After playing all the final fantasies, it has been decided that
Final Fantasy 7 was the best the Final Fantasy.
After playing all the final fantasies, it has been decided that
Final Fantasy 7 was the best the Final Fantasy.
But Final Fantasy IX is the best.
inb4 somone says 4,6 or 12 were better
8 was the best
but the best one is V
8 was trash, with it's stupid junction system and card game bullshit.
Final Fantasy II was the best.
nine was clearly the best PS1 Final Fantasy
IV is the absolute best one
Can't argue against that
Hear hear.
Recently replayed FFVIII and it's far better than people give it credit for but the game completely falls apart after disk 2. The first 8 or so hours are the best part of the game.
VII > IX > V > VI > X > VIII > IV > XII > III > I > II > shit > XV > XIII
Get off the Internet, Jarred. FFVIII is the FF for angsty teens, and you only like it because it was comforting to your teen self.
IV and VI are better tho
5 higher than 6
8 higher than 4
i can't stand 6 fags. I can't play 6 for more than 10 minutes.
>that taste
Why is VII the best to you? And "it was my first rpg/FF is not an answer
spotted the VIII faggot.
>not VI because he's too autistic to play VI
yeah continue being a casual faggot who don't care about the story or gameplay, just fanarts.
I never even played 8 faggot
Not him but:
- best skill system
- very well developed characters, lowpoints are Cait Sith and Yuffie but Barret, Cid, and Red XIII more than make up for it.
- one of the better stories in FF
- an enormous amount of content and minigames
cloud is simply the best looking main character of any game.
He is a pure bred Aryan.
Why would you want to play as anything else?
more fun hidden shit, a fun world to explore, nice materia system
>not wanting to play as Goku
7 and 10 were my favourites. I think the series as a whole is varied enough so that everyone has their own favourite game
the only FF game I didn't really like was 2 -- and maybe 1 as well.
People actually like that tedious grindfest?
and to add to that, Cloud is a great protagonist. Whoever handled the writing (and maybe this is in part due to Woolsey's translation) knocked it out of the park
He's Japanese retard.
>From "Nibleheim"
He's not even from Wutai which is in-game asia.
1.It has the best design of any final fantasy. Midgar is iconic, all the characters are cool looking and distinct from one another.
2.Materia system is awesome. I want to grow my magical balls and give other people my magical balls
4.Everything is interesting. Slums, Shinra, Mako Reactors, Mutations, Giant Weapons, Insanity, Rocket Ships, SOLDIER, Brain Washing
>Fetal alcohol syndrom face
>hair split down the middle like a fag
>huge fucking hand cuffs with no sleeves
this guy is a gigantic faggot
The gay cloud we have now is Japanese. The original one is not.
FFVIII Disc 1 is the best Final Fantasy.
>lowpoints are Cait Sith
t. Plebe
Cait Sith:
Is the supporting character who can relate most to Cloud, with them both being "puppets"
His design parallels the many layers of manipulation to the central story, with him being controlled by Shinra, and in turn he rides a giant Moogle he controls (similar to Sephorth/Jenova/Cloud)
Cait Sith #1 had the best death scene, releasing himself from this bondage by sacrificing himself and affirming his individuality, alluding to Cloud's own struggle as a "clone"
>I think the series as a whole is varied enough so that everyone has their own favourite game
This is true.
I've played through the entire series up to 11 in 2016 for the first time and tried to judge them on how they improved compared to each previous iteration. What they did that was new, what was done better, what they fucked up.
It's really hard to say any of them were "bad" really. Most people's favorites seem to fall on the stronger ones of the series though. I hardly see people say FF V is the best for example, because it barely did anything new or noteworthy. While FF II tried to change too much all at once and that turned a lot of people away, so a lot of people say it's the "worst".
I feel like FFVI was the perfect combination of the ideas of all the previous 2D iterations and FVII surprisingly made a graceful leap to 3D while introducing new mechanics and somehow not fucking that up too hard. I guess it deserves points for that.
FFVII was what cemented the series status as one of the premier RPGs franchises, just as easily had there been a well executed 3D Breath of Fire or Secrets of Mana then they would've become what Final Fantasy is today.
The previous Final Fantasies stood alongside their peers but the bold leap to 3d, capitalising on the ps1 technology, is what allowed it become a franchise that people care about. For better or worse.
8 is the best but i respect your opinion
I don't think it was 3D so much as using it well, with the "cinematic" camera, the seamless transitions between CG and game and stuff
I was only in it for the tits
kek not with that shitty combat senpai
Saying 6 is better than 7 is like saying Zelda 1 is better than ocarina of time
I also wonder if the 3 discs had some impact on the way it was perceived as some big marketable cinematic event.
So big it can only be contained on 3 cd-roms!!
and cd-roms are bigger than cartridges!!
Are you fucking high
Not an argument
Is it retarded to prefer V? plz no hate
best story imo
Same thing I say about 1-4.
Sounds like someone hasn't played it
Oh, but I did.
5 is when that shit finally stopped.
Grinding slowed down in 3, and gone by 4. you literally have no reason to grind in 4
Why do you guys need to be so divisive? You aren't going to change each other's minds and you aren't going to change your own. Do you guys just like fighting each other so much? Why does it matter what user's preference for his favorite Final Fantasy is?
>Final Fantasy 7 was the best the Final Fantasy.
This is true. Here on Sup Forums we base the value of a game on it's sales and reviews, which 7 has the most of any FF and the highest ratings. Therefore, it is objectively the best.
Don't mix old Sup Forums with Sup Forumsedditors who makes the console war threads and sales/game reviews or youtube celebrity threads
IX was better. Lost interest in VII after I left Midgar. Plus the character models were trash even compared to other games released around the same time.
False. You need reflect for Asura, which will require some grind.
And Asura is optional, and no, you don't need reflect to beat her
>Not a grind fest
Good luck any useful job skills in 5 without grinding your ass off
I've never finished a final fantasy game, i touched them all to a point and i spent most time in FF 7,10 and 13.
that being said, i fucking hate you people who think final fantasy 10 is bad just because Final fantasy 13 exists.
>oh 13 is bad cause it's liniar so 10 must be bad too!
oh fuck you guys, 10 is fucking great, the world, characters, cutscenes and combat are all fantastic.except for maybe Khimari
granted i can see how people think the SNES/FF7/FF9 final fantasys are better.
but saying that FFX is bad is just hillariously wrong.
you people sound like the same kind of people that say Resident evil 4 is bad because RE5 and 6 are similar to it and those are bad so RE4 is bad...
either way 15 looks kinda trash but i hope i'm wrong.
Best Final Fantasy coming through!
Well memed.
post your lists then nerds
I respect your opinion but final fantasy 6 is the best.
u are wrong
I must disagre with myself here, I actually like FF4 more
A good death, but the best was Palom and Porum turning themselves to stone to save the rest of the party from a crushing room.
FF sprites hold up really well even today
Nobody thinks 1-3 are the best. By which I mean nobody who isn't the ultimate hipster.