What went right?
What went right?
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The music so far, just started
Husbands harem
Comfy hunting and combat
the drama around it and people being mad other people enjoy games
never gets old
fake and gay
I haven't and probably won't play it until there's a PC version. but it looks pretty fun, I'm not a normie so silly anime boys isn't too "le wacky japan xDdd" for me. The boss fights do look lackluster from what I've seen though. It's the kind of game where I have no clue where the appeal actually is, but I could still see myself putting in 100+ hours and enjoying it
Just got to the first dungeon, how open the door by the crawl space? Am I going to have to revisit the dungeon with another key?
The character models are pretty good.
Beautiful world.
Battle system.
at the last chapter. my only problem is the pacing of the story. story itself is pretty good
The only thing that really bothered me was that Transition to the name of the game screen at the beginning, with ''Stand by me'' playing in the background.
Seriously there has never been a thing that blatantly NOT final fantasy, this made me cringe hard. What a shitty choice.
You don't like Stand By Me, you white faggot?
It's not even the point, nigger. Learn to fucking read Jamal.
20 hours in. I don't think I'm even barely halfway through chapter 3. Ammount of side-content is almost overwhelming.
Can't believe I was worried if I'd be able to get my moneys worth from this.
Why's it so damn easy to trigger whites on Sup Forums?
>ending kills off absolutely everyone in the story the player gives a shit about to hamfist some "bittersweet tragedy" in there
What a fucking hack ending. FF writing post-SNES era is the worst.
I knew Luna would die, they've been playing that same fiddle for decades now.
>get called white faggot
>play the game and reply nigger
>jeez why are whites so easy to trigger
Come on now, sweet child
>magitek ship goes to drop off some assassins
>the moment they all land, quadcast III right on top of 'em
that's a fucking light show
I don't get the magic system. What does quadcast and healcast:fira mean? doesnt make any sense
they tell you what they do.
Have you bothered to read the description?
Your kind is pretty easy to trigger though, you have to admit that.
The world looks generic as fuck though
Ignore magic, it's total shit outside of boosting EXP or casting curses. Focus on boosting STR and use 3 stat sticks and one pair of daggers.
>min/max a single player game
Give it time.
It took steps to eradicate Gamergators from our game, that's what.
I'm absolutely livid because this piece of fucking trash has a bug where you can't manually drive the car fast enough to keep up with Ardyn, keeping you in a loop of trying to play catch up. You would think that in 10 years time they'd be able to do better than the yearly forza game but no, these fucking nips can't unsquint their eyes long enough to make a half fucking decent game.
Most things except driving and story.
Anyone else disappointed that the ONE thing that was going to be a sure fire win is actually incredible underwhelming, bland, and over all one of the worst the series has had?
I'm talking about the music, of course, it's like 10% great, 10% good, and 80% bland and forgettable, with the WORST town themes in a FF game so far
You'll thank me when the postgame bosses don't take 5 years to kill. I watched someone take over an hour to kill Adamantortise because their build was shit.
Just beat the game and I'm still not able to unlock it. Must be a post-game thing. I heard the post-game is supposed to be really dense, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's part of it
Didn't this shit need to sell like 10 million to break even?
Hoping from the bottom of my heart that square crashes and burns for the shit they've been pulling for the last decade
Hopefully Capcom is next
Agreed, things kind of go from 0-10 really quickly. Still thought it turned out great though.
Capcom doesn't deserve to die, 2bh, but it needs a kick in the arse for the BULLSHIT they pulled with SFV
Why does Ravus in the movie look so handsome but in the game he looks like a complete fuccboi.
Gay romance.
I'll keep that in mind when i get to that point. Until then, using prompto to gravisphere things and then hitting them with -ga is pretty satisfying.
>story itself is pretty good
What are you smoking? It's the most by the numbers story in an FF game since the first one. Everything is played 100% straight and the """twist""" with Ardyn's past is so half assed and pulled out of nowhere I'm convinced it's the result of failing to plug plotholes.
The magic is honestly shit because most, if not all the time, your magic's explosive damage nearly wipes your team. Yeah its an interesting concept, but why in the fuck even give such a crutch to a crucial (crucial as in magic is a staple to the ff universe) function of combat? You're literally asking people to ignore it.
Ignis is our guy
>Sup Forums says it's shit and posts shitpost webms
>believe the shitposting and just watch some playthroughs instead of buying and playing it myself
>it actually looks pretty fun and I ended up spoiling myself on a shit ton of things
Fuck this board, and fuck all the autistic shitposters.
I agree for the most part. The main menu theme is god-tier though
Post a good game.
I would have preferred they polish the combat than deliver the half baked magic system we got. I crafted(?) a unicast spell that was good as an opener on mobs, but useless everywhere else.
Thank's for your 'opinion'.
Because the movie is a complete separate entity and has nothing to do with the game, as promised by mister tabata
Great artistic style & taste overall.
The first FF where the characters weren't overdesigned into sheer ridiculousness when standing against modern aesthetic ideals.
This alone encourages me to play, as shallow as it may seem, but it is a VIDEO game after all.
>Capcom doesn't deserve to die
Are you fucking kidding?
Yeah don't get me wrong, there's some GOAT shit in there, but goddamn why is 80% of the entire soundtrack phoned in garbage? Even 13 with its incessant tone shifting managed to deliver a more heartfelt and meaningful soundtrack than FFXV has.
Maybe hearing Somnus and the Altissia theme so early in the games promotion spoiled the rest of it, because that was really the peak of the OST
>Sup Forums likes FFXV
my sides
Where do I find the keys to these huge locked doors in dungeons ?
Story was a cheesy hero's sacrifice cop out at the end. Also, the way they killed off Luna for forced drama (and more homo quartet moments) was equally retarded.
This wasn't interesting or unique tragedy, it's cop out recycled horse shit that only exists to wrap up a fucking mess.
Don't know yet thanks to Australian internet.
In my town sold out
The story is the exact same as Crisis Core, Type 0 and Third Birthday - it's the only kind of trash story Tabata can write.
I feel like 15 went much more towards the visual spectacle of things, and made music to complement that. So listening to the music by itself isn't that great, but it works in the context of the game.
Wondering the same thing, just beat the game and don't know if you need a quest trigger or what
i like you had to update the picture with the circles because nobody could see what the fuck
looking forward to more memes from you
nice maemae
I'm just saying that this part in particular is just jarringly bad. If you have a glitch or bug in your game that bars people from continuing, or excludes out a major function of your game (that being exploring the vast open world they like to preach and gloat about) then I will say that it's definitely not a good game until it's fixed. Yes, I am having alot of fun with it. The characters are charming and endering, Noctis isn't an emotionless barbie doll mc as per usual for FG mc, the combat is surprisingly engaging (excluding magic), and honestly I think it looks good for what it is.
But the car shit is driving me up the wall.
Not even that guy but does the world even look like a Final Fantasy to you? Or even a fantasy RPG at all? Generic forest, generic desert, generic roads, generic military base. Where's the awe inspiring level design of previous Final Fantasies? Where's the mysticism of the land of the ancients? Where's ANYTHING "fantasy"?
The generic western hyper realism of the world, while certainly not ugly, is definitely NOT Final Fantasy. It's MGSV world map.
See, I don't think it works as a solo listen, OR in the context of the game, honestly. The way tracks are just kind of faded in and out without warning or context, and the cutscene music for the most part is used repeatedly, really rubs me the wrong way. Final Fantasy games may have jumped ship in other aspects of their quality control in the last 15 years or so, but the soundtrack was always meaningful and crafted for the game.
A lot of the FFXV soundtrack sounds like it could be outtakes from any Shinomura project - hell the Ardyn phase 1/2 themes sound like they belong in KH.
Some of the monster design and some of the battle system, I suppose.
Same, game was trying so hard to make me cry at the end but I just felt bored and robbed. Nothing surprised me or made me care.
The game looks like shit
Nothing went right, you nigger
I wish it was on PC so I could play it in proper graphics
>Being a censorship apologist
Uuhh FF was always full of generic landscapes and clichés since FF1
The game is great but its in dire need of a patch 1.03.
-Add a bestiary
-Add the ability to see available Hunts without going to a stop or town
-Speed up techs so you can't use their invincibility to cheese
-Regroup should cost 3 bars, and have a long cooldown
-When you're in battle, R3 should bring up the Gear menu, not the map
>you will never, EVER have good internet
I live in the pile of shit country and shit is sold out almost everywhere and normally no one here buys video games
>tfw you're the prompto of your friend group
i never said anything for or against censorship or your post
as i said, i eagerly await our meeting in the next ffxv thread
I loving it so far.10 hours in, still exploring in Chapter 2. Just went into some dungeon and got my shit wrecked so I ran like a girl back to the camp site.
if i had money would commission incase for a picture of noctis ramming prompto while wearing lunas clothes
too bad i'm poor
I'd also blame Sony's servers. Putting your console in Rest Mode actually helps a lot too. Found out in a Yakzua thread when I was downloading the fucking 36gb demo for 6.
What I'd really like is a feature to have your teammates dive out of the way when you use magic. Something like holding the button for a second to prompt a "get back!" line and then when you use it anyone who would be caught in the blast does a dodge roll before impact. It's just retarded how you constantly friendly fire blast the stupid AI teammates.
Can they patch in a better story?
Whatever, just use the broken as hell Regroup tech to bring em back to full hp.
Faces of /v?
>the internet is literally everything nowadays.
>Tony "old school" abbot decided to completely fuck up the NBN so we'd be stuck with third world internet speed in a first world country and literally one of the leading countrys in technological advancements.
The fuck does the parliament even do nowadays but argue about gay marriage rights so they can keep circling the issue around while their pockets get lined with my fuckin money.
The nice meme is how much this place has degenerated.
Have you at least upgraded from having metered bandwidth, or is that 90s fad still a thing down under?
>first world country
Keep telling yourself that
oh well.
>Driving around on the Regalia while listening to Terra's theme
How on Earth could you dislike this masterpiece?
Aranea was great, I will admit
I stopped using the car the second I got a chocobo.
>Memories of FFXI (Disc 1)
>(Disc 2)
>(Disc 3)
>(Disc 4)
>(Disc 5)
>battle system
quicktime events
random team attacks
basically monotony broken up by further unengaging tripe
what a battle system
Do you have a driver's license?
When you drive in real life you also stay on the roads.
FFXV did wise steps to prevent idiots like you from constantly crashing their car by going offroad, it would ruin immersion.
>First world
Good joke. Call me when your country isn't the most ass backwards nanny state in the world (unless you count Fascist regimes like North Korea). I hope you lose access to the internet altogeather, would lower the amount of shitposting.
>20 hours in. I don't think I'm even barely halfway through chapter 3. Ammount of side-content is almost overwhelming.
Nice autism my man. The "side content" is bland MMO shit.