Who here is enjoying FFXV?

Who here is enjoying FFXV?

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I'd break her limit, if you know what I mean.

What did he mean by this?

Dude do you even English.
He wants to make her angery.


>There are people who don't know what a limit break is

Holy shit. I don't even play FF.

not me, Chapter 9-15 is somehow worse than anything in FF13

What did he mean by this ?

The worst part is that it won't let me cancel.

I'm enjoying it a lot. Chocobo riding is amazing and beats every other chocobo experience out there. The party AI even wiggles the chocobos left and right like they did in the FF7 chocobo racing mini game. Made me chuckle.

Too bad the combat just doesn't listen.

Man you guys fall for every bait there is this days
>First guy says "If you know what i mean"
>Second guy says "I dont undestand plz explain" with obvious comic intent

>tfw the movie was better than the game

can i buy more cloth ???? and where ?
these black and casual cloth are boring. i want something ridiculous

Wear casual clothes but they give you stat penality

Im trying, it's not working. This shit is terrible, why the fuck did I buy a PS4 Pro for THIS?

I wanted it for a road trip game instead of a giant story and wasn't dissappointed. Loving it so far.

Limit breaks are such a shitty mechanic anyway.

is this a smug frogposter

leave it to the last mainline ff for atleast a decade to have a shit waifu girl, atleast the game is fun

>falling for the reverse bait

so you can play senran kagura on it?

>haven't finished chapter 3
>I'm level 30
>16 hours played
I love it.

anyone experiencing an audio crack during some combat ? or my TV is dying

wow that's overleveled. Don't remember if it was the end of chapter 2 or 3, but the first boss was 22 when I was 12 (quest level was like 9). You're going to be way ahead
I'm having fun too

I'm at i just started chapter 3, just killed deadeye, I'm 18 and have 11 hours

>Falling for the I cant believe you fell for this b8 allow me to explain it

quality shitpost

>pre-ordering video games
>buying video games at launch
>buying video games at full price
You retards never learn, do you.

>Game is about Noctis's road trip to go marry his arranged waifu
>You meet the million times superior waifu Cidney 2 minutes into the game

How did they fuck up this hard?

can you get more specific please.

>Final Fantasy
It was going to happen anyways. The only reason I want to cancel is because Best Buy is supposedly having a Buy Two, Get One Free sale on Sunday.

If I'm going to blow $50. I want it to count for something.

Because that's how it works in real life. You get engaged/married and then meet a better girl.

who's the artist

It's hard to tell from videos, but does the combat actually have any 'strategy' to it? It honestly just looks like button mashing to me but it's impossible to say without playing it. Is there any sort of decision making to replace the old turn based system?

Can't read?

sorry, i don't understand what you wrote to me. who's the artist btw?

Wait, what is a limit break?

No I'm serious.

How do i summoned Titan? Ramuh's always the one that comes out.

you're mom

can i get my pepe succ?

Doing more than 9999 on a single hit.



Whoa dude you're not supposed to do side content. 10 HOURS LMAO XD

3rd chapter here also. Played for 8 hours and am lvl 21. I enjoy the hunts, but the sidequests are meh.

Her tits look like a botch boobjob in the game. Fucking malteasers stuck to her chest.


I'm level 20. 11 hours in. Still on chapter 1. Spent ages running around the high level dungeons to try to get overpowered accessories early on.

Opposite actually. I appreciate natural tits. Not botched blobs with no life or gravity to them.

can someone please answer this particularly with contact info? I have about 500$ to put towards a particular fetish drawing of cidney i want in this style, particularly anal vore

1st post best post

>FF15 fanboys think 11-16 hours is a lot
Hmmm really makes you think.

Tanlines is such shit, stop shilling.

I enjoy the game a lot.
just don't put me in a room with 3 fucking red giants, some snake monster that can petrify me or turn me into a frog, and countless flans.
fuck that room very much.

Why is Cidney's English voice so bad?

>open thread
>no porn
ok. see you guys around.

Post more tanline pron

The drawing says it.
It's r3dfive.deviantart.com
He answers to notes loyally but it's been a while since I've followed him

Anyone else find it really strange that they hired Florence and the Machine to do music for them?

i'm 10 hours in and at the beginning of chapter 3

its okay for what it is, a gay road trip simulator

the combat is a hack-n-slash with fluid gameplay and animations, but not at all tactical or challenging. the story is shit. the characters are literally gay. like "having ticklefights while sleeping in a single tent" levels of gay. they actually had a ticklefight. they made animations for a ticklefight and put it in the game.

if you want to go fishing, hang out at restaurants, shoot selfies, learn about the local cuisine and drive around with your best gay buddies, this is the game for you. don't buy it if you're looking for a FF

>that face
Looks like her Shadow

sidequests are content padding trash

>go grab 5 yellow frogs
>go grab 5 red frogs

>go give a potion to a random chocobo who is 10 kilometres away
>do it again

there's no originality, no love at all in these sidequests. Trash, all of them.

It would be better if they were softer with more jiggle

Might want to stop playing once you reach the second half then

Every time i'm engaging someone in combat i instantly understand that KH2 which is like ten years old now is more technical, fun and fast.

Bet she took Prompto behind the garage while the others met with Paw-Paw and rode him until he was drained.

so I looked at videos of the duscae demo

why did they remove special abilities from the player? you only do stuff with team attacks.

>implying all 4 of them didn't stick their dicks somewhere inside her at the same time

This. I could forgive anything else in the game, but the combat just doesn't feel right to me. It's stiff, and strange, I thought with some time I would be okay with it, but it's still annoying.

Hope than at least she get married with Gladio.
She is too perfect for this game.

>has each individually at various times
>takes all four at once later

Wonder which stud's seed would be the one to plant inside her.

>Over 300 song soundtrack
>Not released until 21st

How am I supposed to take it easy until then?

>have quest i cant access because locked off.
>just keep doing main story
>finally unlock area, next main quest is leaving the open world

Thats some.good dem there game design right dere boyo


explain further

the story presentation is so bad I think I'm gonna return it before I finish it

Where the XIV album lads?

Probably to put more emphasis on the group dynamic, it seems like a huge emphasis they wanted in the game, so they must've thought that was a good way to incorporate the party feeling like a party in combat.

why is there a giant fucking water city if you only spend like 10 minutes doing story stuff in it

For fuckin REAL, I don't care about the game, but Final Fantasy soundtracks always have SOMETHING good, so I definitely want to get a hold of that.

Hot. They knew damn well what they were doing when they called it a "full service" station

>be the prince
>check bank account
>0 gil

>get up to a fishing spot
>can't stop myself from fishing until my line runs out

How do I control my autism?

>buying and selling stuff from your own car

Gladiolus is one of the sexiest FF men. On this I shall brook no argument.

Why is she so perfect.