Why does this piece of shit get so hot so quickly and fill my room with the smell of burning plastic?

Why does this piece of shit get so hot so quickly and fill my room with the smell of burning plastic?

because your trailer has no proper ventilation.

Because it's 4 the players

All that heat is 4 the player, because you had to skip on heating to afford the console.

Maybe your carpet is too fluffy causing over heating via over fluffyness

that pic is not made by me, mine is on hard wooden board

Is it polished

yes my wood is polished, by ur mum

Perhaps its over polished and reflecting heat back up into the unit eitherway its going to need to be given the once by offical sony qualified specialists

can sony specialists give me the once?

oh wait they already did when i bought the console

Maybe it detected how much a faggot you are

My PC makes my room nice and toasty. But it doesn't smell like burnt plastic.

Master race wins again.

1. It's AMD
2. It's inside a tiny plastic shell
3. All consoles are made cheap to be cost efficient

Sony does it again

So that is your console huh?

This was already a old shitty bait last week
there was even a pro version and youtube videos lel Some mighty butthurt Microsoft people if i have ever seen some.

i saw some guy say that elevation is good
i have yet to try it because i don't have much problems with mine

It's winter, you should be happy about the free heat sony gives you!

et tu autisticus?

I just thought it was a common playstation thing. My ps3 slim used to do the exact same thing and you could even hear the plastic warping after playing for like an hour. It would sound like the plastic was cracking.

It doesn't. You're false flagging. At least grab an image that isn't the first fucking result on google the next time.

you know what thermal expansion is, right?

Why would he photograph his own console?

Pitanje je, jesi li ti?

You know an electronic product is badly designed if it heats enough to warp its casing, right?

>OP says that image isn't his he just grabbed a pic from google

Why are people so retarded

It depends what exact part is doing the warping. If it's the ventilation grill then it shouldn't do any damage to the innards.

This slim and the ps3 slim are the only 2 electronic devices I've owned which do this. Even my old 360 which was known to have bad thermal issues didn't have that annoying cracking noise. The cracking so fucking loud you can hear it in the next room.

The elections and Sup Forums attracted lots of these people

So whats the better console, PS4 fat or slim? I remember PS3 Slim was far better in any regard, is this the same with PS4 Slim?

Woah there, you might wanna calm down, op, nobody cares you got triggered over being caught.

see Not even OP

Calm down op, you really need to get that anger under control.

mine doesn't do that....

playing FFXV for hours and when I put the controller on top of the console and feel the console afterward its barely warm.

So with the PS4 pro I can play video games and fry food on top of it too?! Damn... I could probably even heat some water on top of it too for a nice drink in the winter.

Why would anyone ever get an xbone now.

Didn't you know not going through the effort of specifically taking a photo of your unique original consoles makes you a highly paid shill hired by the evil jewish conspirators?

It all makes sense now, doesn't? Soon you'll be eligible to post on Sup Forums on the daily basis.

Because you're too stupid to take care of a gaming PC and too suggestible to enjoy a Wii-U

Me neither. Gets hot around here because summer is getting closer but nowhere near like burnt plastic and I have played straight like 10 hours of Bloodborne.

Summer is getting closer??? Fucking summer? It's fucking december.

Why would he post someone elses photograph of their own console?

He's probably an aussiefag, when it's winter in the northern equator it's summer in the southern equator

Be careful he might be australian and shitpost you to death

Why do you live on a hard wooden board?
Won't your shit get wet?

Why don't they put the once in the box when you first buy the console?

so he doesn't have to take a photo of something you can google search in 2 seconds. Are you autistic?

When he makes claims about his own thing why would he show someones elses of that thing?


because it's the same thing. unless he has a ps4 with water all over it, it doesn't matter.

Stop playing mind games with me.

You're on to something here

that guy is a muthafuggin lier

But its not the same thing.

Ever heard of "works on my machine" ?

>Ever heard of "works on my machine" ?

yeah, with PC's. this is a PS4, there's nothing different. Plus with that logic, he would have had to take pictures of the inside of it to convince you which is retarded.

>Inb4 a bunch of retards who don't understand thermodynamics tries to shill for the ps4 being an overheating piece of shit

Because it uses AMD

is it some unimaginable feat to own a PS4? Do I need to show picture proof of my game cases anytime I want to discuss them?

> there's nothing different
There have been machines dead on arrival and some that worked + it is hardware so there is always a chance that they are different. We can't 100% replicate physical objects in the real world, its not data.

So please stop lying.

Calm down OP.

Not in Antarctica!

anybody who actually owns a PS4 wouldn't say bad things about it

Why don't you calm down there, OP? We already figured out your false flagging bullshit, you can go now.

This. The back of the console gets slightly warm. Thats it.


this made me laugh so hard idk why

nigga look at that form-factor. wth did you think was going to happen?

Sounds like a fucking jet engine though