Watch_Dogs 2

This game is fun so far.

Main character is into "anime hardcore purple elf" apparently.

Other urls found in this thread:,6.html

"anime" has become a normie meme since streamers/youtubers have started acting like ironic weebs and top 15 anime anything videos flooded in.

Well, the main characters are a bunch of turbo nerds with really high power levels, so it seems appropriate.

the normiest of all normie tags

Black people are the biggest weebs

>Well, the main characters are a bunch of turbo nerds with really high power levels
>They dress like /fa/ if they were more faggy and actually leave the house

Haha nah.

why does that fucking whore have her veil off? She needs to be stoned to death in the name of allah inshallah

I've only played about an hour, and the main cast seem like a bunch of dipshits. Do they get any better later on?

hahahahaha triggered faggots

Man that nigga probably doesn't even know the game he's looking forward to is NTR. Should have known though when it was Lilith making my elf sister.

>turbo nerds can't dress like faggots

I think you get out even less than the people you're proclaiming to know about.

>They just kill that one dude off with little fanfare

It was such a random death and it had no implications on the story at large. Hell the main bad guy never seemed evil till at some random point he had to start cliche twirling his mustache. Game was a mess and fuck the Division level bullet sponge enemies near the end.

Apparently black dude does, but don't take my word for it I heard it from some user along with some spoilery shit as to why he gets better

>DX12 advertised game
>No DX12
>Runs like shit on any kind of system

Did NVIDIA deliberately leave out DX12 to avoid getting BTFO by AMD?
Why didn't they include it?

>Inb4 it's a meme

Which purple elf do you think he was searching for?

Because they're a bunch of niggers.

What kind of porn do you think she watch?

Characters being just asses seems like a common problem with Ubisoft games.

>Runs like shit on any system
>99% of steam reviews is about how well optimized pc port it is

Spotted the AMDpoor

>970 has 2 frames over the 470
>hurr durr amdpoor
No, the game is not optimized.


>Nvidia outperforms amd

Nothing new here.
Just another case of AMD transforming into MAD again

>Did NVIDIA deliberately leave out DX12 to avoid getting BTFO by AMD?

Yeah, pretty much. AMD cards gain a lot more performance benefits from DX12 than Nvidia does, because NVIDIA cards lack the proper hardware to run DX12 effectively. This is also why Nvidia faggots on Sup Forums have been dismissing DX12 as a meme.

Now you wouldn't want your competition to run your sponsored game better than you, right?

>Unironically defending unoptimized gamyes for the sake of brandcucking
People like you are cancer

*headchallah, you fucking infidel

>Runs great for 99% of the people
>D-duude its not because i cant afford nvidia!

