Hokkaido > Sapienza > Paris > Bangkok > Marrakesh > Colorado

Hokkaido > Sapienza > Paris > Bangkok > Marrakesh > Colorado

Why is Marrakesh so hated, anyway? I thought it was fine, especially since I bought the game on the recent Steam sale and was expecting that mission to be complete shit because I had seen the complaints beforehand.

What locations would you like to see for season 2? For me:
>South Africa

inb4 shill because there's always that one fucking retard

Other urls found in this thread:


Hokkaido should be after Paris.


I've only played it once but I disliked how the targets were on opposite ends and the middle of the map had no use.

Why is Hokkaido always so high? Fucking boring and small level and overall easy as fuck, I bet most people only like because muh japanese culture.

I agree with your order but I'd swap Marrakesh for Bangkok.

Playing Marrakesh as a mission is pretty underwhelming but I really like Marrakesh as a fuck around level. I use the consulate building like I used 'A New Life' in BM. It's a nice place to just mess around and go on cool killing sprees seeing as there's a small pickup right next to where you start as the janitor and a large pickup right in front of where you start in the garage.

Plus who doesn't want to go on a bad ass stabbing spree in an office building as a janitor?

The mission its self is shit though and I don't like how the market and cafe are just there to take up space and there's no real reason to use them or any of the back alleys besides the three alleys that lead to the school.

The middle of the map provided sniping spots that felt fairly realistic and not just artificially put there to be sniping spots.

I think the "useless" part of the map goes a long way to disguise the sniping spots as part of a world and not just gamey elements put there so you can snipe your targets.

I'd like to see a level take place at a busy airport where one target arrives by car and the other flies in, to meet or make an exchange, and then depart in a private jet.

>airport security making firearms difficult
>baggage claim hijinks
>air traffic control hijinks
>huge crowds
>VIP waiting areas requiring different access
>CIA outfit

Well I'm glad you're not in charge then.

Why? Not that guy, but I think an airport level would be pretty great. The setup he described sounds pretty decent, too.

>disguise yourself as air traffic controller
>snipe target from control tower

Sign me up.

Dont bully the user when you're opinions are shit.

An airport mission would be fun, a stadium one too.

Sounds like some generic shit.

>you're opinions

I want to see an English cathedral city like Durham.

If they do include a British city though I guarantee they'll choose something shit like London.

>pointing out the difference between you're and your.

Your a silly dumb user.

>mission to kill wide receiver
>place remote bomb in football

Oh, and partis, mansions, hospitals and farms don't sound like generic shit? Yet they were made into fun missions. An airport level could be great if done properly, and I believe IO could definitely pull it off.

you're fucking retarded, dude. an airport mission would be mint.

A mission down at me local Woolies

We already had Death on the Mississippi in Blood Money, but I would very much like to see another boat mission, perhaps a cruise ship instead of a river boat this time round?

I've also been thinking about a plane mission because I'd love to see a mission take place in the air, but I think the shape of a plane and lack of disguise diversity would ultimately make it very restrictive and not very fun.

Even better:
>get air traffic controller disguise
>orchestrate the crash of the private jet your target is on

Can 47 time travel now?

I think a plane would be a decent bonus mission, I mean it can't be worse than The Icon can it?

Mumbai mission, yes or no?
Set it during that big Diwali festival!
And the target is one of those goofy Indian playboys

With The Icon they just had to slightly modify an existing map, for a bonus mission to take place on a plane they'd have to make a plane from scratch and I doubt they'd do that.

I would love a mission where 47 gets sent into a high tech maximum security prison as a prisoner

Alarms going off if a guard falls unconscious and they have opportunities purely for escaping as getting out of the prison is extremely difficult


VARIABLE WALK SPEED WITH MOUSE WHEEL WHEN??????????????????????????????

Hokkaido and Bangkok broke my immersion, because they are nothing like hokkaido and bangkok.
Paris and Italy as well as Morcco feel authentic to a degree.
The Hokkaido level feels more like a swedish hotel than Hokkaido.
Totally missed opportunity, because a proper level in Hokkaido would be amazing.
Its obvious they sent their team to italy and paris to make photos on location but sent nobody to either thailand nor japan.

>another shillman thread

Please show me one post from this thread that can be called shilling.

Hey everyone, this is the retard I mentioned in the OP. Always with the exact same picture too. Please, nobody make the mistake of trying to argue with him. He's severely autistic. Thank you.

-default start is outside the prison, and you have to infiltrate, perhaps by impersonating a prisoner and getting on a broken-down prison bus nearby on the way to the prison. or, impersonate a guard, or a delivery vendor

-replace a death row inmate with the target and have him executed

-start riots

-special weapon is pillowcase full of soap bars

There's one.

>Always with the exact same picture too.
I'd say he has multiple pictures actually, but that's definitely one of them. But yeah, he's just shitposting really.

>I have no argument and I must ad hominem

That's how we spot shills.

>But yeah, he's just shitposting really.

I've shown you multiple times I do in fact own the game and it's shit. All these threads showing up about a shit game? You think I can't tell it's a shill campaign? Are you dense?

Why do the anti-shills always shill harder than the "shills"?

Here's your (You), now please leave this thread. I made the mistake of giving you arguments before but you were way too autistic to comprehend extremely simple logic and reasoning. And I know you're that one fucking guy that's in every thread.

I'm not asking anyone buy the game. In fact, if you don't own it, get the fuck out of this thread, please and thank you. There, satisfied?

Hokkaido level would have worked better as switzerland, there's nothing unique about it that could only be done in japan.
Tokyo level never?

Its still in burgerville

Hokkaido isn't so much Japan, it's just Hokkaido. And personally, I like all the little touches of Japan in the level, like the arches and the zen garden.

Companies figured out that direct shilling doesn't work on Sup Forums like it does on plebbit or other normie sites, therefore they hire counter-shill to shit on product they're being paid to discredit.

>always shill harder than the "shills"?
There's been literally thousands of HITMAN posts by shills the past 2 weeks or so. I have made a tiny, tiny fraction of 'anti-shill' posts. So you are now actually lying.

I own the game retard. If you know me so well, you should know that by now.

Also I doubt your arguments have been as solid as you say. I've been in multiple level headed discussions. I would not say any of proven me wrong.

I didn't know that, I miss Woolies.

Yeah but in your eyes, a discussion about a game you don't like is classed as "shilling", so that's not really very accurate is it?

I'm not a fan of Dark Souls but I don't go in to every single DS thread and try to tell everybody that their opinion is wrong and call them shills because it's just a discussion among players.

boring setting, too much brown

>i liked the little touches in the japan level
>the arches
>the zen garden

I think youre turning japanese


Here's the main argument that you couldn't possibly refute yet you suffer from such an extreme case of cognitive dissonance that you fail to see the significance of it: IO has moved to new fancy offices and has hired 50 more people to work on season 2 and very likely season 3 as well. Nobody was forcing SE to keep funding this game after season 1 had finished, yet they increased the budget.

But in the bizarro world that you live in, business executives are retarded and they increase budgets for failed projects because they hate money.

>And personally, I like all the little touches of Japan in the level, like the arches and the zen garden.
Problem being that nothing about the level is uniquely japanese.
A sushi bar and a zen garden? You literally got those all over the world.

I expected something like:
or this (hokkaido)

In the end it turned out to be an alpine hotel with pan-asian flavor. Really unremarkable.

You have shit taste in level design and are also a massive faggot

he has Groundhog Day-like powers.

>Yeah but in your eyes, a discussion about a game you don't like is classed as "shilling", so that's not really very accurate is it?

It's shilling when it painfully obvious. When people get attacked for pointing out it has dumbest AI in any new game, when it only has 6 levels, when the only replay value is doing the same maps over and over. It's shilling.

>I don't go in to every single DS thread and try to tell everybody that their opinion is wrong and call them shills

Believe it or not but DS actually had... sales. A lot of them.

>IO has moved to new fancy offices and has hired 50 more people to work on season 2 and very likely season 3 as well.

Correct. To make what though? Glorified DLC. Easy to make and throw out there. It's not a new game they are making. Don't act like it is. It's just more DLC to grab as much cash as possible.

Well it has a bunch of those touches though, in a pretty concentrated place. Obviously it could technically be anywhere, but the level's more about it being a hospital then it's about being Japanese. I would like another Japanese level that's more traditional or something, but I don't think Japan was a bad location for this level. I also don't think it's unremarkable.
Oh okay. Thought you had a point aside from the usual "your opinion's shit".

To expand on that.
The Bangkok level also felt nothing like bangkok.


So many missed opportunities.
The Euro locations are spot-on though. With asia they really dropped the ball.
Having never been to colorado I cant comment on how authentic that one was.

>Easy to make and throw out there

You can still enjoy a game despite it's issues. Nobody in this thread was trying to deny that the game had problems or sell the game to anybody before you showed up.

There ARE people out there who try to deny the issues and pretend the game is perfect, those people are shills, but nobody was doing that before your post so why bother posting? I can see you're enjoying your little mission but this thread is just a discussion about a game we like, try another thread if you want to go shill hunting, and try reading the posts before diving in so you don't make yourself look like a cunt again.

>Well it has a bunch of those touches though, in a pretty concentrated place.
It really hasnt.
Which is a shame, total waste of a scenario.
It's missing all the subtle details that the italy and paris levels have.

Woah that argument!

> those people are shills, but nobody was doing that before your post so why bother posting? I can see you're enjoying your little mission but this thread is just a discussion about a game we like, try another thread if you want to go shill hunting, and try reading the posts before diving in so you don't make yourself look like a cunt again.

Consider my posts a warning then for any new lurker. To be wary of known shills you have just admitted to posting in these threads.

>It really hasnt.
Arches, zen garden, sushi bar, lampoons flying up, those greeters, that bridge, the art on the walls, the toilets, the clothing, hot springs. I think that's a bunch, and I might be missing some.

>It's shilling when it painfully obvious. When people get attacked for pointing out it has dumbest AI in any new game, when it only has 6 levels, when the only replay value is doing the same maps over and over. It's shilling.

So, anyone sane would hate this game, right? That means the dozens of people in these threads that say they like the game are all shills? It's just shills shilling shills until you show up, right? God you're so fucking stupid it hurts.

Am i the only one that really liked colorado?

>Please, nobody make the mistake of trying to argue with him. He's severely autistic. Thank you.
I wish more people followed this advice 2bh.

so you're saying the level isn't filthy enough to be japanese?

>So, anyone sane would hate this game, right? That means the dozens of people in these threads that say they like the game are all shills? It's just shills shilling shills until you show up, right?

Anyone who starts getting offended like you is a good indication of a shill.

>Ski resort with the ability to ski
>Chinese skyscraper with a basejumping crew
>Zoo with the ability to kill people by utilizing wild animals or amusement park with sabotaging rides
>Super secret weapons research center with very tight security and scifi-esque prototype weapons
>Indiana Jones-y ancient temple or pyramid with the prime target looking for hidden treasures because he's a collector
>Airport (Terminal and runway)
>A big mall with a wide variety of different stores like Dead Rising

>everything you do is what shills do so might as well give up, nothing personnel kid



>Indiana Jones-y ancient temple or pyramid with the prime target looking for hidden treasures because he's a collector

That could be you really cool, maybe like a party of 50 are there.

>I literally can not comprehend there are people who like this game that I don't like

Autism 101

The point is that that's not japanese at all in the way it was implemented.
It felt nothing like japan, while paris and italy felt really authentic.
The japan level felt like the decoration of a chinese run sushi bar.
You got sushi bars all over the world. Infact in the west people are more crazy about sushi than in japan.
It lacked the authenticity of the locale so my immersion was gone.
It was slightly pan-asian japanese-esque elements that ended up feeling really poorly thought out.
It felt like switzerland or sweden dressed up as japan.
I don't know how to communicate this to you, as you obviously have never been to japan but seem to have made up your mind about how japan is (zen gardens and sushi bars) which is really far from the truth.

>defending a game for no reason might indicate you are paid but to point that is wrong


>It's not a new game they are making. Don't act like it is. It's just more DLC to grab as much cash as possible.
Why hire more people and give them a new studio?
Seems contradictory to "grabbing as much cash as possible"

I'm saying it could've been just as well switzerland without anybody noticing.
I'd rather have a hitman level in a tokyo backalley filled with people than some weird hospital resort on a mountaintop, that ends up feeling nothing like japan and doesn't make use of any of the countries quirks for it's leveldesign.
There would be countless ways to make a proper japan level and make it interesting and exotic but it was just unremarkable and bland.

>The point is that that's not japanese at all in the way it was implemented.
Okay, so it does have a bunch of those things in a concentrated place, unlike what you said earlier. I disagree that it needs to be anything more than a Japanese themed hospital, I don't think it needs to be Japanese first and foremost.

>I don't know how to communicate this to you, as you obviously have never been to japan but seem to have made up your mind about how japan is (zen gardens and sushi bars) which is really far from the truth.
No, you're just misunderstanding me I think. First post I made was that it wasn't so much about being Japanese.

>for no reason

Oh, other than, I dunno, that it's a good game?

I have a question for you, though. Did you like Blood Money? No? Then Hitman games just aren't for you. It doesn't make the game shit. And if you did like it, I'd like to hear what it is exactly that you dislike about this game.

>It felt like switzerland or sweden
Those are my favorite places on earth
>dressed up as japan
Japanese decor is my favorite decor

Hokkaido was great.
It was comfy and the map had a good layout.

Honestly, you seem pretty racist in what can be Japanese and what can't be Japanese. Just because it's stereotypical doesn't mean it can't exist in Japan.

>trying to use logic with him

I tried this in previous threads. He doesn't understand that a season with as much content as the first season would require just as much work. In his eyes, DLC inherently means very little effort, because that's how DLC works in some games.

Not to mention that IO themselves aren't calling season 2 a brand new game. They're calling it season 2.

>Okay, so it does have a bunch of those things in a concentrated place, unlike what you said earlier. I disagree that it needs to be anything more than a Japanese themed hospital, I don't think it needs to be Japanese first and foremost.
You wouldn't find a sushi bar or a zen garden in a japanese hospital.
None of the locales looked authentic enough to be japan.
So why even make it japan when paris and italy felt REALLY authentic?

I feel like they wasted a good scenario on that.
Should've been a mountaintop hotel in switzerland that might just as well have a zen garden and sushi bar, because those are staples that western culture has incorporated into "lifestyle" stuff pretty much.

It felt sloppy.
My point is that it's obvious they did location scouting in paris and italy but none for the japan and bangkok level and it shows.

They felt really cheap and gamey, while paris and italy were immersive.

Not all of Japan is central Tokyo.

You don't get my point you dense fuckers.
I have travelled a lot and paris, italy and morocco were crafted with much attention to detail and felt "real". The bangkok and japan levels didnt feel anything like the respective countries, because they missed all the little nuances.
It was just immersion breaking for me.
Should have used a hungarian hotel again and made a swiss alpine hotel if they're to busy to go location scouting in asia.

>You wouldn't find a sushi bar or a zen garden in a japanese hospital.
Why the fuck not? You're not just dismissing the fact that it's a high tech hospital that also has a resort area thingy, right?

>So why even make it japan
They probably felt that high tech hospital fitted Japan the best, they probably also wanted the Yakuza lawyer to make slightly more sense.

>I feel like they wasted a good scenario on that.
The only scenario they "wasted" is the one where it's a high tech hospital with resort in Hokkaido, there's absolutely no reason to think there wouldn't be another level in Japan, or even in Hokkaido.

>Did you like Blood Money?
I did.

What I dislike about this game is only 6 levels and AI that makes a handicapped 3 old look like a super genius. Utter shit.

Because it isn't a new game. It's DLC. Same launcher. Same kind of DLC this game is already getting, maps. Just more maps for the game we have now. It's DLC. At most it's an expansion pack. A full priced expansion pack.

Second video is from sapporo, you dense retard.

Well what do I care, explaining the world to a bunch of sperglords.

I missed the attention of detail put into the euro level for the asia levels.

When they did Chicago, I had to cringe pretty hard because all they did was go to the Adams/Wabash station, size it up to triple of its size and maybe visit the Gold Coast for the Blackwater Park hotel.

>You don't get my point you dense fuckers.
Your point is that it doesn't feel like what you think is Japan. And that it should incorporate more elements of traditional Japan features. This is racist because you're assuming Japan is only the part that you know.
Honestly, I think it's a pretty decent approximation aside from the fact that it's not crowded or buildings build upon buildings.

>Why the fuck not? You're not just dismissing the fact that it's a high tech hospital that also has a resort area thingy, right?
Because I've lived in japan for two years. I've seen japanese hot springs, I've seen japanese resorts, I've seen japanese hospitals.

It lacked anything "japanese".

Broke immersion for me. That's it.
I don't get why you're too autist to accept that someone who has been to japan, as well as paris, italy and thailand, thinks the asia levels were much less authentic and it broke immersion.

That's my entire point.
I don't get why you, who obviously has been to neither country, tries to school me on this.

So you liked Blood Money where the AI literally follow a trail of coins Hansel and Gretel style and you're able to walk through an entire level unrecognised if you get the master disguise, and if one lone guard spots you doing something suspicious then every single guard in the entire level instantly knows you're a threat and open fires, but you don't like the AI in 2016?

Okay my guy.

Sapporo is a lot more crowded and populated than the mountain top where the level is you know.

What i don't understand is that there is a thread dedicated to the new hitman game and people still come in here moan about the sameshit over and over

>muh shills
>muh always online
>muh AI


I have lived in japan for two years you mouthbreathing retard.
If anything it's racist to have this fu-man chu version of japan pretending to be japan.
I don't even know why you are going to pull the racism card now?
Thats so bizzare.

>Because I've lived in japan for two years.
Okay, that's incredibly fucking stupid.

>I've seen japanese hot springs, I've seen japanese resorts, I've seen japanese hospitals.
And high tech hospitals with resort area thingies? And none of them had a sushi bar or zen garden?

Also, have you been to Hokkaido specifically?

Most of us measure a game's worth by the number of hours of entertainment it gave us, not through your logic of "but it only has X of Y". Absolution had more maps than this game but much, much less content overall and it was complete shit. So that argument is basically meaningless.

Fallout New Vegas only had one map so I guess it's also shit, right? Oh and NV was also built on the same engine as Fallout 3 and re-used many of the same items so it took very little effort to create, right?

Name a stealth game that has AI up to your standards.

No shit.

But I cant defeat your circular logic, since for you hitman is a perfect game and cant possibly have any flaws.

I'm not even talking about gameplay here, just that the way the locale looked and was dressed up struck me as not very japanese but vaguely oriental.
Just a immersion breaker for me personally.

>I have lived in japan for two years you mouthbreathing retard.

>If anything it's racist to have this fu-man chu version of japan pretending to be japan.
That doesn't make your view not racist. I also disagree with this, as you're claiming everything is like this, while Hitman is claiming that one place is like this. There's a very big difference in scale there.

>I don't even know why you are going to pull the racism card now?
I pulled it a while ago you blind fuck.

People love to hate things, even if they're completely unfamiliar with what they're hating on.

Faggots scroll through the catalog actively seeking Hitman threads and get a little bit of pre-cum when they see one so they can say the same thing they said in the last three Hitman threads.

These fuckers have no intention of ever playing the game but just want to fit in and have their ego boosted by fellow faggots who do the same thing.

>No shit.
Which is why it's a shit example.

>just that the way the locale looked and was dressed up struck me as not very japanese but vaguely oriental.
>Just a immersion breaker for me personally.
That's racist.

>japan level
>nobody speaks japanese

Empathy is the capacity of a person to understand another person's feeling or their point of view. The ability to put yourself in their shows, if you will. Autistic people lack this ability. I know Sup Forums likes to use autistic as a buzzword insult but there are genuine autistic people here sometimes, like this retard who just doesn't understand that other people can like something he dislikes.

Not to mention the always online has been patched.