Post things that trigger Sup Forums

Post things that trigger Sup Forums.

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it triggers anyone who cares about video games, not just Sup Forums

dumb inflammatory cunt

>Playing FFVI on SNES
>Not playing the patched GBA master race version

What's wrong with Final Fantasy 3?

I never got this meme?

All I know that its an emulator? Whats wrong with ZSNES?

good job proving that post right.

Sam here. Whats wrong? Is it using save states or the Emulator itself?

meant for



ZSNES has such a sexy GUI.
I hate how other emulator lack one and look like MPC-HC.

nothing wrong with emulators bruh

triggers feelings of nostalgia, was the first emulator I used, back when I was about 9

Emulator is 100% faithful emulation it does a lot of shortcuts to get the games to work.


autistic retards hate znes because its popular. They use emulators that have no UI, only command lines. These autistic fucks think their emulator is superior because its harder to use

Common sense


there's a way to make Snes9x' UI look like ZSNES.

>"That was a very good video game, I enjoyed that."

I'm playing that exact same game, with this exact same tool. Coliseum is easy as shit.


>ZSNESfags are literally so stupid they have absolutely no knowledge of other SNES emulators and are afraid of command line
SNES9X has a UI.

stfu shill

only if you apply the graphics+audio patch that reverts those to the snes version.

GBA games visuals are brighter (read: uglier) because of lack of illumination and the soundchip is ass.

Usagi Drop
time skip


what does it offer that zsnes doesn't in terms of me replaying ff3?

>FFIII instead of VI

Fucking triggered

snes9x has terrible audio and low-color graphics.



Better sound emulation.

ZSNES audio emulation is way worse, color isn't really an issue for either. If you want the best its BSNES but everybody hates the special way it needs to load ROMS by adding them to the list or whatever.

that actually triggered me, good job staying within the theme of the thread

>Owning a wii U
alright you got me



How better? Are things wrong on zsnes when it comes to sound? Is this a bitrate thing or are you being subjective?

seems petty t b h.

Why did Sony help destroy gaming?

it's square enix.

Neither of those things are ff3

You asked how the ZSNES preforms in terms of sound.

Follow the reply chain

>Are things wrong on zsnes when it comes to sound?
Learn to read.

do you not know how conversations work?

>How is it in relation to game
>it has better sound
>in what way?
>it has more accurate sound in these other games

Those are called examples of the quality of emulation for games running on the emulator (that includes FF6).

I was asking specifics. But generalizations are fine too

I think Undertale was a masterpiece. And I am dead serious.

>ZSNES sound

>Correct sound

Only problem with Zsnes is that can't run Mario RPG properly. Paper Mario doesn't really work on 64 emulators either. Mario rpgs just aren't meant to be emulated.



>Only problem
Far from it

>Mario rpgs just aren't meant to be emulated.
Except Super Mario RPG which runs flawless on Snes9x or Higan

Don't hold a game's emulation ability to ZSNES

Jesus are people really this autistic? It sounds near identical for fucks sake


I'm talking about the screech right before the battle. Besides the menu cursor being inconsistent, most of it is the same, but now when you get into the later game and hear more powerful attacks with more complex sound make a different noise every time based on what ZSNES feels like doing.

The whole point is, this was acceptable when ZSNES was the best choice of emulator. It's been surpassed and today there's no point in using it. The autists are the ones who actually still use it today for some reason.


>autists are the ones who DON'T care about this minuscule thing, trust me!
Other way around, bub.

ePSXe is pretty good now that it's updated
Still closed source though

Jeez, you are delusional. Who cares how someone plays a game? Just be happy that they're playing classics


But they're monsters, no hume


I don't know if that is what was supposed to trigger people, but that triggered me.

>a barbecue joint's 75% off special is serving the best pork ribs in the state and the service is practically instant
>you see a McDonalds next door and the drive through is closed
>you decide to walk in and get a McRib

>unregistered hypercam2

Hey Sam

>opens text document
>types slowly
>has to backspace to correct misspellings

Yeah no, it's not even that close. The difference is minuscule, and thus the people who are bothered by it and others using it are the ones who are autists. It's not surprising either considering ZSNES is more popular, hence why it's expected for people to use it.



But both emulators are literally free so who cares

well-done steak with bananas and ketchup


I have pirated Bandicam. It's the shit video capturing, screenshot and benchmark tool.

Exactly, why not choose the better one where monsters don't sound like cats meowing and Lavos sounds like it's dying before you even attack it?


Talking about old 'how to' videos that use hypercam 2.

you got this one OP!

Listen here you paste sucking dumbasses


Skyrims Thieves Guild questline has very immersive story and interesting characters

Wait why? I haven't watched that show since the digital emperor shit with the 2nd wave of kids, why would a matt/sora pairing be triggering?


The only thing that triggers me here is that I'm not Samus in that pic.

cause the whole first season, and especially the ''movie'', made it seem like Tai and Sora was gonna be a thing, but all of a sudden they revealed that it was actually Matt.


You must have the best shits ever.

Higan exists. Why the fuck would you use anything else.

>mfw no one has ever explained to me why zsnes is bad and I've been using it for years with no problems



Still the least input lag of any SNES emulator for me and accurate enough that I can play the games I want to play without noticing any errors at all.





the only correct answer is the NOT the emulator and NOT the game he is playing. the CORRECT answer is, however, that he is using the emulator to load a saved state- ie a quicksave feature where you can reload a saved state of your choosing at any moment of any game. it's cheating, essentially.