Why are there no video games with elf as a protagonist?

Why are there no video games with elf as a protagonist?
Excluding "make your own character" type of deal, of course.

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Because being human makes it easier for people to relate to the main character or self-insert.

Take your Games Shitshop stuff with you.

There are plenty of vidya where you're angel, demon, wraith et though.

I remember Champions of Norrath having more elf characters than humans.

You play as an elf in Landstalker. But that's an old example. I can't think of any recent games where you're an elf.

Does Legend of Zelda count? Link has pointy ears in some games iirc.

elf discrimination by dirty humans is a real issue in media

we should force these developers to have more elf characters and elf protagonists

Did somebody say elves?

Screw the elf, just a boring human with pointy ears, I'd rather play as the dragon

Heretic and the gauntlet series.

>Excluding "make your own character" type of deal, of course.
>haha exclude the games that completely make my question pointless haha

If you've never hated elves I suggest you play this shit


because we humans need to stick together

>Wanting to be knife ear unironically
Off to the chopping block with you, heretic.

Those are goblins.

Goblins are made for tender loving, elves are made for genocide.

Those are drow or dark knife ear spawn.

Jrpg are the closest you will get to play an elf since the MC is always a skinny assfaggot.

Pick a human character and act as gay as possible, congrats now you're an elf


Yet those are few and far between compared to those with human protagonist.

Not with this kind of ears.

So is this guy the plumber of Adventurers? He deals with the ultimate shittiest monster type? Fucking goblins?

I've always thought of Hylians as Elves in Zelda. I mean, they're pointy eared and referred to as the "original" race of Hyrule, kind of like Tolkien Elves being the Eldar race.

Why are there no video games with an anthropomorphic dragon protagonist?

Because autistic fat and muscle fetishist furniggers will ruin that race.

Heretic, Heretic II.


There's also Lord of the Rings: War in the North, one of the characters is an Elf sorcereress, the other's being a Dwarf and a Dunedain Ranger, but it's not a very good game.

You are not very bright are you? But then again, that much is obvious considering you have frog pictures in your HD.

>wanting to fuck green-skinned midget niggress

>wanting to fuck green-skinned midget niggress

>tfw there are no warhammer mods for skyrim

I don't think so. They are really cool and would make a unique main character


On par with stormfags.

Stupid argument. You don't have to play a human to relate to the main character. Plenty of examples like San andreas proved that.

Just wait until December 8 and next year for TWW.


On par with a faggot

You're supposed to say leftist knife-ear libtard.

Damn, I wanted to post it.

>tfw NEET elves soon
Almost time to kidnap Bretonnian babies and kill disgusting beastmen.

So what's the story of this fag and why does he only go after one type of Greenskin? Orcs and Trolls are probably a bigger menace.

I may be wrong here but I believe he's Hylian, and the only differences between Hylians and humans is having pointed ears and being inexplicably special and awesome faggots, so basically he's an elf.

HERETIC/HEXEN, you fucking moron.

Goblins destroyed his village and killed everyone in it when he was a kid. Oh also they raped his sister until ded. He hid and watched the entire thing.

Literally not an argument.

Wasn't making an argument. Everyone realized what's going on except for you.

So does this fag only go after goblins and nothing else? Like before there's way worse Greenskins that need smiting besides lvl 5 pussy shit.

AKSHULLAY there were no elves in the realm the serpent riders invaded in Hexen.

But did come here to say Heretic/Heretic 2

Nothing is going on. OP asked a dumb question.

you are a fucking moron.

Is he a human?

>hurrr durrr why don't games let me play as x excluding all these games that do let me play as x of course

Chosen enemy: goblins

Someone has to aim low.

He did fight an ogre at one point but that's because it was leading a bunch of gobs.

This is an anonymous imageboard, there is no reason to not accept that you did a retarded thing. Just leave the thread.

Still on my first playthrough of HERETIC. Just assumed. Having a blast, though. Never knew elves could be this badass.


>i have no argument

Really nice of you to bump the thread for more people to see you being stupid.

And i'll do it again since you have no argument and are doing nothing but using ad hominems. More people should see.

Bump so more people can see both of you being gay cunts.

Because elves are literal garbage.

Isn't link ethnically an elf.


Hylian, but , basically. I mean, Hylians have long lifespans, pointy ears, magic powers and were around before humans... so.. basically Tolkien elves.

The idea is that goblins are a more common threat that are ridiculously numerous in comparison yet offer little glory. Higher tier adventurers eventually stop fucking with them as they're not important enough while lower tier adventurers get caught off guard by their tactics and get killed/raped. The goblin slayer is basically the little guy's champion who only wants to rid the world of their existence. If he didn't do it, no one would.

Plus goblin hating tanger is a perfect archetype since (esp in FR DnD) goblin tribes are a constant threat to frontiers of civilised peoples. What's that logging community of 50 human settlers going to do against 100 gobbos?
They might not be dragons but the lower threat goblinoids etc are always a threat to normal ppl.

>orcs hobgoblins goblins gnolls.

The thought just hit me that whenever someone calls Link an elf and someone screams "he's a hylian you retarded shit" it's basically the same as someone calling an asian person "oriental" and some white person interjects with "he's korean you insensitive shit".

imagine link being offended at being called an elf

You can turn into some in breath of fire 3