My PC is more powerful than any cons-
My PC is more powerful than any cons-
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Good thread
I've got a decent pc but i cheer for this console to have good specs and more games. Ps4 pro is a rushed piece of crap and they are going to release a ps4 propro when scorpio hits. Regular ps4 atm seems the best console to pick.
>Ps4 pro is a rushed piece of crap and they are going to release a ps4 propro when scorpio hits
Will people stop saying this? That would be brand suicide.
>more games
>MS confrence
>Win10 everything
Fuck off, Pajeet.
Is this real?
>That would be brand suicide.
Not with the insane fucking army of fantards each platform seems to have. Sony especially for some fucking reason, wouldn't matter if it was the Playstation PeePro and all it did was overheat and put up insults on-screen, there would be enough sales to justify a second simply so they can LOL PC BTFO XBOTS BTFO NINTENDODDLERS BTFO SONT WIN S AGIN
you tell me
Sorry Scorpio, 1080 SLI ;)
>implying the Scorpio won't be running on triple Titan X
Why would you assume that a 6 Tflops console is so much better than a 4,2 one?
If you think that you can have real 4K on the Scropio I have some bad news for you.
>comes out 1 year after the Pro
>will probably cost 500 bucks
>Xbox One has lost this gen anyway thanks to don mattrick
>A new generation will hopefully happen in 2-3 years
>freezes & crashes before it even finishes loading the font
If you're waiting for the scorpio you might as well wait for the next gen
It can have 20 cpu cores, it's still just a shitty console.
Consoles need to do things PCs can't if they want to remain relevant in the future.
How can anyone compare something that isnt out yet? Thats like saying, the 1280Ti is stronger than a old card thats already out
its the sheer power of pure unadultered autism.
>>A new generation will hopefully happen in 2-3 years
>console generations have been shortened from about 6 years, to 2-3 years
this is not okay
>Introducing the Playstation 4 Pro X
pc parts advance much quicker than consoles so pcs will always be "more powerful" on average than consoles