Where is my Morrowind Thread?

Where is my Morrowind Thread?

what's your:

>favorite House
>favorite race
>favorite settlement
>favorite questline

Let's keep it comfy

Just to get things going.

>Seyda Neen
>Hlaalu House quests

>>favorite House
House Indoril
>>favorite race
>>favorite settlement
>>favorite questline
It's a tie between "The Path of the Incarnate" where you learn that others have tried to become Nerevar reborn but failed, and "Redoran Hortator" where you duel Bolvyn Venim in the Vivec Arena. That felt like an extremely good pivotal moment for the plot.

>>favorite House
>>favorite race
>>favorite settlement
Sadrith Mora
>>favorite questline
This is difficult, can't really say. I would say the whole Morag Tong questline.

Telvanni Dunmer is the master race.

Anyone got that fat black n'wah woman intro for Morrowind image?

>>favorite House
My Ass
>>favorite race
My Ass
>>favorite settlement
My Ass
>>favorite questline
My Ass
Fuck you, fuck this thread, and fuck this shitty game.

>>favorite House
>>favorite race
>>favorite settlement
>>favorite questline
Thieves Guild



>never finished morrowind, got close to dagoth ur, didnt touch expac
>never finished oblivion, only fucked around with the fighter/mage/db quests
>finished skyrim, finished dawnguard but didnt finish dragon born
>yet i'm still hankering for tes-like games

Should I go back? Is it worth the hassle of scouring for mods yet again and downloading them with my 3rd world bandwidth? Should I just wait for Todd-sama's next tes game?

this will always make me laugh


Yeah, you should. Start Morrowind up with a fresh character. If you don't want to do the Main Quest, make up a backstory for your character and just roleplay.

To be honest I found out that mods just sort of kill the will to finish the game for me. When I play vanilla I usually play to the very end and don't care that much about its faults. When I play with mods it is a bit more fun at the beginning but it quickly gets boring. I don't know, maybe it's just me.

What does vivec mean by "heaven through violence"?
I want to like the MK lore but this shit isn't explained outside of tiny excerpts of the books and is used only as a plot device

I like Hlaalu most but my characters typically only have the stats to get in good with Redoran till later.

I play an Imperial Knight. I like to imagine my character is in on the Emperors plans to weaken Morrowind by destroying the tribunal and then waste the Houses resources. That's why the Nerevarine made an expedition to Akivir instead of just becoming the defacto God King of Vvardenfell and freeing the Runner from Imperial control.

Balmoral feels like home.


>Balmoral feels like home.

So true, man.

> be Telvanni master race
> walk into sum kinda Dunmer fort
> everyone's attacking me for some reason so I kill them all
> find out they might be Redoran

I didn't break the main quest did I?

You get notified if you kill someone essential for the main quest, something like:
>your actions have doomed the world, reload a save

bumping for Telvanni Best House

There's a thread here though.