Has there ever been a gayer looking party/protagonist in videogame history?

Has there ever been a gayer looking party/protagonist in videogame history?

any persona game

What's gay looking about them?


their outfits are military related btw, someone post that image

>mfw male friends talking about playing dress up in this game

>being this insecure

if we made them olive drab they would look mostly like military fatigues

Yet every other person is an average joe but these band of edgy teens just sprinting and waving swords around looking like they're about to form My Chemical Romance 2.0
This game is a fucking joke, how can you even take this seriously?

>all coordinated
>leather pants
>spent more than 30 mins fixing their hair
>one handed gloves
>jacket with no shirt exposing torso so people can look
>frilly shit
>studs everywhere
>eye liner
>cheetah print
>shiny silver gloves
>all the jeweler and accessories
>woman's fit shirt on the only dude on the right who's face looks like a normal guy

>Red heels
>Pants too short
>Everything black
>Dude spikes
>Dude no sleeves lmao

Watch some anime. You'll get it. Those character are over-the-top gay in Japanese standards. They are some yaoi archetypes

its not just how they look, but its all the homoerotic activity they engage in also

there is so much gay shit in ffxv someone nees to make a list

they even all sleep in one tiny tent

>edgy teens just sprinting and waving swords around looking like they're about to form My Chemical Romance 2.0

You realize this has been FF since the psx

Baby's first jrpg

but only two of them look like they'd be military material. The other three are fuccbois

Yeah you controling them

Before his country got destroyed there was an army of sword flinging- telporting fucks with similar outfits that were lebt the ability by the king

I don't have a problem with gay people and maybe having one flamboyant character or two would be fine. But for a game trying to sell to the game market in the US (predominantly young heterosexual men), this design choice is so off base. The overwhelming majority of guys can not relate to this. They wouldn't be caught dead walking around with these guys and they won't be caught dead playing this game.


>Dude no sleeves lmao
The first two areas of the game are a desert and sunny wetlands.

I've played plenty of jrpgs
Doesn't make these kinds of things good. jrpgs are fubar at this point and need to just nuke the entire genre and start over. It used to be okish, here and there, then it just rode the slippery slope of ridiculousness and suspended belief to it's ultimate conclusion.

>implying every male from any final fantasy looks gay

>you were saying?

at least they look intelegent

>being this insecure

What do OPs insecurities have to do with those characters looking gay as fuck?

He didn't even imply it's a bad thing, you made that conclusion yourself.
What are you so insecure about, user?

Prompto would have been better if they kept him fat. Just 3 incredibly fit dudes and their fat friend saving the world.

The FFXV cast is manly as fuck. Their hobbies are all about providing for their fellow man, they coordinate both in style and combat like a tribe, and are confident enough to want to look good doing it.

I can't see anything homosexual about it at all.


> homoerotic activity
you mean like being friends? have you lived such a sheltered life as to never had to spend a camping trip sharing a tent with other men?

>tfw too intelegent

Your the one off base. you wouldnt be saying this if you were at the midnight release of the game in my area and saw the people there




fuck off forgot pic.

Final Fantasy XIII and VII had pretty gay leads.


Final Fantasy is just gay.

The Secret Service (the cast is the main character's bodyguards) don't dress in olive drab.

Can you change clothes in-game?

If this is true you wouldn't be so confused by their clothing and then comparing it to some gay dudes you saw walking from a bar

Yeah but VII had Barret and Vincent, Sephiroth, Zack, the Turks, Rufus, etc. There was plenty of masculine to balance it out both in the main cast and in the overall cast.

I didn't play XIII so I won't sound off on that.

These autists

Do you think this game takes place on earth in 2015?

You start with two sets of clothes for each character and can buy more.

The putfits being military issued means fuck all if they look like a j-pop idol band.

I mean c'mon, there's also the stereotypes for the different idols.

>the leader
>the hunk
>the nerd
>the babyface

And the last guy on the right is their manager. there's just no excuse. But the funniest thing is that i wouldn't even mind it if they all weren't wearing black, making the party look bland as fuck.

In America, the only people who dress like this are gay dudes. Japanese have become very feminized. I don't really care but in the US, men don't dress this way...at all. Not unless you're gay or metrosexual which is a minority of guys.

What confuses me out the most is that the two twinks are probably the least gay of the group

But if dressing this way got you laid/fashionable, straight dudes would do it. Look how many spikey haired, dyed tips, buff Italians looked gay...but were doing it to get laid.

You're comparing American modern fashion to Japanese fantasy fake world fashion.

XIII has female Cloud, a black guy who is like a metro Barret (who in VII was for gay bara fetishists anyway), a shota, a loli, a white bara, and the loli's female senpai.

That game is gay as shit.

then why does everyone else dress normal but them?

Persona 4.

These outfits were inspired by Japanese high fashion. Although not everyone dresses like that, it is pretty normalized.

>if you got laid
I see my peers follow bullshit trends because they think it will get them laid or make them fit in. Not I. Fuck that noise. Your problem is you're trying to cater to women's sense to get laid. Women will fuck you if you have worth and confidence. Why dress in a way that makes you feel disgraced with yourself if you can get laid without all that nonsense?

It's realistic. Muscle men are always most gay.


t. Homo