the driving's a bit tedious. Combat is good, takes a while to get used to but when I got used to it, it felt good.

and comfy as fuck.

Hell no. Combat is boring and the sidequests are awful. I've been shitting on Xenoblade X sidequests but XV are worse in every single aspect. Story is one of the worsts in XV

I think it's fun so far. It's a comfy game if you got time to immerse yourself into it during the slow and simple parts. Maybe that's gay given the leather boyband, but I find it amusing.

Anyone else disappointed that the one thing we expected to be godly is actually pretty bad?

The music

Stop being a retard, Gamekult score has been out in the same wave as the first score, they aren't blogger and got a review copy like the others.
Metacritic just pretend they haven't released yet because an early 60 would make it lose a whole point. the only othe 60 they got was release with a 100 given by literallywho to not change the score. They are stalling.

Good fun for a week, but nothing more than that. Moved on after 70 hours. No desire to revisit in a long time.


I like some tunes, but I'm thankful for the mp3 player

all those FFXI tracks, makes me nostalgic af

>people holding down the button then calling the combat bad


I'm actually having fun
then again i'm a casual piece of shit

Loving it. Just as I thought, the greater Sup Forumss butthurt, the better the game

I honestly expected the game to suck but gave it a shot since I have a jrpg itch but god damn this game is dope. I'm honestly surprised Normie's sites are goving it 85/100 when it's so much more fun than shit like fallout 4.

It's mediocre.
The worst part is the abysmal side quests, but I can't stop doing them because of my OCD.
Loading times are horrible too, and the fact that you can't die if you have items in your inventory is just baffling

>I am, I know apparently people ar saying wait until chapter 9, but so far i'm absolutely loving it.
Wait, Sup Forums can admit that xenogears is good till a second disc, but in the case of FFXV, the whole game has to be bad just because the end of the game is bad? Man, I've never heard of Sup Forums being hypocritical like this before.

>find out about HDR with the release of PS4 Pro
>go out and buy a TV specifically for 4K HDR
>find out my TV not only does 4K HDR, but has an HDR+ mode
Fuck, can't wait to play the game but I need some sleep...

Xenogears shows how story can decide absolutely everything in an JRPG.
Many would be much more forgiving towards FFXV if the story was good

>I've never heard of Sup Forums being hypocritical like this before


>go to find treasure
>get to the spot
>fucking sabertusks
>can't pick up treasure
>kill sabertusks
>ship of level 18 soldier come dropping in
>only level 12
>get wrecked

why can't I pick shit up during battle it's so fuckin stupid

They killed off Luna

Fuck this fujo fest

that is pretty annoying, i think it should be patched in

It's fun. Sidequests are a bit repetitive, but they get the job done in adding to playtime. Only on Chapter 4 and I'm already at level 31; 30 hours into it.

I mean it's okay I played hide n seek and took them down one by one, but still frustrating as fuck


Loving it, it's got some flaws but it's a solid 9 in my book. I've learned the key to this game is don't fast travel anywhere, enjoy road-trip bro time and needless but interesting detours.

The combat camera however sucks huge dicks anytime you're in a hallway.

>guy plays 70 hours in a week
>surprised he burnt out

Do you ever savor anything?

Everything starts feeling meaningless when you realize how abusable healing items are

>no backstory/character building for any of the 4. I don't know who any of these people are. Their homes aren't mentioned. Their connection to each other aren't mentioned(besides them being the prince's protectors). Their backstory isn't mentioned(except that Gladio has a sister).
>No one is affected by anything that happens after Regis' death(in chapter 1) until Luna's death and Ignis going blind(chapter 10/11).
>Why does Aranea get more character progression than the main characters? She goes from being a mercenary to working for the bad guys then quits to help out locals. That's more than anyone else gets. And it is also portrayed poorly.
>They fully expects you to have watched the prequel stuff. They give nothing away in the actual game. No one who jumps into it without watching is going to know what is going on. Game is way too vague. The prequel stuff highlights the characters, the world and Noct and Luna's relationship, something completely absent from the game.
>The combat is a clusterfuck with more than 4 enemies
>It is way too easy. You can just spam potions and destroy anything. You need to make your own difficulty.
>Doing sidequests makes you way overleveled for the main quest. It is like they want us to skip all that shit.
>Titan and Levi fights are dumb as fuck. Titan you just wait to parry. And Levi you hold O.
>Walk around until the train arrives.

all the reviews i've read praises the interactions between the main 4

how does FFXV stack up as a "friends simulator" to Persona?

Badly. Stick with Persona if you want good character development.

The interactions are poorly done. In the open world, it is repeating the same lines about shit. Pronto jerking off to thoughts of Luna and Cindy. Gladio asking Noct to take his shirt off when its hot. And some other pointless banter. None of which is good.

why can't I drive manually anymore?

I'm only on Chapter 2 but the option is always greyed out now

you get that option for the first time because Ignis suggests it, plus it gets you that achievement, but it gets locked out until a bit after that, not too long though sorry i forget if it's chapter 3 or 2.

I like it a lot. Besides the combat that is. The combat has a nice thing going but they messed up graciously on the controls. Way too much stuff happens by itself.

Real talk, the game after Chapter 8 is seriously bad. Like, it's unquestionably worse than anything in FFXIII.

I like the atmosphere too. You just have to get into it for a bit. Like take your time with it and make your own fun instead of expecting the game to entertain you at every turn.

Combat could be good if they fixed a few things.

I think the music captures classic FF tunes while also having the modern high quality orchestra thing of the latest titles. You can hear it in the composition that yoko took her time listen to old FF music.

I wish I could not hold down the button, but it's required for some stuff.

So, is the game genuinely fun? If it can provide it I think I'll give it a try.

I've been considering getting it all week, is it actually fun? The story sucking won't bother me a whole lot as long as the characters are likable and the combat and character progression is satisfying.

most will probaly say no, but i honestly love it so far. I haven't reached this supposed dreaded chapter 9 yet but i've been enjoying running around doing sidequests, exploring every bit i can. I'm only on chapter 3 though, but 30 hours in.

I tend to do a lot of exploring and side stuff in games, so it's perfect for me so far. The term is thrown around here quite a lot, but it really is comfy. At least for now.

Loving it. 20 hours in, and only on Ch. 3, managed to find an Armiger while looking around the world. Was a shield.

Honestly, my only problems with the game so far are that the cameras a bit wonky, and, I hate the Nifelheim Soldiers dropping down every single battle. It makes the game too hard.

doesn't matter, i just want to know how many they need to sell to break even on all the dumb XV compilation shit


Wait wat

Is this game connected to VII?

nibelheim is FFVII, silly billy

Just dance or forza horizon?

Loved it! XV is bombastic, strange, surprising and, often, brilliant. It is voluminous; it is cacophonous. It even provides an emotionally fulfilling finale.

Character progression for Noctis is almost nonexistent.
Even after major death or massive exposure to critical information Noctis is still the same Noctis you know when you booted up the game.

>his father died, sad but he moves on like nothing
>luna fucking died. sad for a cutscene or two and then nothing

Side character development sorta happen off screen on the time skip, expect DLC to cover that up.
Watch Kingsclaive and consider it as part of the game, some character that were featured in the movie have a small role in the game but effect the plot substantially.

Character interaction becomes stale as it go on.
They dynamic does not change or feel organic as the story grow further.

>doing all the content in the game and getting a plat
>burnt out
What do you expect should happen in this case?

I meant like from a gameplay standpoint. Is it satisfying to strengthen your characters?

So far yeah. I really missed having a big world to explore with several subquests and collectibles since Xenoblade Chronicles, and the party's banter is more than welcome.

I wouldn't mind if there was a sequel ala XIII-2 tbqh.

I'm six and a half hours into the game and I still haven't left the starting area.

So, I'm having fun.

Are there missable quests? I'd like to finish all the sidequests here before I move on. I got all the hunts that I can currently do (not enough to reach LV3 so there are still some left), so the only thing that I can see left is talking to Dino for the boat.

Depends.. do you like QTE boss battles, MMO quests, a shit plot and collecting vegetables?

What it needs is a remake of the entire second half. God, it's so frustrating having a good first half ruined by a terrible second half.

I want Prompto to shut the fuck up.

Look at that green~
Sup Forums btfo yet again

I bought it today so i'm not nearly that far, but don't forget this is Square Enix we're talking about. They've no problem retconning stuff in sequels and spinoffs.

There's no way it doesn't get a sequel. There's too many loose ends. Like this motherfucker right here who doesn't show up in the game at all. Plus a sequel would be cheaper to make because you can use a lot of existing assets.

I wish I could try it before getting it. I'm in the deadheat of finals week right now. Really appreciate Sup Forums on my study breaks.

I feel like this is a game I have to play myself to judge first not from youtube videos?

This is BS. Is the car being on rails negatively impacting this game? I say no. After exploring on foot it is nice to get back to that car and find a place to resupply. Taking the car off-road would ruin this game. And I disagree with the empty world, too. I seem to find all sorts of shit everywhere.

It is one step removed from full on homosexual gangbangs.

Lol these types of critics are just laughable now, aren't they?

>a sequel would be cheaper to make because you can use a lot of existing assets

With all the money and time they've invested it'd be crazy if SE didn't milk its assets for all it's worth. Besides, they already did it with X and even XIII despite the latter not being nearly as popular in Japan, and at this rate there might even be a Type Next afterall.

That said i'll avoid Sup Forums for a while. Already read enough spoilers.

>trash versus story because it was too long for a mainline installment
>make a sequel anyway
The ultimate Fuck you

Okay, what score does this game deserve seriously 1-10? Is it worth buying a PS4 or should I just wait for the PC version?

Thought it was to short and far to much angst, Hot-Topic advertisement and THE CONSTANT REMINDER THAT MY WIFE IS DEAD

7/10 at best

>They've been saying for months you should watch the movie
>Movie has been out since fucking august
>Still complain that you couldnt sit down for a hour and watch a fucking movie

game starts off strong

then at a certain point they ran out of budget I think

aka xenogears


I would hold out for a PC version. I know le ebin pc meme but you can clearly see how much this game is toned down and how much it suffers in general thanks to consoles

>have to watch another form of media (which they cut from the main game and sold it seperatly) to understand a story

game starts: open continent to explore

halfway through, on rails, no exploration, scripted events

that motherfucking corridor level

im just saying, there is a definite shift



why did normies still buy it tho i thought CONAN was the best according to Sup Forums

could it have been that Sup Forums got BTFOOOO



How long until people start dissecting the code to see leftover stuff from what they cut from the game?

It reminds me of Dragons Dogma.

it's enjoyable but doesnt seem like a typical rpg

more like an action rpg + road trip

in terms of plot, not much actually happens desu

>Da Prince of pain.
>You know it.

Just got into Chapter 3 and I can drive around manually again.

Enjoy it while it last. Car gets destroyed and remade to just get destroyed again. The remainder of the game you use a train and gondola