Try to play an RPG

>try to play an RPG
>get overwhelmed by all the stats, items, and abilities within the first five minutes
How do you people do it?

ignore them ans just lvl STRANTH and whatever increases HP

just pick the strongest weapon available

avoid magic

Play a JRPG, they usually allocate all or most stats for you, and combat consists of using the same tactic over and over

This happened with divinity original sin

Look up heavy warrior builds on the internet and best seconday skills such as lockpicking/thieving etc.

>try to play an RPG
>get overwhelmed by all the stats, items, and abilities within the first five minutes
>realise after ten minutes that all the choices are meaningless and the game has been streamlined so much the rpg side plays itself

>try to play RPG
>understand the mechanics all too well
>game is too easy
>get bored
>see other people saying the game is hard and complicated, and seem to be having fun trying to progress while here I am just destroying everything like it doesn't matter and feeling like dropping the game

Yea I'm sure you have a Ph.D. in Mathematics from here as well.

>tfw to intelligent to enjoy non-rpgs

but that game is amazing, user


I don't have ADD

Sounds like me when I tried dota

What the fuck was going on in that game, it made no sense.

>try to play RPG
>pick your advantage and disadvantage
>vague terms that don't explain fucking anything
>forced to look up so you're not forced into a playstyle you won't like
>in the end it doesn't even matter

Fucking Japs and their stupid bullshit.

This. Some faggot wizard actually made a thread to trash talk the warrior master race that pussy bitch

Mhmm. I can't play Baldurs Gate or Pillars or OG Fallout. I also failed math every year. These games have shit gameplay, and I say that as someone that finds DnD fun (but on that note I'm too stupid to role play well in DnD or other PnP RPGs)


you just kill creeps to get more than the other team

works best to team up with your fellow shitters to chase them out and farm more efficiently

that's literally fucking it just get gold and items and have fun

>tfw doing various spell preparations and effects/elemental chains and everything on the screen is dying instantly with damage numbers up the ass and just gained 10 levels, and in the distance you see that warrior who's hitting a single goblin and barely doing damage

you lose till you rage quit and never touch it again
then 1 month later you repeat everything again

Delusional wizard fag. You run out mana, a warrior sneezes in your general direction and you drop dead

actually, you pick one hero you like and play it for 50 games until you start winning

then you realize it's just a random lottery so you stpo playing for a few days and repeat

>playing Dota
There is one winning move and it's not to play.

google what the fuck the stats actually mean
let the items rot in the inventory
read the abilities and randomly use them so you know how they work

Y-you are cute! CUTE!

Is there a role playing game where I can get raped? I want all my teeth molars included knocked out in 1 mighty jab and then I want to wake up getting my gums fucked.

Gotta be in the mood for it. Sometimes I can get sucked into crazy in depth systems with tons of numbers, other times I start a complex RPG and get turned off by the same stuff.

The more depressed I am the more likely I will play an in depth RPG.

This shit is why I didn't pick up Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold. Game fucking stops to explain some strange and convoluted Grimoire system just so you can battle.
At least EOIV had an intuitive and natural-feeling skill tree system, which makes sense and you don't have to think about like it's some new concept.

>get overwhelmed by all the stats, items, and abilities

You can completely ignore like 80% of all that and still do fine. At least in modern RPGs.