take off your pants
Pretty good symbolism for how the series took a quick turn for the worse as it killed off what little good there was left.
Seriously, the ending in TLAD was so perfect and then this shit happens
TLAD is shit.
>girlfriend was a whore crack addict.
We are only as strong as the weakest link in the chain.
No, it wasn't
It was, but I still would have liked a little more respect for Johnny.
I find it hard to believe people cared about TLAD this much.
The characters were completely forgetable.
Meanwhile Niko got a whole new life because he was a good character.
>feeling sad over a kike geting his brain smashed
When you put it that way.. I guess it hurts a little less.
No, why do you even care about him, Rockstar has killed more decent Gta characters than Johnny, like Vic whom you played a whole game years later knowing he would die like a nobody in a cutscene for a previous game.
Don't deal and do drugs, simple as that or it will turn into bottom feeder waiting to get stomped.
>A nobody from a expansion pack represents all of what made GTA good.
Holy shit, hang yourself.
It wasn't Claude, nor Tommy, nor CJ, nor any other actual legendary GTA character, it was Johnny the nobody who for some reason has people like you mourning him.
I wish Beverly would of still lived.
It was the act of mercy.
He ended his pathetic life of the cuck
>GTA4 comes out
>muh too dark, too grim, not as fun as san andreas, muh boat cars, muh unintresting story/missions, muh small map, muh no planes
>gta5 comes out
>fixes most of the things people complained about in gta4
>''wow gta4 was such a masterpiece, muh deep story, muh serious characters, muh great physics, muh nostalgia''
But you ain't stressin right?
>GTA 4 babies are still this triggered over this great scene
GTA 5 is the best GTA gameplay wise.
No other GTA game does anything better than it.
Lots of content, humour, neat characters-although the characters on the scale go from top-tier to shit-tier.
The missions are fun, the story is okay and the online-ESPECIALLY now is one of the best.
>Inb4 some faggot complains because somebody pushed his shit in during GTA online
It's fun.
GTA 4 was neato. GTA 5 was better in a lot of ways.
t. cuck
I want Trevor to be killed by smothering in GTAVI by a sassy obese black lady
Why Is this the only memorable moment in GTAV ? Every GTA has at least a handful of memorable scenes or quotes but GTA 5 is different
Trevor is an edgelord
Very correct
That would be fun as hell, no Trevor fan would throw a bitch fit like Johnnyfags.
you underestimate the autism of gta fans user
trevor already dies a horrible death in V. There was no way i was gonna let the psychopath into my life permanently. I was roleplaying as Michael
>all the edgy fourteen year olds that make up most of Sup Forums wouldn't flip their shit.
It's pretty obvious that Rockstar despises their fanbase, and the people that actually like the shit they are doing now are normies, or people who desperately think that if they praise the company, they'll get something good out of it.
Maybe it's because you didn't play the game.
Michael and Trevor are full of memorable acenos, family teraphy, reality show, rampages, torture, truth about Brad, etc.
Only Franklin is boring.
>literally you
i'm surprised this is even debated. San andreas nostalgiafags are the worst, and only they can even come close to presenting a genuine argument
gta 3 and vice cityfags are completely laughable
Literally why? Johnny was a shit character and GTAIV is objectively the worst GTA game.
Franklin had some pure comedy gold Lamar moments
>PSP character
>you have different opinions than me so you're a child
Nigger I remember the shitty controls of Vice City and I remember the godawful mission design of several bits of SA.
I remember the bizarre flip in designs when GTA 3 game out and wondering if this would translate properly/how it would affect other games.
GTA 5 has come out and despite all the shitposting, it's fucking fun.
You don't have to drive 2 miles an hour to avoid ruining your neat car, the story is bretty good and the missions are pretty much all fun.
Trevor is a bit of a forced character but whatever, I'll just play as someone else.
I didn't play the DLCs of GTA 4 because after beating the main story I didn't fancy spending more time playing the game because it was a bit clunky and too grimdark to appeal to why I've come to like GTA: Crazy fun and silly humour.
People who think GTA needs to go full super serious crime drama to be good can go look at Read Dead Redemption and remember why a lack of humour and fun mission design in a GTA game makes a game get really fucking stale, really fucking quick.
I liked TLaD much but I still didn't care about this scene. It's not like I was expecting Johnny to return as anything except a cheap cameo anyway.
Nothing wrong with Trevor btw, it's about time we got a character who fits the "I'm gonna drive over some pedestrians for the lulz" persona of the "average" GTA player.
>jew cuck from the shit DLC
Lamar isn't on every mission, and Franklin really doesn't shine by himself.
You mean PS2 character.
Franklin is okay.
He's a bit super serious, but I think he gets a bit too much hate.
His story of ambitious gangbanger living in slums suddenly getting propelled into a luxurious life alongside a pampered veteran con was a cool little dynamic. Especially when he interacted with Michael's son.
Michael's my favourite of the three, but Franklin was okay.
It's not fucking fair.
I didn't even realize it was the guy from TLAD because bikers are smelly hobos and I'm not interested in playing as one.
Now if it had been Luis, I'd have been upset. But Luis is a cool dude, not some cow skin wearing cuck, so he wouldn't end up in a situation like this.
im not mad im just sad about what happened
>flawed man that just wants whats best for his bikergang
>cant let go of his damaged goods biker slut ex
>eventually goes west and becomes an icehead cuckold and a shell of his former self, what trevor did to him was a mercy
It would've been better if they had Trevor kill the whore and take the bitch beta Johnny under his wing after entirely fucking his life up and showing him all of his biker gang bros being killed in front of Johnny, essentially making him snap into someone more fearsome than Trevor but Trevor controls him throughout the story.
But nah, Rockstar made a quick joke off of a well developed character. If you played TLAD dlc, you'd have more respect for Johnny as a character to just be offed for a simple laugh.
If it was Luis , I could understand the upset, he was rad