Tfw to intelligent to enjoy videogames

>bought this because it was on sale
>ever since I finished it I can't enjoy other games anymore because of the bland characters and writing

le ebin intelligence memem

>he thinks poorman's Steins gate is good
you're pretty retarded if anything



he has 6 fingers....

Isn't your board /lbgt/?

Sup Forums pls

Oh? Based on the first hour, I found this intensely boring, hackneyed, and unrelatable. Does it get much better, or are you not actually that smart?

OP. Life is strange is good. But chapter 5 is the greatest abomination known to man

>Not citing Kentucky Route Zero as your high intellect thinkpiece

OP, are you implying that walking plot-hole of a game is intelligent?

post the sfm version

Fuck off Tumblr.

Practice switching your brain into different modes of operation. I play video games because I'm intelligent, I need a break from it.

Enough too kill any shitposter that moves

It's shit

Sup Forums has a shit, unreasonable, hard-on for godawful VNs

>tfw to intelligent

Clearly not, it's "too".

Even though OP is baiting and I'm sure Sup Forums hates it I do love this game.

>Hey I bought bad copy of butterfly effect

Good for you.

it wasn't even about butterfly effect. it was mass effect's endings all over again

>I'm so intelligent I can't enjoy anything in life
You must have a pretty sad life mate.

I tried the first episode of this, but the only character who seemed at all interesting was Kate. The rest were just bland which I understand because that was only a small portion of the whole game, but Max and Chloe were just unappealing. I wanted to like it, but just didn't.

>mfw I go to a friends house and he is playing Time-travelling gilmore girls adventure

>tfw to intelligent

well, that settles it, I guess


>tfw to intelligent
>to intelligent

You fucking retard.

Life is Strange is hella totes shit, shaka brah.
Also Chloe is the biggest cunt ever.

>Life Is Strange ep 1
User reviews:
Overwhelmingly Positive (10,365 reviews)
Overwhelmingly Positive (68,112 reviews)

>Life Is Strange ep 2

User reviews:
No user reviews


ur a cunt


oh yeah dude it's HELLA GOOD

The first episode was pretty weak. 90% of her classmates just had me rolling my eyes. It gets much better from that point on.

>final descision in the game is either kill the blue haired cunt to save everyone or kill everyone to save the blue haired cunt
>both decisions negate the entirety of the game
Why do people like this garbage?

>to intelligent
wew lads!

>most blatant troll possible
>serious replies come rolling in
At least sage, retards.