What is the best Rayman Game?

What is the best Rayman Game?

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Rayman 1 is the best. 2 is ugly early 3D garbage.

the new ones


Rayman 1

The first one

>Tfw no 2d Rayman 2


the first one is actually challenging

I didn't realize until several years later that the PS1 copy I owned of Rayman 2 was a super gimped version of it.

Either way, the original Rayman is a classic as far as I'm concerned.

In my opinion, Origins. But 1, 2 and Legends are all god tier games too. It's one of the highest quality series ever made.

Origins a GOAT

Am I the only one who liked 3?

I'd say it was that one. I still have my PS1 disc of it. I think I also have it on my PS3 from the PSN store.

definitely not

^this. i fucking love the 3d rayman games. 3 is my favorite with 2 being pretty close behind. i played the rayman games in order and rayman 1 is still fucking abysmal. i don't understand how anyone can like it.

the physics are choppy, the camera is delayed, hitboxes are inconsistent and the "power ups" feel shit. the only thing it's got going for it is it's """aesthetics""" with some good music and visuals.

rayman 2 and 3 each stand alone as amazing 3d platformers. i've bought each game at least 3 times on different platforms just because they're so much fun to replay. i wish there were more games like them.

that one, greatest atmosphere

ps2 version is best, no voices is best

legends, but it's close.

3D aspect, a tie between 2 and 3

2D, very tough to call, Legends was great and more creative, but Origins was a better game and still had unique level design

Legend was clearly rushed and im still upset as how extremely anti-climactic the final boss(not origins repeat) was

The least they couldve done was add a sound effect when you knocked out the last bit of that bug

The one you posted for 3d ones, Origins for 2d ones.
>Tfw The great escape doesn't work correctly on your modern computer

>Legends removed the end bit of Living Dead where the Monster turns into a Nymph


>3 is my favourite

Good man

>1 is still fucking abysmal

Nevermind, you're not a good man after all

Casual gamer detected.

3 > 1 > 2 imo

They're all fucking phenomenal games though.

Origins, with 2 being a close second

2 or 3, can't go wrong ether way.
Ignore 1 shitters.

>rabbids killed rayman
Revolution is the best one, fuck me the music makes me feel so nostalgic and feels good man what a good game it is.

Rayman 3 is top tier

3 is my favorite. i never really could get into 1 or 2 very much.

Will we ever get such a great 3d platformer again?
Do kids even play "kids" game any more or just youtuber shit?


Rayman M

Is Rayman 2's 3DS port faithful? Wikipedia says they changed some stuff...

1 is my favourite, but i never got far because band land is ball breaking hard.
And not in the good way ball breaking.
More like the
>i have idea where i'm going and everything is killing me all the time fuck
kind of hard.
2 is nostalgic as fuck for me.
Loved the robot pirates and the world building.
3 came out when 3d platformers were already dying so i feel like it didnt get the attention it deserved.
It wasnt as good as 2 but still a lot of fun.

1, Origins, 2.
My top 3.

1 was a neat little platformer and very pretty, while challenging.
2 was a lovely little 3D platformer that really brought the world of Rayman to life, and while not QUITE as fantasy-aligned as 1 (with worlds made of instruments and whatnot) it was definitely up there, with an incredible atmosphere.

Origins was just really, really fucking fun.

I never played 3, but it looked pretty good. It did make me sad how it didn't really seem to reference or remember 2, though.

3 > 1 > 2 > Legends > Origins

Though honestly, they are all amazing.

That said, when are we getting another Rayman 3-esque game. I'll never stop being butthurt that the original idea for Raving Rabbids became a minigame shitfest. youtube.com/watch?v=HBgE6HQPhoM

>he didn't get past Space Mama

Space mama?
Try bandland.

user. Almost every Rayman 2 port has something different about it. If you're looking for faithfulness. You may as well play the PC/Dreamcast versions.

jesus right in the nostalgia hngggg

Everything up to picture city is baby's first platformer. That one tight as fuck jump in picture city where you have to slide off ink through a tunnel of needles is where the game gets serious.

Then i totally admit i'm a 2d platform casual, because that shit was impossible for me when i was younger.

Is Rayman 3D any good?

Betilla is such a tease. I wanna fuck her prone and cum inside her several times.

It's just Rayman 2 so yeah, Rayman 2 is pretty awesome.

Call me a dirty casual too, because Rayman 1 was hard to impossible for me just a few years ago when I tried it. And I'm still better at games than majority of people I know.

I really liked M but you're not fooling anyone it wasn't super fun and felt like a victory lap for the devs

hating on the first rayman

fuck off my man
I liked pretty much all of the main raiman games, but the first one is a special one


did not like the ost of origins
too much blabering in it

rayman 2 iS amazing and everyone who likes good games should play it.

I remember seeing rayman 3 with the hooks thingies but i never tried it, is that any good?

>my dick

What is the level selection (portal place) music called? I can't find it.
That piece of music hits my heart

The game itself is good and really fun, although much shorter than 2. My main issue with it is a massive change of tone. All characters frequently talk now (like with dubbing, no random noises with subtitles like in 2) and the humour and atmosphere has switched from childish to more teenage. There were even some (almost)curse words and sexual references here and there.

t. hipster

This one?

They're all great but I have a soft spot for the first one since that's the one I started with.

Also has anyone played this? It's not as good as Rayman 1 or Origins/Legends but still pretty decent. It also has the enemies and setting of Rayman 2 despite being called Rayman 3 for some reason.

They definitely tried to keep the series going for gamers who were getting bit older. I never liked that shift in style even as a teenager though, not because the new style was bad but because it was, well, inconsistent with the rest.
Still a good game though.

Do you want to be juggled? Is that it?

It's been quite a while since I played it, but I seem to remember 3 taking more of an edgy tone and not really appreciating it. Also, like 2, it didn't really acknowledge the setting or events of previous games in the series (other than Globox existing).

It wasn't anything too terrible, but to give you an idea of the game's attitude, I remember one of the television advertisements at the time of the game's release involving Rayman pissing in the snow on a snowboarding slope. Having said all of that, the gameplay was pretty solid, and they finally found a way to make the combat power-ups feel unique.

this boss fucked me up good

I had a GBA flashcard so I tried this briefly. Didn't really get far. I remember liking Rayman 1 more.

I had this game as a kid. I read in the instruction manual that you could get extra levels if you connected it to the gamecube version of Rayman 3 but I could never figure out how to do it. It didn't say anywhere what menu option you had go to for either game and I couldn't find any info online.

Probably yes, but instead it lead to the fucking rabbids. I had the same feeling it was a fun and good game by itself, but a bad direction to continue the series.

I'll look at it when i come home from work :D

The 3ds version is a port of the DS version, which is fucking horrible. Play the dreamcast version if you can.

The 3DS version is actually a port of the dreamcast version.

I'd say I prefer 3, more based on the fact it's the only rayman game I've played ever than actual preference based on multiple games

So, to bump the thread and start some discussion.

Let's say that Rabbids actually got made into a decent Rayman 4 game, a good 3d platformer instead of minigame shitfest. How do you think it would look like? How would you make a good Rayman game with something as goofy as fucking rabbids as an antagonist? (Well alright, Rayman enemies were usually a bit goofy, but not on this level)

Also, if could design a new 3d Rayman game that would come out now, how would you do it?

>nobody likes rayman arena

hours spent on it, it was really good. I think people just didn't play it. its wasn't very known

That game was meh but if it got some port with online multiplayer I'd probably play the shit out of it.

It was good, just far from the best.

I wonder how many kids got their first boner from this shit.

All of them. I do prefer the original trilogy, but as for the main series;

Rayman 2/3 >= Rayman 1 >= Rayman Origins >= Rayman Legends/Adventure.

This was okay. I liked the theme music.

Would have been more fun if I had a second pad.

It did in secret areas tho

I hope they make another 3D Rayman. I love the 2D games, but it would be nice.

Snake buddy dies and is stuffed in a hunters house
You can see a statue of that witch lady in a secret area
The whispering hint guy is in the first level

There also Robo-Pirates arranged like in The Last Supper in bad guys' lair. However, easter egg only partially count really, especially since the characters don't even comment on them.

Oh man Rayman 3, I got that with a blue GBA for my birthday in 2003.
That game was great, the second part of that bone level in the second world was fucking bullshit though.

that first rayman 4 trailer..
Shit got me so excited back then and then we got raving rabbids

>We will never see these two together ever again.

Which was the first one? The one already posted higher in the thread or some other one?

Its based on DC version, which is the best version of rayman2.

that said, 3ds version is alright but its bit glitchy, sound effects cuts off all the time and its bit laggy, but if you have hacked new 3ds and force it to run at n3ds's speed, then its bit more stable, but its playable either way.

The gameplay is good, but the writing is atrocious. It tries way, way too hard to be funny and comes off feeling forced and cringey.

Final boss is also way too fucking long.

Which is weird since it still uses the Hall of Doors from the N64 version rather than the Isle of Doors from the Dreamcast. Also no Globox Town.

3 has the most personality
Origins has the tightest controls

Legends is definitely and objectively the best Rayman game

Considering how much they ate the Rabbids up, hell no. Rayman 3 was the last of its kind.

>It did make me sad how it didn't really seem to reference or remember 2, though.
Actually, it did. Even for Rayman 1. In the first (real) level of R3, you can see a picture of the Livingstones from the very first game on a post used for the Purple Plums (another R1 reference) when you use it for the first time to progress further into the level. Later on into the game, you can also find Easter Eggs of Rayman 2 characters; Razorbeard and his crew and Ly the Fairy (pic related) as statues. (Whether or not they are the real ones turned into statues (which I hope not) is unknown.)
>Also, like 2, it didn't really acknowledge the setting or events of previous games in the series (other than Globox existing).
To both of you here, Rayman 2 did also referenced past events (give or take) as like in Rayman 3, the purple plum also makes a appearance to use for progress as well (quite like in the first game), only instead it was mainly exclusive to the temples where you find the sacred masks (usually in the lava section of them.)

You can also see Mosquito's flying around in some of the Glade levels here and there too.

You already posted the best one

>tfw we'll never get another Rayman game like Great Escape due to the popularity of LOLXD

Rayman 2 Remastered when

>boring art
>borong level themes
>generic fantasy music
>final boss literally does not attack you
>difficulty cranked way down from Origins


Oops I meant to link to for the second greentext. Well, here's another screenshot for reference (the livingstone's post in R3)

Mein amigo
It was my first Rayman game and I played the absolute shit out of it

It's not fair

>boring art

best game mode = time bombs only

I just want more of these levels


Not him, but more boring than Origins, that's for sure.

>ocean made of fruit punch and a spicy kitchen, and a desert made of musical instruments
>compared to a generic castle world and generic techno base world

The only interesting levels in Legends were the Luchador ones.

This and Origins already made food themed world better and in a more original way imo. Spy/underwater level was kind of interesting but nothing amazing and literally reused underwater boss from Origins twice. All other worlds were completely generic.