Characters the game should have let you kill

Let's start off the thread with this stupid bitch.

For someone who's supposed to be smart, she's really inept at seeing what kind of shit she's creating.

>vampire hunter
>helps vampire princess who has an elder scroll instead of immediately killing her
Thank you Todd, for taking part in Make-a-wish effort and providing little Jimmy who has braincancer with an opportunity of a lifetime. The story he wrote made into a videogame

Yeah, that was really retarded.

>join vampire hunting faction
>still have to play escort missions with a vampire

>tfw you were supposed to get your ass kicked, but get away with everything you did due to developer time constraints.

Not a single one in Bethesda can write anything cohesive. That shit ass developer really needs to burn down into the ground.

she was being held prisoner by an elite special forces unit.


>making that shit for Hugh Darrow
>lying to Adam about stealing and using his DNA
>then working for Bob Page

>held prisoner
>he doesn't remember the dick-plug
>"Jar~on, is that you?"

That bitch is either evil or clinically unlucky to keep getting wrangled into working for the evilest dudes around

So much of a prisoner that when Adam rescues her she offers to upgrade him so that he completely fucks up during the next boss fight.

yea but the shit in the vaults in MKD actually kinda makes up for not being able to kill her *Yet* helping create the nano virus makes me wan't to kill her even more though.


>For someone who's supposed to be smart, she's really inept at seeing what kind of shit she's creating.

She trusts someone who is vastly smarter than her, and even does what he tells her, mostly.

You complaint is childish and moronic.

> dick-plug
Or maybe waste removal, they are of equal importance, right?

>yea but the shit in the vaults in MKD actually kinda makes up for not being able to kill her


Nothing of that happens, the only bossfight left after that is with zhao yun ru, and she does remove the effects of the chip.
The effects in the jaron fight come from the limb clinic, not her.

And yeah, she is definitely a prisoner, albeit one collaborating with a traitor amongst her captors, so she is actually working against her abductors, and the game has no indication that she does not 100% believe in the righteousness of her actions.

Yo buddy.

Don't forget if you wanna stay in the dragon hunting faction you have to murder the only dragon in the world not trying to fuck you in the ass.

>Don't forget if you wanna stay in the dragon hunting faction you have to murder the only dragon in the world not trying to fuck you in the ass.
Isn't that the point of Dragon Hunters?

The Jew Hunters let Soros live because he helped them despite being a Jew

Probably, but then. Why are you lugging a vampire around the place if you are part of the vampire hunting faction?

play the game

Can't. PC is too shit.

In mankind divided she is working on making augs not need neuropozyne but the thing she creates isn't working and is actually a poison the illuminati uses
She doesnt really have a major role,just mentioned once or twice


I wonder what kind of weapon/disaster will she make for the next game.

The grey death from the first Deus Ex bud that's what it's hinting towards.

She will probably get killed in the next and final game(they said it was a trillogy),or atleast the final adam jensen game.The next game will probably deal with dismantling the juggernaut collective and the bob page coup.Megan is working with bob page so im guessing thats where we see her

Why post that here?

it's fuckin random dude that's why I use spoiler