SJW I know in real life: "What? No, people have always been critical of toxic media...

>SJW I know in real life: "What? No, people have always been critical of toxic media. You're trying to tell me that you can point to a specific year when people started getting offended over stuff? Yeah fat chance, good luck with that!"
>Pic related

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Outfits

Excuse me?

If you don't see it you're part of the problem.

who fucking cares idiot

What part of the 2013 design says Lara Croft at all?
>totally different face and outfit
>only similarities are hair and body type

Unless this was supposed to be some ebin redesign for an ebin reboot, this is a shit design.
Don't blame muh SJWs. Blame the art team.

One big thing of SJWs is historical revisionism
They get really mad when history is presented as it was
I've actually had an SJW tell me that TF2 not showing more black people is historically inaccurate
see also: BF1, Anita videos where she gets mad at prostitutes existing in the Wild West

Legends best lara

So it's just a coincidence that she doesn't have the shorts...and that none of the DLC costumes show any skin either...nah, pretty sure it's SJWs.

I don't that SJW is related to this problem. Crystal Dynamics modeled hot Lara already.
It's just a greedy reboot for the wider audience, girl next door is more easy model to relate for normies than classic comic book hero Lara.
My nigga.


>Crystal Dynamics is located in San Francisco


If you're having a hard time seeing the blisteringly obvious point the OP is making you really shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.

In some threads with more ambiguous images I would totally give you a pass or at least the benefit of the doubt. In this post... No... It just couldn't possibly be more obvious unless OP added captions with arrows pointing to what he's referring to (is that what you people come to expect now?).

The redesign was about making Lara Croft slightly more relatable instead of a female Snake. You're supposed to feel afriad.

That's why the main thing in the new games is how fucking hard she dies, instead of triangle her boobs are.

That river segment was fucking rough

But none of those outfits make me want to fuck the character. What's the point of a female character as the lead then?

>no double pistols in the game apart from brief use
>no big beautiful bouncy tits
>no john lennon glasses
>no badass attitude

Apart from the hair colour and gender, nu-Lara has nothing at all in common with Lara Croft.

The other guys are right, most of these are burqa-tier. I've seen plenty of male costumes that show more skin.

The art team are SJWs.

>old lara
>strong independent woman who need no man. Can do sick acrobatics trick, shoots stuff with dual pistols without giving a fuck

>new lara
>bitchy weak girl who can't do shit without man's help (nigger and the nerd in 1st game and jesus in 2nd). Constantly whines and cries, was nearly raped like a dozen of times. Guro/ryona porn factory

I still don't get how new lara supposed to be feminist desu senpai

Is the one before the last supposed to be Nathan Drake?

Oh, yeah, also forgot about TREMENDOUS daddy issues. The whole fucking RoTR is basically daddy issues the game.

>that knight armor

All these outfits but "original lara" wasn't one?
What the fuck...

AoD Lara best Lara.

Never played Tomb Raider.

That picture only shows 18 outfits. If the text is to be believed then there's still 9 more.

Old Lara
Comic book character, designed for sex appeal, dual wields guns and isn't afraid

New Lara
Horrpr film character, designed to be relatable, constantly afraid and barely makes it out alive

Coz smaller tits and wearing trousers. Who gives a shit about her character, that's not what feminism is about.

As a guy, I'd rather be Solid Snake than say, Nathan Drake.
I suspect a lot of woman would rather be Original Lara over New Lara, even if new Lara is more human.

I mean, who'd you rather be?
A kickass action hero who single handedly takes down evil cartels, companies and ancient monsters, totally in control of most situations and looking sexy while you do it.
Or would you rather be a real person who's terrified of the situation and has to scrape and grovel just to survive?

>top middle
that outfit makes me hard in the pants

my first gf was a biker chick 7 years older than me's_Outfits

You missed out the TARDIS backpack

It's the evolution of triangle density.

>2 games that pretty much serve as the origin story for the reboot
Wew lad
>no big beautiful bouncy tits
>I need video games to satisfy my lust for big tits
lmaoing at your life

>Want to support OP
>Like cute tits the most

You rather be heroic than afraid

But being untouchable doesn't make for a good thriller, that's an action movie. The vulnerability is important to making the player afriad.

>The whole fucking RoTR is basically daddy issues the game
>Hey, my dad was right all along, weird shit does exist, I'll prove he was right to the whole world and make them eat crow for making him kill himself
>My step mom killed my dad because she works for an ancient organization that's been hunting Jesus for 2000 years, fuck that bitch
Wow, tremendous daddy issues.

Why is her head so big, and legs so stumpy? What about her appearance resembles the original Lara at all? Why do they pretend this 100% original character is Lara? They even rewrote her back story and relationships.

>Augmented Lara

>Have the newer Tomb Raider game and Rise of the Tomb Raider
>Got them for Christmas last year
>Still haven't played them
How are they?
>Started playing Uncharted Remastered Collection
>Really enjoying Uncharted 1
>Got to this vehicle segment about halfway through the game
>PS4 crashed and save data got corrupted
>Haven't gone back to it in like a month or two

do we even care about video games anymore or is it only politics now

who gives a fuck

I enjoyed Rise.
Didn't get into the one from 2013 though.


The common consensus on Sup Forums is that the 2007-2008 year is the year vidya went to shit, which lines up appropriately with this image (keeping development times in mind).

They're enjoyable, albeit extremely easy.
You should play them.

>Augmented Lara
Is there a way to give a game a negative-preorder? Like a pre-purchase of the game where the devs still pocket my money but legally report their sales with someone ELSE's purchase removed from their total count?

Best outfit is the sleveless top (middle one in the second row). Rise of the Tomb Raider is a right step forward in gameplay but honestly Siberia was a mistake. The training level Syria is good compared to the snowy environments.

The Apex Predator was my favorite from the winter wear.

That's pretty cool.

dat butt

>not wanting tits

Hah look at this faggot over here guys! I bet next you're gonna say there's nothing gay about fapping to traps because it's a "femenine penis".

lmaoing at YOUR life, fag.

Now I'm only part way through RotTR, but so far in every environment it's been fucking freezing or raining. Considering most people don't wear skin-revealing clothing in those types of weather, except for club sluts, I'd say you lot are being whiney bastards.

Complain about how she has a total lack of character except for "afraid" and "not afraid" and I'm with ya, but expecting a game designed for "realism" to include revealing attire is retarded. Hell, you can ever wear the gear she wears in Tomb Raider 3 during the snow levels and it's not revealing.

My mother likes Laras original design, I showed her OPs picture and she asked "who the fuck will play that?" at the 2013 redesign.

Its shit.

Winter jacket and shorts

> having so little sex drive that he actively doesnt want to see breasts


Those thick thighs can't be contained.

kek, this is the most boring dressup I've ever seen in a vidya game

the default outfit is the most attractive

I'm currently playing through every Tomb Raider game for the first time, on Tomb Raider 3 at the moment.

I think the thing I'm gonna miss most about the original Lara is the voice actress. Whoever they're using for the most recent entries in the series is painful to listen to.

Nah, it's silly or even insulting.

Why should the player be afraid?

Not that it matters, neither Solid Snake nor old Lara were invincible, it just required more than the average foe could dish out.

They were apex humans. It's a power fantasy. New Lara is not a power fantasy.

Silly, yes, but there's nothing wrong with that.

>you can't see breasts literally everywhere
>muh datacaps
Go out and get a slut from a bar and you can oggle at breasts as much as you like
>but muh superior 2d pixel breasts!

>being a chad
get out

I mean it's pretty lazy just to rip off old low-poly model.

>New Lara is not a power fantasy.
And there's nothing inherently wrong with her not being a power fantasy.


> he thinks im not married
> he thinks seeing breasts once a day satisfies if you are male

People started to get overly offended when social media started to boom.

Prior to that it was only a minority of overly offended homos and communists in the yahoo chatgroups.

>I suspect a lot of woman would rather be Original Lara over New Lara
Can confirm, have a female friend who loved the old games but won't touch the new ones

She's specifically said before that she likes dressing up her female characters to look like sluts

>Tomb Raider 2013
I played TR1 when it came out and I really liked the reboot. the game is good, the story is interesting enough and Lara is a super qt. Plenty of different environments. Post game is nonexistent. Multiplayer has some neat ideas (guess from uncharted) but boring. It only has multiplayer DLCs.

>Rise of the Tomb Raider
Much better gameplay, gives Lara Macgyver type abilities (making weapons from everyday stuff on the go). The often tedious resource hunting from the first game is gone. Post game is great, you can hunt animals and bad guys fully upgraded in many ways. The environment is mostly snow and ice which I didn't really like. The story is pretty bad. DLCs are hit or miss, I enjoyed the Corft Manor and the Endurance one.

>seeing breasts once a day
I'm sorry for your loss, user.

>Go out and get a slut from a bar and you can oggle at breasts as much as you like


Stop, user. Don't shit in your own nest.

It was pretty much just after 2006

i remember 2007-9 were grace years somehow it went all the way downhill in 2010

Maybe they just added the low poly models to shut up the whiners who were complaining how much better she looked in TR1-3.
Legends was pretty great in terms of looks. But its just how the modern industry is, everyone is fucking afraid of showing skin because some american feminist might blog about it.

Again, there's nothing wrong with that.

You don't even have to be a normie to pick up chicks from bars.
Women who frequent bars are the easiest to fuck.


I'm having a hard time caring

>You're trying to tell me that you can point to a specific year when people started getting offended over stuff?

Yeah, it's when facebook no longer needed a college EDU account to sign up, and it went from being a platform for nerds to stalk the hot girl they liked to a "social media" platform where people artificially inflated their egos.

Give me your best Lara images, I want to fap.


There is if she was original designed to be, and always was, a power fantasy.

if she's surviving in the wilderness/ruins for who knows how long, how does she stay shaved?
does she pack a waxing kit with her explorer gear?

That thing creeped me the fuck out. Was it in Legend?

Is that E.T.'s mom?

Your pic is wrong, nu-Lara is a womanlet.

it's ET, user.

>implying I can speak to women
>implying I go outside

Get out.



>Fake armpit hair

No film/game developer has had the balls to make their women grow body hair while in isolation yet.

NuLaura's got one hell of an ass.

That's actually what I hate most about new Lara.

Old Lara was tall and athletic, that was one of her defining qualities. Why is she so fucking tiny now, all the other characters are twice her size and look like they could toss her around like a chew toy.

>Old Lara was tall and athletic, that was one of her defining qualities.

Looking at that picture it doesn't seem to be the case

They could at least have included models from the best trilogy.

TR1-6 aged like milk with their tank controls.
First reboot had just enough balance between streamlining and old school.
Second reboot is casual Uncharted clone garbage with SJW Lara.

And now I will get shitposted to death for actually prefer the first reboot over originals, despite being born in 85 and playing ALL the TR games because god forbid I have an opinion.

Old Lara is hot, new Lara is cute.
But I guess you prefer to bitch and moan rather than enjoy different things.

Reboots are nothing special, but they're okay and I liked them more than Uncharted games, gameplay-wise. Stories are pretty shit though.

You sound like a bitch.

You guys are retarded.

The controls in the originals are perfect, learn to play video games you gigantic faggot.

I agree that the Legend trilogy was the best though.

Took you long enough to notice

Thanks for entirely proving my point.
I rest my case.